"Capers in the concrete" are those unconventional moments of peaceful disobedience within the urban network as a creation of human-nature synergy. In other words, it is about the (kitchen)gardens and the gardeners who take care and design them, depending on their space, time, taste, knowledge and experiences. So these snapshots, although not so visible, are an essential part of everyday life in the city and form a set of non-capitalist practices within the main center of consumption - the city. They are explored through walks, observation, human interaction, storytelling and reading, recorded through discussion, recording, photography, sketching, the diary and analyzed, emphasizing critical concepts-axes such as symbiosis, buen vivir, ecofeminism, craftsmanship, degrowth and ecology˙ concepts that are closely linked to how we perceive nature, ourselves as nature, our relationship with food and its production and distribution.