In the contemporary condition of spatio-temporal realization and mobility, the relation between habitation and particular geographical places is impugned. The habitation in a building instance has been replaced by the temporary and ephemeral space that forms contextually the subject during its journeys.
In order to approximate this specific form of habitation, we use the term “perspace”. Perspace or personal space is a set of points constituted by the subject as a dynamic center of reference, the things are the subject’s temporal extensions in space, and location acts as a field of detection and communicating the coordinates of the above points.
This dissertation aims to examine how mobility, as a modern lifestyle core characteristic, has led to the contraction of space-time and the creation of non-places, both in the city's environment and in communication. Thus, the subject is the neo-nomad, who is in real or potential motion even if it remains motionless. He is a resident of diverse geographies, as he is able to have perception and access to physical and projective space at the same time. For the new-nomad, the term of residence refers to the sense of belonging. The personal space [perspace] that forms at each temporary location becomes the means of appropriation and adaptation. The neo-nomad’s perception for the basic organizational outline of the residence, is made up of a set of habitation practices derived from its own body. The things he chooses to bring with him, act as an extension of the neo-nomad, in terms of relocation practices. Their placement in a location creates a field- personal, intimate, and in every new relocation, different. Personal space or perspace composes a special condition of temporary spatial equilibrium.