The project started from my need to understand the elements of the choral ecstasy, that is, the reaching of a state outside the self, through free dancing in the crowd. I approached the subject through the experience of ecstatic dance and places in which it can occur today, the spaces of raves, meaning parties with electronic music, since dance under the sounds of electronic music is a way for the bodies to reach an ecstatic peak. In continuation, I focused on the university spaces trying to investigate how the first university parties were, and afterwards, I focused on the city of Volos, since, aside from my experience as a dancing body, I could make observations from an organizational point of view due to my participation in the organization of parties and other events at the university. Finally, I make reference to the people that I consider are a key component of the electronic music parties in Volos, that is, the faséi. Through the theoretical approach of subcultures, personal observations and conversations, I indented to identify elements of the term and understand it. The project closes with a question related to future get-togethers, which after the quarantine due to COVID19, seem uncertain but nevertheless necessary.
As far as the title is concerned, chorality is a term used mainly in theatre and etymologically derives from the word choral