Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
  Giannisi Phoebe / Professor


Born in Athens (1964). An architect, graduated from the National Polytechnic School of Athens (1988), Phoebe Giannisi holds a DEA in Philosophy from Paris I-Sorbonne (1989) and a PhD in Classics from Lyon II-Lumère (1994), published in France as Récits des Voies. Chant et Cheminement en Grèce archaïque, (Grenoble: Éditions Jérôme Millon, 2008). She has also co-authored, with Alexander Tzonis, a monograph on ancient Greek architecture, published by Flammarion in French, English and German (Classical Greek Architecture: The Construction of the Modern, Paris, 2004). 

Phoebe Giannisi is also the author of eight books of poetry, including Ομηρικά, (Athens : Kedros, 2010), published in German (“Homerika”, poets, translated by Dirk Uwe Hansen, Reinecke & Voss. 2016) and in English, (“Homerica”, translated by Brian Sneeden, World Poetry Books, 2017). This book has been selected by Anne Carson as a favorite book of 2017 (“unusually excellent new poetry book from Greece, in unusually excellent translation”) in the Paris Review.  Brian Sneeden’s translation of Ραψωδία (Athens: Gutenberg 2016) has been awarded the PenHeim Grant for translation into English (2018) and the 2019 Constantinides Memorial Translation Prize. It has also been nominated for the Anagnostis Book Awards (2017). In 2022 a second poetry collection has been published translated in English by Brian Sneeden, Cicada (New Directions: 2022).

A 2015–2016 Humanities Fellow of Columbia University, Giannisi is a founding member of the magazine [φρμκ].

In 2022 she has been the first nominated Vakalo Scholar at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Her work transverses the borders between poetry and performance, installation, theory and representation, and investigates the connections of place and the body with poetics. 

Phoebe Giannisi has contributed to several group shows including the Lyon Biennale (2009), Guggenheim New York (2013), Bauhaus Dessau (2015).

In 2010 she was co-curator for the Greek Pavilion of the 12th International Architecture Exhibition (La Biennale di Venezia) with a project on biodiversity and seeds, entitled The Ark. Old Seeds for New Metropolitan Cultures (  

In 2012-13, her poetic video/sound installation about the Cicada, TETTIX, was exhibited at the Museum of National Art (EMST) in Athens. (

In 2015 she exhibited her work project about husbandry of goats AIGAI_O ( at the Angeliki Chatzimichali Museum in Athens (with Iris Lycourioti). 

In October 2016, she presented her performance/lecture Nomos_The Land Song at Onassis Center, New York (


Personal website

Research interests

Performative Space and Poetics; Poetry; Material Culture, Land and Polyphony, Narratives and Geography; Embodied Subjectivity; Cultural Studies; Post Human Studies and Poetics;  Ancient Greek Poetry and Poetics of Performativity


1988, Diploma of Architect Engineer (1988), National Technical University of Athens
1989, DEA de Philosophie et Esthétique, Paris I- Sorbonne (1989)
1994, Docteur en Langues et Histoire des Mondes Anciens (1994), Lyon II-Lumière


Research programs

2020 - 2024, 2020-24 OPEN-UP Research Program: Creative Europe 2020-2024.

2013 - 2019, Eriphyli Veneri PhD Thesis. Title: Greek Restaurants in Berlin. Multisensoriality and myth poetics in the kitchen experience.
Position: Supervisor Professor.
Funding Body: University of Thessaly

2012 - 2014, Mémoires de la terre.  Mémoires de la terre. TWO YEARS RESEARCH PROGRAM
Funding Body: ORGANIZED BY: Labex HASTEC (Laboratoire européen d’histoire et d’anthropologie des savoirs, des techniques et des croyances), UMR ANHIMA : Anthropologie et Histoire des Mondes antiques, IMAF : Institut des Mondes Africains). SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBLES: Renée Koch Piettre, Odile Journet-Diallo, Danouta Liberski- Bagnoud.

2011 - 2018, 2011-2018. Maria Vidali PhD Thesis. Subject «Liminality, metaphor and place in the farming landscape of Tinos: the village of Kampos».
Position: Supervisor Professor.
Funding Body: University of Thessaly

2010 - 2011, The Ark. Old Seeds for New Metropolitan Cultures. Exhibition of the Greek Participation at the 12th Biennale of Architecture of Venice. Exhibition at Benaki Museum
Position: Member of the Team
Funding Body: Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climatic Change, University of Thessaly


2022, 2022, “Meteorosophy”, lecture performance delivered  at the Sanctuary of the Nymphs, in the vicinity of the National Observatory of Athens. Part of the exhibition Weather Engines, Onassis Foundation, curated by Daphne Dragona and Jussi Parrika, 3-4-2022.

