This research paper studies the beginning and the evolution of park’s model in America as occurred during the period 1850-1930 through the movement of public parks or park movement. It investigates the park concept’s origins which are found in Europe and ancient history, the urban and social factors that apply in each study period and the the movement’s ideology and individuals who supported it, Frederick Law Olmsted being the main representativ.
Reference is made tothe playground movement, the child saving movementandthe movement of maintenance as key factors in the beginning of the movement.
Then data on the physical form of the parks are presented. Firstly it discusses the relationship of parks and recreation and presents the major classifications of park types and the central categorization of Cranz, which defines the pleasure ground and reform park -2 types / periods studied -and in coming decades the recreation facility and open-space system. Then details are given for the siting of the pleasure ground, and the activities that take place in it. The transition from the first period of the pleasure ground 1850-1900 in the second period of reform park 1900-1930 is noted.
The design andarchitecture of the two periods constitutes a separate chapter which is completed within the example of Central Park.
Finally the developmentof the park in the coming decades the periods 1930-1965 and 1965 is being reported and then there are summary conclusions