The pieces of the past I chose to match in the part of my historical analysis, they focus on the gender division of labour and of roles that have been achieved by the primary accumulations through patriarchy and capitalism. I also focus on how women's employment became gendered through legalizations and prohibitions and on how this female employment was retained in modern times through biopolitical and essentialist ideas as well. My analysis starts from the Middle Ages. It begins from the late period of the Middle Ages, reaching the witch hunting. The first regulated appearance of the gendered space by the church and the state is also first examined. I continue looking at the first years of industrialization. Τhe Industrial Revolution caused an emergency for cheap female labor, as the institution of the family had already been established in the Middle Ages and there was no reason for its wavering. In our days, women associations, industrial and construction areas associated with the male dominance try to increase the percentages of the female population worldwide, as in the 21st century the gendered occupations, mainly the male-dominated professions, have not been re-created. On the contrary, they strengthen, they neglect the development and the accession of female specifications in the work place and they functionally and psychologically hinder the working woman in the production of work. The subjects that are presented in this research are the female witch and heretic of the Middle Ages, the female worker of current and old industrialization, and more specifically the modern female truck driver. I had the chance to spend some time with the last type of female, as I followed her in her work, becoming her fellow-traveller and gaining empirical knowledge. In this way I realized how much the modern female driver resembles the other above-mentioned females who can be characterized as rebels and law-breakers of the informal rules that are defined by gendered occupations. Where there is gender inequality and male-dominated areas, there will always be a witch, a heretic, a worker, a "wanderer" making waves.