2022, 2022. Cicada, poetry performance. Invited by the Pen America World Voices Festival, WORLD VERSES: AN EVENING OF INTERNATIONAL POETRY, 13-5-2022, NYU Skirball Center, New York.

2022, 2022, “Cicada” (2012), Video projection. Contribution to the artist program of the 12th Festival Routes at Marpissa, curated by Despoina Zefkili. Marpissa, Paros,26/8-28/8/2022..

2022, 2022. 2022, “The Chic Parisien”, poetry performance for the exhibition Sheltered Gardens, curated by Kika Kyriakakos. Performance Program curated by Vaskos. Diomedes Botanical Gardens, Haidari, 23-9-2022.

2020, Thetis and Chimera. Poetic Video Performance. Third Festival of Poetry Performance at the 17th Book Exhibition of Salonica., 28-11-2020. 

2020, “Chatzilazarou and Axioti". Video reading for the Cycle of Poetic Presentations of the Hellenic American Union. Dedicated to the Women Poets Pioneers from Greek Modernism  20-10-2020.

2019, "Τragoudia_Kids II". Poetic Performance aind installation of performative objects, Museum Aggeliki Chatzimichali, Athens. Curated by Apostolis Artinos, 18-1-2019. 

2019, 7/6/ 2019-31/12/2019. “Thetis-Chimera”: Contribution to the Group Exhibition Terra In-Cognita, curated by Fay Tzannetoulakou, Museum of Rooftile and Brickworks Factory N. & S. Tsalapatas, Volos. 

2019, Chimera. Group Performance for the publication of the book , Kastaniotis Editions 2019, Athens, Central Market, Restaurant Epirus, .  21-11-209. 

2018, ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙΑ: Kids. Poetic performance in the context of  «ΜΕΤΑ_ΣΥΝΟΡΑ POST_BORDERS», curated by Vassilis Amanatidis, Venue: Labattoir, Thessaloniki 9-12-2018.

2018, 2018, october. THETIS AND CHIMERA. Performance contribution to the Greek-German Poetry Night. Syn_Energy Berlin_Athens Symposium and Readings. Heimathafen Neukölln.

2018, Cyclops:A Symbiotic Dithyramb: Poetic performance in the context of "Making Oddkin — for joy, for trouble, for volcano love", curated by Nadja Argyropoulou, Nisyros Island, 10-9-2018, Pandeli's Pen.

2018, THETIS AND AEDON I. Poetic Installation "The Fortress" curated by Theodoros Zafeiropoulos inside the building fortified complex of Troupakis-Mourtzinis in old Kardamyli. 


2017, Ph. Giannisi, Z. Kotionis, “Nature- Culture Calling”, participation in the “Care and Repair” project, Vienna Biennale, 2017

2017, Rhapsody. Polyphonic Reading Happening Performance for the book launch of the poetry collection "Ραψωδία" at Romantso, Athens.

2016, ΗΟΜΕRΙC TETTIX. Performance at the Book Launch: Austerity Measures (Penguin, 2016).. Columbia University. The Heyman Center for the Humanities. Wednesday, April 20, 2016  6:00pm

2016 - 15/10/2016, NΟΜΟΣ_ΤΟ ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙ ΤΗΣ ΓΗΣ. Περφόρμανς. Συμμετοχή στο Onassis Festival NY 2016, Antigone Now. Onassis Cultural Center New York.

2016, the Cicada: Platonic Works + Days. Performance at ANIMART 2016, Organized by: The Milena Principle - Forum, Δελφοί, 23/07/2016.

2016, Kernos, Performative Dinner. Performance in the context of the symposium “Just Food”, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Education in the Arts, Vienna, 2016. In collaboration with Zisis Kotionis and Elke Krasny.

2015 - 12/6/2015, "Kernos: a plate for all". Food and audio installation. Oscar Schlemmer's house, Bauhaus, Dessau: “Householding, 2015” curated by Regina Bittner, Elke Krasny. With Zissis Kotionis.

