In the animal kingdom, the way animals treat their needs and manage to survive is quite admirable. Following its instinct, every animal uses imagination, prudence and accuracy in the way it organizes their living. Quite often animals surprise humans, who mostly make use of their logic. The majority of animal species capable of building, are known for their masterly skilful abilities as they make provision for their constructions, so that they are durable enough to suit their living conditions.
The subject of this survey is animal architecture according to the rule of their bodies. It explains thoroughly that a basically different body, so different in structure than ours, can produce and handle the materials and tools required for their constructive methods, the parts and elements of nature, in order to create a space to live in and how it dwells within that space. This body analysis of animals could be called: zoometric analysis of the body. A vast amount of paradigms of different species are being discussed and the ways in which each animal can ‘produce’ its own space and live inside it.
The survey refers only to the constructive activities of the animals based on their own body. External building materials, which are used by animals in their constructions, are not being analyzed; the survey only deals with the ones that the animal body is able to produce. Above the tools which animals use in order to built, only the ones produced by their bodies are being described where the rest, which are spare in the natural environment and have a secondary function, are omitted. Furthermore, the way in which the animal body can act as a building tool for their nest or to be the actual nest itself is being described. Finally, there is a concise report on the relation between the animal body and the space in which the animal lives and acts in.