Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
  Trova Vasso / Professor


  Born in Samos (1961). Architect eng NTUA (1986), MSc Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning UCL (1989). She teaches at the UTH since 1999. She has been a visiting teacher at the AA London (2002), a visiting prof. at  London South Bank University (2008), Politecnico di MIlano (2004-2013), Universidade Lusofona Lisbon (2006-2013) . A practicing architect, she has designed and implemented various projects in Greece, she has won prizes in architectural competitions and has participated in exhibitions in Greece and abroad.

Research interests

Her research focuses on design issues in reference to contemporary urban phenomena, mobility and temporary inhabitation, urban landscapes,  urban networks and their relation to the designed space.

Administrative Posts

2018 - 2020: Head of Dpt. of Architecture, UTH  
2017 - 2020: Director Post Proffesional Master Program 'Architectural Design" 
2016 - 2018: Head of Dpt. of Architecture, UTH 
2014 - 2015: Council member of the European Association of Architectural Education (EAAE) 
2020 - : Deputy Director Post Proffesional Master Program 'Architectural Design" 


1986, Architect eng, School of Architecture, National Technical University Athens
1989, MSc in Advanced Architectural Studies, Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning, University College London


Research programs

2017 - 2020, MATERIART: Art and Science of Materiality in Architectural Design Education
Position: Scientific responsible / UTH
Funding Body: European Union

2013 - 2016, OIKONET: A Global Multidiciplinary network on housing research and learning
Position: Researcher, Dept. of Architecture UTH (Partner School)
Funding Body: European Union, Long Life Learning Programme

2010 - 2013, Accessibility Instruments for planning practice in Europe
Position: member of management committee
Funding Body: European Union

2009 - 2011, Design Principles for the Ellinikon Metropolitan Park in the ex Ellinikon Airport Βασικές Αρχές Σχεδιασμού Μητροπολιτικού Πάρκου Πρασίνου στο πρωην αεροδρόμιο Ελληνικού, ΕΜΠ-ΤΕΔΚΝΑ για τους Δήμους Αλίμου, Αργυρούπολης, Γλυφάδας και Ελληνικού.
Position: consultant for the EnvLab of NTUA
Funding Body: TEDKNA (for the Municipalities of Hellinikon, Argiroupoli, Glifada, Alimos)

2003 - 2008, Interdepartmental Undergraduate program for Gender and Equality Studies
Position: Coordinator for the Dept. of Architecture UTH
Funding Body: Ministry of Education and EU

2003 - 2008, Undergraduate studies Program Restructuring
Position: Member of the project team
Funding Body: Ministry of Education and EU

2003, Digital chartographic and photographic archive for refugee setlements in Greece
Position: scientific responsible
Funding Body: Research Committee, UTH

Architectural work

2012, Bioclimatic redesign of the Palaio Limenarcheio area in Volos (preliminary study) Project team: Z. Kotionis, V. Trova, Y. Rimenidis

2009 - 2012, "Redesign of Vathi seafront" (preliminary, final, detailed construction) Project team: V. Trova, K. Ioannidis, a. Tsagrasoulis

2009 - 2012, New building for the Dept. of Computer and Electrical Engineering , UTH, Volos (Final, Costruction details) Project team: V. Trova, Z. Kotionis, F. Giannisi, M. Kontogianni, K. Sarantis and collaborators)

2008 - 2009, Redesign of the coastline and the seafront of the city of Volos Project team: Z. Kotionis, F. Giannisi, V. Trova, N. Platsas, K. Kritou

2007, New building for the Dept. of Computer and Electrical Engineering , UTH, Volos (Preliminary study) Project team: V. Trova, Z. Kotionis, F. Giannisi, N. Platsas, K. Kritou

Courses in current academic year

Architectural Design VII: Density
Architectural Design ΙV-VI A: Rethinking urban design: The dynamics of floods
Urban Planning I: Urban Design
Urban Planning II: Urban Design

Other Teaching

2016, Coordinator of the greek team and tutor at third OIKONET international workshop "Renewing, Revitalizing Creating Livable Cities".  Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, 6-11 June 2016.

2015 - 2017, Coordinator of the course "Green urban design" of the postgraduate course "Urban Redevelopment" of the Department of Planning and Regional Development" of UTH

2015 - 2017, Invited prof. at the  Department of Urban Environment and Leisure Studies του London South Bank University (LSBU)

2015, Coordinator of the greek team and tutor at the second OIKONET international workshop "Contemporary Living Patterns: Growing, Shrinking".  Faculty of Architecture, Bradenburg University of Technology, Cottbus-Berlin, 1-6 June 2015.

