575 a.c.
The coffee seed discovery.
It is called, ‘the one that prevents sleep’ and its consumption is related with everyday life.
It is produced in the most deprived areas across the world, while it is consumed massively by the most developed countries.
Coffee might be either the issue or the cause of social gathering.
The places where coffee is served are nowadays characterized as urban.
The world of coffee has been created_
Coffee is not just a break, it has symbolic value, it is a social activity which counts in everyday life.
In this unique geographic point, this local border,
the coffee house,
‘I am drinking’, means table companionship,
hence association with others.
Social groups are formed inside it, which cooperate
and help each other.
Each story is unique even if it takes place in the same room, on the same table.
-you get informed, you meet your friends-
A person at a coffee table reveals his uniqueness.
The cultural coffee houses of Paris accumulated the urban public spaces of the city.
An artist identifies himself with a coffee shop.
Modern greek life style is linked with the coffee house.
Scent of coffee and cigarette, sound of people talking. Tastes of choice and need.
Coffee either a habit or a need of sociability and taste.