The purpose of this specific dissertation is the research of the policy that has been followed regarding public - social housing in Italy from the late 19th century until today.
Edilizia sociale - the equivalent Italian term for social housing - is a major issue in the public agenda since the late 19th century, in order to respond to the lack of accommodation for the lower classes. Through the years, the interventions of edilizia sociale are redefined dynamically in order to address the multileveled changes in the political landscape, social, economic, demographic and architectural - urban planning landscape of the country. Thus, the transition from edilizia residenziale pubblica (ERP) to the edilizia residenziale sociale (ERS) takes place, bringing about the involvement of more sectors as well as the activation of more funds so as to meet the demands of a more and more mandatory need for housing.
It also focuses on the research of the general term “Social Housing”. It’s about a contemporary political notion in the field of accommodation, connected with the new data of the economic crisis and the increase in housing problems, even in social classes which didn’t use to face such hardships up to now. Social Housing is being researched thoroughly as to how this field - variously defined in a European level - is implemented in Italy as a tool adapted to specefic housing needs. To better understand this, it is essential to present the whole period of support and housing provision from Edilizia Economica e Popolare to Edilizia Resideziale Pubblica (ERP) and the recent integration of new implements and sectors through Sistema Integrato di Fondi Immobiliari (Integrated Real Estate Funds System).
Finally, the differences between social housing and longer types of housing support are featured, particulary regarding the field of communal places of congregation and public service, which are vital for the viability of interventions in the field of accommodation. Athough this field has been an issue for research and experimentation from the beginning, it wasn’t dealt with effectively -neither legally nor practically- from edilizia pubblica. On the contrary, through the interventions of social housing, it is reassessed essentially.