2014 - 2015, Coordinator of the course " Green urban design and renovation of urban areas" of the Long Life Learning Programme "Urban Redevelopment and green urban design". (Joint programme: University of Thessaly, University of Thrace, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

2014, Invited prof. at the  Department of Urban Environment and Leisure Studies του London South Bank University (LSBU)

2014, Tutor at the international intensive design workshop  Cut Cities“  (Erasmus   IntensiveProgram).  Organizer:  Universidade Lusofona Lisbon (17-28 Feb 2014)

2013, Tutor at the international intensive  workshop ER4 (4th Eco Rehabilitation Workshop /Erasmus   Intensive Program). “Milan. Engine the smart city. Restarting from Quarto Oggiaro”. organizer: Facolta di Architettura  e Societa, Politecnico di Milano, Milan 25/2/2013-5/3/2013

2013, One day Workshop in the context of the COST European    “Accessibility Instruments for planning practice in Europe”. Βόλος 19/9/2013

2011, Tutor at the international design workshop " Changing Landscapes. Mediterranean Sensitive Areas Design", Volos, 2-14 June 2011

2011, Visiting prof. at the  Dept. of Architecture, Universidade Lusofona

2011, External jury, Diploma projects, Dept. of Architecture, University of Cyprus

2010, Tutor at the international workshop C.Scape (City Collective Community Constructions and Scape). Organizer:  Facolta di Architettura  e Societa, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, 1-5/2/2010

2009 - σήμερα, Associate professor at the Dept. of Architecture, University of Thessaly in Architectural and Urban Design and Planning

2009 - 2013, Teaching at the post graduate program of the Dept. of Architecture, UTH the course " Theories and strategies for the design of the post modern city"

2009, Tutor at the international workshop  LSBU– Université Paris1 Panthéon - Sorbonne on  Southwark design with emphasis on urban tourism,  11-14 Feb. 2009

2008 - 2009, Lecturer at the  Department of Urban Environment and Leisure Studies του London South Bank University (LSBU)

2007, External evaluator of the program of Doctoral Studies “ Technology and Design for environmental quality in Buildings and Urban context”  of Polιtecnico di MilanoSchool of Doctoral Studies.

2005, External evaluator of the diploma projects of the Post graduate program  " Architectural Design, Space Culture"

2004 - 2014, Erasmus program Departmental Coordinator. Academic responsible for 13 Erasmus agreements 

2004 - 2013, Visiting prof. at the  Facolta Architettura e Societa, Politecnico di Milano, Leonardo

2004, Tutor at the international design workshop "Games of Architecture. The spatial construction of meaning in architectural design" Volos, alli Meria, May 2004

2003 - 2008, Coordinator (for the Dept. of Architecture) and tutor of the UTH  Interdepartmental Undergraduate program  for  Gender and Equality Studies

2002, External juror  of the Diploma projects, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens

2001 - 2009, Assistant professor, Dept. of Architecture, University of Thessaly on Architectural and Urban Design and Planning

2000 - 2001, Adjunct assistant professor at the Dept. of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly

1999 - 2001, Adjunct assistant professor, Dept. of Architecture , University of Thessaly


Book editing [2]

L. Papadopoulos, S. Papadopoulos, V. Trova (eds) (2012) , Changing Landscapes. Mediterranean sensitive areas design, University of Thessaly Press,

V. Trova (ed), "Which side of the wall? Gender issues in architectural design" Futura and University of Thessaly, (IN GREEK)

Chapters in edited volumes [6]

2020 (forthcoming) V. Trova. From Diagrammatic Abstractions to Concrete Positions in Trova V., Lykourioti I (eds) Materiality in the Architectural Studio Proccess, Caleidoscopio, Lisbon

V. Trova,“Recycling resources”in Luca MF Fabris (editor) (2014), Restarting from Quarto Oggiaro Milan: Towards a new Kind of  smart city,Maggioli Editore, Italy, pp77-84

V. Trova, M. Mavridou, A. Vassi, (2014) Space Syntax (angular segment analysis by metric distance) for evaluating spatial accessibility of the city of Volos, στοin Hull, A., Silva, C. and Bertolini, L. (eds), Accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice, vol. 2 ,Cost Office, Brussels

