In the research I study and analyze, in three parts, the structure and the importance of the Buffer Zone in Nicosia within the walls, which is a part of the urban fabric that bisects the city and separates the island. Through my sight, Zone acquires other attributes, different than those of the ban and separation.
The first chapter describes the different topographical changes that had from ancient times until today, and materially affecting the operation of the city spatially and socially. From river (natural barrier), became a demarcation line (artificial partition), which interrupts the continuity of the city and cut out the relations between the two communities. This is the solid structure that is restrictive.
The second chapter describes the structure of the perforated zone through the same construction. It is a construct pertaining to the urban landscape, through crossing gates and underground - Overpasses. Sounds transported by air and sunlit openings created by cheap materiality. Urban functions penetrate the area and give it vitality.
Finally in the third chapter the whole process for the identification of the zone, and the border status, leading to the appropriation of the man with the space that surrounds and contains the space of he Zone. The intense nature of the prohibition pushes people to catch but the perforation attracts, thereby creating a clarity and ownership of space, which formerly did not exist.
TheDeadZoneisadiverseurbanrealityofNicosia that"splits" and"consolidate" simultaneously.