The development of any city is unique, the same happens in the case of Tirana. Here, however, seems development to be determined exclusively by the political events that took place, especially in the last hundred years. Withinsuchashorttimehasundergoneextremepolitical, socialandurbanchangesaccordingly.
From an essentially Ottoman settlement, without particular relevance, Tirana passed the stage of being capital of the young state, which will very soon be gripped again from Italy this time.Although it was under their possession, the city of Tirana has greatly benefited from the period of Italian rule, the large size boulevard and central administrative buildings which are even in the current years the most important elements of the form of the center, additional city raised in area and population, and the road system was corrected and expanded.In fact started approaching the European standards of the era city, in order to be respond to its new role as the capital. So here are the obvious reasons of socio-political development, if instead of Tirana was selected Durres (Durres) as capital city, which better meet structural, economic and geographical conditions, Tirana then you had completely different story of urban development. That the political interests of the forces that was holding the control in the Balkans and in Europe in the early 20th century defined the start of development of Tirana.
The political changes in the mid - 40s , reflected as a result of the functional structure of urban space . During the second half of the last century, Tirana thrived and enriched with all the objects of social, cultural, educational and sporting activities, essential for their function as capital. Also, special attention was paid to the structure of green spaces in the city, which is dominated by the element of private gardens, and based somewhat on scarce public gardens in the city that had been created by the Italians and the natural vegetation of the surrounding hills. The new green structure was supported on the main axis of the city, which were worn large green areas. Industrial developments of the post-release focused primarily outside the existing ring road and along the routes of entry into the city. Industrial development related to this residence for better functioning.New residential areas were created not only in industrial areas, but also within the current city with the aim of intensification of the inhabitation.
The transformation of the social system in the early 90's brought about changes in the structure of the city which by an major economic industrial power became the center of local tertiary economy. Thetradebecamethebasisoftheneweconomy.That moment happened the conversion of residential areas, in mixed areas or tertiary economic zones. The previous city structure with clear separation of function space converted combining residential areas, with economical, industrial, etc. During this period, faces enormous demographic movement from deep areas to the capital which has made it essential for individual housing and untypical in most cases. During these years in Tirana and other Albanian cities, presented uncontrolled informal housing located on agricultural land and on suburban open spaces without sufficient support engineering and social infrastructure. The population movement has also led to increase tension in the construction of the ring road of the city and the expansion of new construction to the region and to the industrial zones.
After the first chaotic post-socialist period, expressed as spatial anarchy in Tirana and was accompanied by the most rapid population growth in relation to all post-socialist cities.Urban expansion fragmented brought isolate certain areas and an uneven development, but is also a platform for the establishment of a stronger civil consciousness, which first appeared on the efforts of then Mayor Edi Rama 2002-2005 to reclaim public space and the restoration of the lost city identity. By doing so, the city has managed to change the face of a certain degree.