Our goal in this assignment is to study the prospects that apply , towards a more personal understanding and grasping of an assertive kind of space . This assertiveness results from matters of organization and ruling elements while moving into it . We mainly attempt to focus on two specific queries . The first of which has to do with the importance of transforming the shape reckoning of every organized space into strategy and furthermore questioning if this as a step can be enriched by the acting – subject , conducting the certain walking experience .As to the second query , this is about whether by staying in a less familiar to us kind of space , the narrative , we are still able to orientate and understand the narrative structure by architectural terms.
As our research vessel we use the text of Borges “Library of Babel”, mainly because of it being one of the most representative texts in terms of using architectural structure as context of narration , as well as the shape that is contained in the narrative strategy.
For this reason we present the assignment of S.Psarra on the same text , analyzing the shape that she discovers during her reasoning course into it .
Finally through some sort of experimentation , we attempt to move into the text ourselves .By doing that we insert , in order to be able to chart the narrative space , methodic tools coming from another field , that of the city . These kind of tools are part of our personal experience due to our studies in architecture .
By acting in that manner , we were able to encounter space as a field from which can derive new relationships , through the mnemonic structures and subsequently the personal participation of the subject – reader . This can only result to a dynamic , two way relationship between both sides , the organized space and the subject – ambler.