People frequently seek for actions and conditions outside reality and inside zones of temporary activity. That happens in the course of play, where players act according to their intentions, individually or in groups, with sequence, assigned quality and aware of the seriousness of the game’s rules.
Digital games, nowadays, are very popular and they contend all the characteristics of real life games, but they have larger thematic spectrum due to the efficacy of the representation of every human or non-human action and activity.
From time to time, simulations of real human acts are being developed. These games represent conditions by using the curiosity, the imagination and the challenge of the player. They hold out the observation of the result of a change, they allow the view of phenomena through new, different perspectives, and via the three-dimensional presentation of a system, they constitute a mean of learning of the components and the rules of that system. The cognition simulations offer, is diffused in all game experience and substantially they represent the idea of reality, their designers have.
The designers’ quest before the construction of a simulation, will conclude to specific space models and values which will determine the form and the degree of the social effect and learning of the representing system.
This study will focalize to digital games which represent real life. The designers of these games produce directions for the development of interactive characters who inhabit socially organized microcosms. The games “The Sims” and “The Sims 2” belong to these games.
The game, its meaning and its parameters are defined. The digital game and its role as a mechanism of social learning is designated. By using the case of The Sims 2, the space models and the values its designers pass on the players are outlined and analyzed, and these are which shape a reality, this of the digital representation.