 Keller, J., Arce‐Ruiz, R., Condeco‐Melhorado, Mavridou, M., Nordstrom, T., Ortega, E., Tennoy, A., Trova, V. and Hull, A., 2012. “Accessibility in Planning Practice”, in Hull, A., Silva, C. and Bertolini, L. (eds), Accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice, Vol 1, Cost Office, Brussels, pp 22-43

L. Papadopoulos, S. Papadopoulos, V. Trova  (2012) “ Sampling Strategies – Changing Landscapes”στοL. Papadopoulos, S. Papadopoulos, V. Trova(eds), Changing Landscapes. Mediterranean sensitive areas design, University of Thessaly Press, pp 30-33

V. Trova, Τ. Noussia,  “ Paysages de migration: L’immigration, menace ou contribution a la conservation du patrimoine culturel?” in  Μ. Gravari-Barbas (ed),  Habiter le Patrimoine. Enjeux-approches-vecu, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, pp 373-387

Articles in scientific journals [2]

 V. Trova, (2013) “Blurring boundaries. Τhe mall and the city” in AE Revista Lusofona de Arquitectura et Educacao, no 8-9 Lisbon, pp 505-520

V. Trova,  «Un Museo che fa discutere» Costruire  no 326  pp 36

Conference proceedings [7]

2020 (forthcoming) Materiality and Creativity in the Design Process in Saglar N (ed) MateriART: Architectural Design, Research and Technology, Caleidoscopio, Lisbon

2019, V. Trova. Back to Design Fundamentals: The step and the eye. 12th International Space Syntax Symposium, Beijiing.

V. Trova,  “From Urban experiences to architectural narratives” στο S. Khan (ed), We have never been pre-disciplinary: 24thNational Conference on the Beginning Design Student, Gatech, Atlanta

A. Noussia, V. Trova,  “ Reconstructing the mythical past: the implications of post disaster landscape design in Ancient Olympia” στο R. Amoeda et al (eds), World Heritage and Sustainable Development, Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, Barcelos, pp 453-460

V. Trova,  Designing for human encounter. Urban design and the politics of visibility, στο A. Kubat et al (eds), 6th International space syntax symposium, Istanbul, pp 039.1-039.14

V. Trova,  «Which side of the wall? Aspects of the spatial construction of gender diferentiaitions"in D. Vaiou (ed), Women and Men in the everyday space"  NTUA, Athens, pp. 17-23 (IN GREEK)

V. Trova, N. Belavilas,  “Infrastructure as landscape regulator. Athens and the waterfront” στο M. Bottero and Luca Maria Francesco Fabris (eds), Blue + Verde: Water and green resources for the built environment, Liberia Clup, Milano, pp 351-356

Exhibition catalogues [3]

Presentation of the 3rd prize in the international architectural competition "Peareus museum for underwater antiquities"

Presentation of the 3rd prize in the international architectural competition "Peareus museum for underwater antiquities"

Presentation of the 3rd prize in the international architectural competition "Peareus museum for underwater antiquities"

Others [3]

«Maison a Saronis, Grece», in  Architecture Mediterraneenne, Marseille, no 66, (Decembre 2008), pp 130-131

«Razionalita Greca. Una Casa a Saronis, Grecia», στο Costruire, Editrice Abitare Segesta Spa,  no  281, (Ottobre 2006), pp 66-74

V. Trova,  “Edonismo e materialita” in  Costruire  no 264  pp 42-44


2016,  V. Trova, "From camps to homes. Typologies and practises" at the conference Housing Policies and Habitation Practices in a State of Emergency Dept. of Architecture, UTH, Volos, 14 December 2016

2014V. Trova, S. Papadopoulos "Architectural Education after the Crisis:  Enhancing Networks_Sharing Resourses " in the EAAE Conference "What's Next", Chania, Greece

2013V. Trova, “Blurring boundaries. Τhe mall and the city”, in ShoppingScapes13, 26-29 May, 2013, Lisbon

2013,  S. Papadopoulos, V. Trova, " Localization or networking: Towards reforming architectural curricula" in the conference Stuies of Architecture: Continuity and Change" Thessalokiki, 25-27 April 2013

2012V. Trova, «Metropolitan ground. Open City», in the conference "Architecture in the age of the multitude and the commons". Athens, Benaki Museum.  3/2/2012

