The extension without boundaries of the “concrete” urban centers over plains and rivers, has transformed these centers into non-viable areas for the residents, areas with predominant feeling of fear and anger when the residents are browsing them. During the last years, there is a strong effort to restore the natural element, aimed at creating a more peaceful, creative and sustainable environment for the human being.
This thesis is referring to a smaller scale city, the city of Sperchiada, Fthiotida, which did not escape the logic of the nature encroachment for more urban space, and is focusing on the “Grand Stream”, a stream that is running through the city, tearing it into two pieces, which led the past municipal authorities to infilling and therefor to its general encroachment. The goal is the emergence of the stream as a very vibrant part of the city and not its concealment, as well as the proof that the stream can work as a link between the two separated pieces. Thus, through a parallel and transverse system of lines and routes to the river bed, utilizing its different elevations, as well as the proposal for different uses such as: commercial (flea market), cultural (cultural center, open-air theater) and recreational (bars, baby playgrounds), there is an attempt to convert this hidden water spine of the city into a vibrant, green, natural spine in a coherent network that connects the public space in all directions, enhancing the standard of living of the inhabitants...