2015 - 6/10-8/11, PATRIS II, 2015. Site specific installation. Group exhibition. "In the name of Le Corbusier", Spiteris House, bathroom. Curated by Fanis Kafantaris, Panayiotis Tournikiotis. 6/10-8/11/2015. In collaboration with Zissis Kotionis.

2015 - 22/10/2015, AIGAI_Ω. Songs. Exhibition at the Museum Aggeliki Chatzimichali. Athens, 22/10/2015-20/11/2015. With Iris Lycourioti.

2012, Tettix Performance I. Curated by Susan Gevirtz. Eco-poiesis. San Francisco. 

2011 - 2011,  In vino veritas. Dionysus Tub. Performance and Installation at Plato's Academy.  

16-10-2021. The Buzz. An open “insect-poetic” performance on the Hill of the Muses. In collaboration with Eleni Sikelianos and Katerina Iliopoulou.

Courses in current academic year

Introduction to Architecture II
Materia and Poetics: Diaspora

Other Teaching

2019, 2019. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Post-Industrial Design. In the context of the Research Center on History, Theory and Conceptual Design. 3 days (1-4/6/2019) Workshop in the island of Trikeri. Who can speak for the witness? On questions about Exile, Fragments, Stones and Testimonies with Phoebe Giannisi, Iris Lycourioti from TAM and Elke Krasny from the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, together with their students.

2017 - 2018, 2017-8 Metis in ancient Greek Thought. Course. Post-graduate studies Program Post-Industrial Design.

2016 - 2016, Visiting Associate Professor. Department of Art History and Archeologhy. Institute for Comparative Literature and Society. Columbia University. Spring Semester 2016. Course:  “Corporealities: The Poetics of Performativity”

2015, "Poetics of Ancient Greek Land: Homer, Hesiod, Lyrics. Contribution to the dissemination seminars for Educators "From Scientific Research to Teaching". Chania 16-1-2015. 

2015 - 2018, Member of the Coordinating Scientific Committee of the Postgraduate Program "POST-INDUSTRIAL DESIGN: Design and Artistic Practices for the Production of Everyday Life".

2011, 2011- 2-16/6/2011. TAM, UTH. Changing Landscapes International Workshop.  Subject of the design workshop taught by Phoebe Giannisi "On the island of Trikeri".

2011 - 2012, 2011-12. GREECIS. Series of academic lectures for the School of Architecture, University of Thessaly.  Edited by Phoebe Giannisi, Iris Lycouriotis, Yorgos Tzirtzilakis

2009, 2009. Curator together with Maria Papadimitriou of the International Workshop " Foodprint", University of Thessaly, Department of Architecture, Paou Monastery, Argalasti.

2000 - 2002, 2000-2002. Design Mentor, Graduate Design Studio, Professor Ron Walkey, University of British Columbia. 2000-2001: Athens. 2002: Cairo. 

1995 - 1996, 1995-6. Visiting Scholar, Ηarvard University. Gradutate Course, Classics Department, Professors Gregory Nagy, Emily Vermeule.


Monographs-Books [3]

Chimera. Kastaniotis: Athens, 2019

Récits des Voies,  Grenoble: Jérôme Millon, 2006

 2004.  Alexander Tzonis, Phoebe Giannisi. "Classical Greek Architecture: The Construction of the Modern", Paris: Flammarion, 2004. German Edition: *Klassische griechische Architektur: die Konstruktion der Moderne and French Edition: *Architecture* grècque *classique*: la construction de la modernité

Chapters in edited volumes [4]

 "Chimeras: Empty Space and Melting Borders" in Anne Carson/Antiquity edited by Laura Jansen (Bloomsbury 2021)

2020,  Elke Krasny and Phoebe Giannisi, “Archaeologies of Exile on Trikeri Island: Listening to Stones and Speculating on Prison Matters in Writing Architectures: Ficto-Critical Approaches”, edited by Hélène Frichot et Naomi Stead, London: Bloomsbury Collections, 2020, 60-78

Éco-nomies du son : Énoncés terrestres en Grèce ancienne”, in KOCH PIETTRE Renée (edited by), Mémoires de la Terre. Études anciennes et comparées, Grenoble: Editions Jérôme Millon, 2019, 33-44.