2012,   “Transforming industrial heritage. From the place we hate to the place we adore”,Dept. of Architecture, Universidade Lusofoba, Lisbon , 16 May 2012

2011,  "The Erasmus program  contribution to education . Thoughts, problems, practises" in the conference " The Erasmus program impact on institutional and personal level" Athens 28 November 2011

2011,  “Between Localism and Cosmopolitanism. The tourist resort design”, inTourism Imaginaries, Berkeley, 20-2-2011

2011,  “Inhabiting the Edge” in Changing Landscapes. Mediterranean Sensitive Areas Design, Volos, 3-6-2011

2010,  "Water streams in cities as generators of urban life" in the conference "The water element as a tool for urban design" Larissa, 5/6/2010

2010,  «Le Tourisme, facteur de metropolisation a Athenes» in Paris, Tourism at Metropolisation, Paris 24-6-2010

2008,  "Games as a cycle of ideas production in design" in the conference "Child and Games. Facets and Materiality" Dept. of Early Childhood Education, University of Thessaly, Volos, 29/5/2008 (with G. Papakonstantinou, I. Lykourioti)

2008,  «Inventing Constrains. Game design and the making of architectural objects», in  5th World Congress of ITRA, Nafplion, 9-11 Ιουλίου2008 (with  I. Lykourioti, G. Papakonstantinou)

2008,  “From Urban experiences to architectural narratives”, in the 24th National Conference on the Beginning Design student”, 13-16 March 2008, Atlanta, USA

2008,  “Les nouveaux paysages des loisirs dans l’Athenes contemporaine. Des “bulles isolees” ou une nouvelle mise en reseaux de pratiques urbaines?”, in Colloque Internationale: Peripheries urbaines entre normes et innovations, Bordeaux 11-13 June 2008 (with M. Gravari -Barbas)

2008,  “Reconstructing the mythical past: the implications of post-disaster landscape design in Ancient Olympia” in the   Heritage 2008 International Conference, 7-10 May 2008, Villa de Foz Coa, Portugal (with A. Noussia)

Academic lectures

2010,  Lecture "Architecture. Between the image and the construction" . Invited by the University of Cyprus and the Cyprus Architects Association, 24/2/2010

2009,  Lecture «Understanding urban experiences: From city to film and back again»  invited in the seminar  “History – Theory; From Design to Theory” in the Master Course  History-Theory της Αrchitectural Αssociation (Λονδίνο) 18-3-2009

2008,  Lecture “Contemporary Greek Architecture” Dept. of Architecture, Universidade Lusofoba, Lisbon , 7-5-2008 


2008, Presentation of the project New Film Archive and Film Museum at the  3ο ContempΟ Workshop,  (together with projects by D. . Diamantopoulos, L. Pavlidi, E. Beleznay, J. Finta, F. Tomasinelli, M. Pisano, P. Feltri, CesarPelli& AYESA–P. MacDouglas– M. Pontijas, M. Caffarena- V. Cobos-A. Nicolau, ZahaHadid-E. Payan-M.L.Flores) , Budapest, 18-19 September 2008

2008, Presentation of the project New Film Archive and Film Museum at the  3ο ContempΟ Workshop,  (together with projects by D. . Diamantopoulos, L. Pavlidi, E. Beleznay, J. Finta, F. Tomasinelli, M. Pisano, P. Feltri, CesarPelli& AYESA–P. MacDouglas– M. Pontijas, M. Caffarena- V. Cobos-A. Nicolau, ZahaHadid-E. Payan-M.L.Flores) , Budapest, 18-19 September 2008


2015,  Member of the Scientific Committee of the quartely edition "Architecturae et Artibus" Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture

2011,  Member of the Scientific Committee of  Costruire (2009-2011)

2012, Third prize in  the International architectural competition for the redesign of the cereals old building into a museum of underwater antiquities ( Project team: Y. Kizis, K. Kizis, N. Belavilas, V. Trova)

1991, Mention in the European competition EUROPAN 2 for the rehabilitation of the urban center of Nikaia, Athens . (Project team: N. Belavilas, A. Noussia, V. Trova)

1988, Third prize in the National architectural competition for the re -organization of the Thermal Baths Complex in Ikaria  (Project team: M. Kaliotzidou, D. Malaspinas, T. Katerini, N. Belavilas, A. Polichroniadis, P. Totsikas, V. Trova)