How does the rule of a poem’s composition offer the ability of multiple performances? In which way can the structure of such a project be understood? How many different readings may result from this?
This paper presents a series of acts on Stéphane’s Mallarmé poem, Un coup de Dés jamais n'abolira le Hasard. Taking as reference the poem itself, a study is being attempted in order to understand its structure and its design. Because this research involves a work of art, it is completed only by following a new studying method. A method that leads the researcher to act and interfere with the poem. Thus, the goal is accomplished through a process which actuates body and spirit. It's a number of readings and experiments which compose manifolds and introduce new searching areas for the poem. For each act, there is a series of thoughts leading to it, a series of thoughts that contribute to it, and a series of thoughts deriving from the act and leading to a new one.
Only by making acts on the poem itself, its composition may be realised and understood• as only when revealing its manifolds, its multiplicity is being highlighted.