I hear for some Tower that is devastated.
I see a picture in the beginning, very general and what I imagine I know that it can have no relation with the reality of this tower.
I imagine.
The real ruin is found in Anw Lexonia, a village at Pilion and is named Tower of Kontou.
Him I visited.
It has a lot of names.
It had a lot of uses.
From then I went many times, it himself each time, but always different.
Each his element, or this was visible in his body, or no (information), it made me imagine.
His body led me, as if I found itself in the illusive tower.
Trying to find information on the real tower, many times I entered also in the illusive.
Still I search also the two.
I will not stop searching. As long as the ruin is there, I will search.
For how long? I do not know.
Speaking for a devastated form, initially, we comprehend that exists a “before”, in the extent of that is classified the presence of person that lives in this, a completed form. This form, it is a space that it can be experienced, hence it is a place. This extent `'before' ' finishes when the person him abandons (with or without deteriorations that he, has caused). There it begins a transient stage. In this stage, the one that leads is the nature, and the ruin waits for. In that stage, in this the now ruin, his future is unknown. In this now, the nature works until is disappearred each trace of person, until it absorbs the elements that they left at his body. This is the natural flow.
Lot of possibilities exists. In them however, doesn't exist something constant also? Maybe that something will be lost?
With regard to the illusive tower now, because of his inexistence, him I do not lose never.