The present research examines the years of German occupation in Greece and the concentration camping experience, through the eyes of a child. Searching for the remnants of my family, and retrieving my father’s deeply hidden memories of his childhood, gave birth to an uncharted field. This field is an example of micro-historical analysis, in one of the most relentless manifestations of history, that of Shoah. The timeline of this study starts with the roaming of the Jews during the Middle Ages followed by the beginning of the Third Reich, the gradual deportation of Jews to the various extermination camps, the years of confinement and the post-war years. The “scared animal”, according to whom I present and interpret the camping experience, at the early age of five, ends up spending the next two and a half years of his life fulfilled by despair and countless fear. These years takes place in a concentration camp less known than other. This is Bergen Belsen, the concentration camp of slow death.