The question derived throughout the course of architectural studies, is how a new kind of knowledge can be produced by the already existing one, able to determine the subject of the thesis.
Based on this concept, this thesis is trying to describe the architectural procedure that is followed during the years of education and find out if it composes a kind of practice.
The fact that the procedure mentioned above takes place on an educational institution cannot be ignored. The university constitute a place where knowledge is produced and transmissed. It is generally transpired by certain principles and functions as a limit between the situation of learning and applying what is learnt.
The principles as far as the limit of the educational procedure could be compared to the conditions of the incubation. The casing that should be collapsed when the incubation is fulfilled is a sign of maturity that occurs.
It could be said that the knowledge connected to architecture has as principle a system of operative and well-connected configurations that act in a usually indefinite but systematic practice which is neither characterized at the same time by the strictness nor the stability found in other cognitive fields.
The recording of these operative configurations, which are usually taken as a fact, but are always redefined, aims to make them distinct. By taking examples from the incubation and trying to define their value inside and outside the architectural field, a composition of a manual is attempted which complements the intuitive approach of architecture, what Pierre Bourdieu describes as practice.