Poetic Speech and Public Space, in :  “Organizing from Below / HOW Assemblies Matter?”, edited by Jenny Marketou and Stephanie Bailey, Naked Punch, 2017.

Articles in scientific journals [1]

2007-“Identificación de cuerpos(El arte de la memoria y los restos arqueológicos de Atenas) /Identification of bodies. The art of memory and the antiquities of Athens” Περιοδικό Metalocus (020) R1/07, σ. 66-75.

Conference proceedings [1]

“Nomos_The Land Song”, in : Walking practices, Walking Art, Walking Bodies. Conference Proceedings, edited by Geert Vermeire, Yannis Ziogas. University of Western Macedonia School of Fine Arts, Department of Fine and Applied Arts. 2020, 24-36.

Exhibition catalogues [2]

Phoebe Giannisi,  Zissis Kotionis, "Flight and Fall from East to West", in: The Dispersed Urbanity of the Aegean Archipelago: 10th International Exhibition of Architecture Venice Biennale: Greek Participation, Katerina Kotzia, Elias Constantopoulos, Lois Papadopoulos (edited by), Athens: Futura, 2006, 312-325.

2006. "Delian Palm Tree" in:  The Dispersed Urbanity of the Aegean Archipelago: 10th International Exhibition of Architecture Venice Biennale: Greek ParticipationKaterina Kotzia, Elias Constantopoulos, Lois Papadopoulos ((edited by, Athens: Futura, 2006, 206-220.


2019,  2019. (5/7/2019) “Nomos-The Land Song”. Invited Κeynote Speaker of the Conference International Encounters/Conference -Walking Practices/Walking Art/Walking Bodies. University of Western Macedonia, School of Fine Arts, Prespes, Greece. July 1st to 7th, 2019.

20192019. “Tithonus in the City”. Cavafy Symposium 2019, “Cavafy: Polis and Politics; Civitas and Civilization”. Organized by the Hellenic Foundation for Culture. Alexandria, 2-3/10/2019

2019,  “Ι-Goat: the animal, the voice and the ego". Symposium Image / Public Space / Politics, IAKA, 21-22 November 2019, in the panel Performative Poetry: Gender, Trans-Digital and Post-Human Practices. Organizing committee: Rika Benveniste, Elena Tzelepi, Daphne Tragaki

2018,  "Chimeric Poetics". Lecture to the students of Princeton University, Princeton Athens Center, invited by Katerina Stergiopoulou. November 2018. 

2018,  "Performances of the myth". Lecture and discussion in the Greek-German Litterature Symposium  SYN_ENERGY BERLIN_ATHENS. Curated by Michaela Prinzinger, Linde Nadiani. 18-10-2018. Berlin Lettretage.

2017,  "Chimerics":  Liquid Antiquity Workshop: A New Fold, 8-9 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017, organized by Princeton Athens Centre, Athens, Curated by: Dimitri Gondicas (Princeton Athens Center), Brooke Holmes (Princeton/ Postclassicisms), and Polina Kosmadaki (Benaki Museum) and supported by the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies and Postclassicisms, 8-9/11/ 2017.

2017,  AIGIS: Transhumance, Tragédie et Poétiques de l’Animal. Contribution to the ΑΝHIMA (Anthropologie et Histoire des Mondes antiques) Congress “Mondes anciens, Nouveaux Regards”. Colloque international Anthropologie et Histoire des Mondes Antiques, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Parisι, Galerie Colbert, Institut national d’histoire de l’art, 8-11/6/ 2017.

,  2022. Aigaiou 7. Poetic Lecture at Athens Princeton Center. Participation at “Currents/Ρεύματα” International Conference curated by Polina Kosmadaki, Brooke Holmes, Giorgos Tzirtzilakis , 2-7-2022.

Academic lectures

2022,  2022. “Chimeras”, Lecture Performance at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, invited as the First Vakalo Family Visiting Scholar and Artist.13/4/2022

2022,  2022. “Cicada“, Lecture at Brown University, invited by Laird Hunt and Eleni Sikelianos to contribute at Writers on Writing, a reading serie,  part of a course on contemporary literature. 3/3/2022.

2021,  2021, “Ego and Aigo: the I_Goat”, artist lecture-performance, part of the 2020-21 CHS (Center for Hellenic Studies) Visiting Artist Series Lecture, delivered online.

