Memory, city. Time, space. Memoryis connected with time and the city defines space. The city is based on memory andmemory exists and is appeared in this more or least. Main axis of research constitutes the collective memory and mainly the memory which is concealed.
Memory can compare, connect, restore, or create with elements of past, new situations and sentiments. The city, on the other hand, is collective memory of populations and the deeper levels of life can be recovered in the monuments.
As space of study we fix from the start this of urban soil, the region where is developed the city, or differently the builder of environment, which as a porter of memory and knowledge, owes to transport that messages. And this makes, because the "monument" constitutes means of transmission of momentary historical information, but also it is a moment even if moments of history.
Monument can be considered a building, an exterior public space (square, harbour, street etc), a concrete point in the city. Monuments are not only these, in which "price" is attributed, for example archaeological spaces, or museums. There are also the monuments whom the memory remains concealed, but always alive in the people who were living with her, even if it is something simple and daily for them. There are elements with duration, with values, that remain and are honoured "informally", without glory and fame.
At the same time, memory is located also in the streets of city. Glavani road, El. Venizelou road, 2nd November road, clearly in the city of Volos. Only these names of roads can say a whole history. These names can remind the corresponding seasons and recount the events that are connected with them.
The monuments are connected, there are influences between them. The element of connection can be a person, a historical period or a date, a fact.
The monuments contribute in the comprehension of city, beginning from concrete points and reaching until in entire regions. Each one of them has his own history, his own personality and as consequence, his own scope. It influences with his presence, but also with his absence. Many times it is a spot of a region, even if it gives his name in this, it directs, it constitutes a special indication.
One still question, which is placed, is the way, which persons are directed in the space, in the city and how the collective memory is connected with the personal experience. They shape evolutionary their perception for the space. They create their past. They select what they want or what they have to remember, making easy their movement in this. They organise the things, the facts, the situations and proportionally they classify them. Moved in the city they have a plan. This plan is different for each one and it results from the arrangement in the mind of him main points that he selects to remember. In this contributes the architecture of city, which functions as mnemonic code of material culture.
There is a personal relation between human character and past. The past is a manufacture for each one separately. The spaces become, with the passage of time, testimonies of daily way of life.
A monument, however, not be characterized only by the element of personal and the individuality. It has also nature collective. The architecture is collective and it is not separated from the life and the society, in which it is expressed.
Looking at the city, "from tally", she resembles αbig "mosaic". Beginning and background constitutes the drawing of city. Iτιs considered αprimary element and when on this are placed the memories of the city, results a work of art. Buildings, public spaces, points, events, dates, persons. All together weave the picture of city, compose the physiognomy and her character. However, we always speak for memory concealed. For memory, which exists, with her own individually way. However, this is not revealed.
Passing from the big scale, in the smallest and looking each one (monument) separately, this includes an additional memory, which does not concern the determined operation of building and isconcealed, namely it is covered by the use of this. This memory emanates from concrete teams of persons, is unique and is absorbed by the building or the space. It becomes one with this, it is absorbed with the time and constitutes his characteristic element. It concerns imprints, writings, movements, incidents, which are unique and occupy concrete space and time
Each department of this concealed memory can be recorded. With this way it is solidified and remains in the passage of time. Then,it has the possibility of giving his own information on the space and the time that has been played. It is a matter of a further identity.
The main trait of (concealed memory) constitutes the writing, without this to be exclusive. Generally, it is connected with the transitory, not permanent significances. A locked bicycle in the external railings, a flown box in the bucket of litter, stacked sackfuls, the water that it has conspired after hours of rain.
Anyone, who is good known such points of memory, can accomplish to recognizes and name each space via these elements. But even if he does not belong in this category he has the possibility to create his own space andhis own city.
These points of memory constitute a “network”. Like an articulation, a chain, recounting one or more different histories, appearing one more pictures. The final picture and the final assessment varies from a city completed, able-bodied, a city neutral or even incurious, perhaps a city to discovery, can dismembered, or even destroyed, without return. The spectator is the one, who will study and will interpret the city with his own way. The personal element is presented once again, leading to multiple results.
All these are connected, with different common denominator, individually, stepping on a date, in a person or team of persons, in a fact, in a situation.