Studying the example of Drapetsona Studying the example of Drapetsona from the interwar period onwards, it becomes clear that the space influenced society and at the same time was influenced by it. This paper investigates this co-configuration relationship, its causes and effects. The process and practices of marginalization of unwanted residents of the place are examined. How it is translated spatially, whether it is characterized as an individual, independent event or instead, is a practice in which behavioral patterns are identified in a socio-political context. How the social exclusion of a group contributes to the strengthening of identity, anti-authoritarian mentality and class differences. Whether the popular culture of the specific period influenced or calumniated the national fantasy.
Through the research and recording of living conditions, social and spatial changes, culture, spaces and objects, an attempt is made to understand spatial and authoritarian relations, but also the way in which the daily life of the inhabitants is structured. At the heart of the city's spatial formation is the Vourla complex, a fenced-in facility of three buildings that served as a state brothel, housing dozens of women and guarded by police. After the settlement of the refugees from Asia Minor and Pontus in the, until then, isolated area, Vourla becomes a reference point of the inhabited city. Its inhabitants, the refugees, the marginalized, the irreconcilable. Intense social divisions and gender roles are developing in the area, as well as a distinct musical culture. Drapetsona is one of the main places for the creation of rebetiko. By adopting a special code of ethics, the residents, in their struggle for survival, become perpetrators of crimes / illegalities and victims of social racism, police violence, state indifference, repulsion and isolation within the city limits. Remarkable and controversial places such as the brothel, the tekke, the prison, the cafe-aman, become bases for the development of the subculture of the magas, the rebet and the prostitute.