,  2021, “Ego and Aigo: the I_Goat”, artist lecture-performance, part of the 2020-21 CHS (Center for Hellenic Studies) Visiting Artist Series Lecture, delivered online.


2022, 2022, “Tettix” (2012), Video projection. Contribution to the artist program of the 12th Festival Routes at Marpissa, curated by Despoina Zefkili. Marpissa, Paros, 26/8-28/8/2022..

2022, "The Butcher Boy”, audiovisual installation. Exhbition: "Rembetico", curated by Christoforos Marinos, Evita Tsokanta.  10/2-3/4/2022

2019, 2019. 12 - 19/7/2019. "Tithonus", sound work, contribution to the group art show in the Garden of Villa Iolas, Athens, organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Agia Paraskevi. Curated and coordinated by Naira Stergiou and Eriphyli Veneri.

2019, 2019. “Aigis”. Contribution to the  Group Exhibition “Blind Date: Version of Artistic Citizenship”, curated by Antonis Volanakis, Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete, Rethymnon. 28/6- 27/10/2019

2019,  PR PR PR PR FR FRFRFR KKKK HEIHEIHEI CHO TRTRTRTR YEHEHEHE, Phoebe Giannisi, Act #3 of TFLAPB (The First and Last and Always Psiloritis Biennale) 2019. Curated by Stamatis Schizakis

2018 - 2019, 27.11.2018-17.01.2019

2015 - 2015,  "KERNOS: ONE PLATE FOR ALL". Sound and food/edible installation. Artistic Contribution for the Haushaltsmesse 2015 in the Shlemmer House. Bauhaus Dessau. (with Zissis Kotionis).

2015 - 2015,  "PATRIS II, 2015". Site specific installation for the Exhibition "Στο Όνομα του Le Corbusier", (In the name of Le Corbusier), House Spiteris/Proveleggios, Athens, 6/10-8/11/2015.  Curated by Fanis Kafantaris, Panayotis Tournikiotis. (with Zissis Kotionis).  

2015 - 2015, ΑΙΓΑΙ-Ω. TΡΑΓΟΥΔΙΑ. AIGAI-O. SONGS. (with Iris Lycouriotis). Exhibition at the Centre for Folk Art and Tradition Angeliki Hatzimichali. Athens. 22/10/2015 - 20/11/2015.

2012 - 2013,  TETTIX. Landscape-Poetic Installation at Media Lounge of National Museum of Modern Art. Athens.

Public lectures

2018,  Charlotte Perriand “L’art de vivre” ou “La chambre vide”. Public lecture on Charlotte Perriand's work at the opening of the exhibition Le Corbusier - Pierre Jeanneret - Charlotte Perriand at El Greco Gallery in Athens. 27-6-2018


2014,  Organizer for the International Comparative Research Workshop "Ritual Apparatuses for an Earth Memory". Scientific Commitee. Renée Koch-Piettre (EPHE, ANHIMA), Odile Journet-Diallo (EPHE, IMAF), Phoebe Giannisi (UTH. Suppored by: Labex HASTEC (Laboratoire européen d’histoire et d’anthropologie des savoirs, des techniques et des croyances), UMR ANHIMA : Anthropologie et Histoire des Mondes antiques, IMAF : Institut des Mondes Africains), Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly (Volos, Greece).


2019,  "From Language to Language”, Helicon International Translation Workshop 2019. Participants: Mehmet Altun (Turkey), Cagla Meknuze (Turkey), Halil Karapashaoglu (Cyprus), Hao Guang (Singapore), Phoebe Giannsi (Greece), Sibila Petlevski (Croatia). Israel: Marzuk Al Halabi, Yakir Ben Moshe, Shira Stav, Noam Partom, Yonatan Kunda, Maya Tevet Dayan. Tel Aviv,26-30/11/2020

2022, 2020. Vakalo Family Visiting Scholar and Artist, Modern Greek Program, University of Michigan.

2021, 2020. Visiting Artist Invitation.  Center for Hellenic Studies (CHS), Harvard University. Washnigton DC.

2019, 2019. Attribution of Constantinides Memorial Translation Prize to Brian Sneeden for his translation of the book Ραψωδία.

2016, 2016.  Humanities Fellow at Columbia University.

2010, 2010. Curator (selected as) for the Greek Participation with Zissis Kotionis of the XIIe Biennale of Architecture at Venice. Project: The Ark. Old Seeds for New Metropolitan Cultures.