In this project, we explore the co-existence of archeological findings and temporary architectural constructions, in places where these findings are discovered through excavations, introducing some criteria that are related with the distinction of the findings and keeping in mind a range of factors that influence the cases of applied architectural solutions to a smaller or greater extent.
As it is known, these findings are part of the cultural inheritance of a country and by coming to light they become part of the everyday life. On the other hand, the conscience of the historicity of the national identity is connected with the maintenance of the cultural inheritance and the distinction of the historical elements in the city and thus with archeological findings mentioned above. So, it is necessary after saving these findings, to keep them in mind when we do temporary architectural designing, so that they will be distinguished and absorbed by playing an active part in the structured environment and by keeping their traits authentic and concordant. This need is often observed in areas of cities with archeological interest also because of the intense pressure for building development, even in areas where excavations are not likely to reveal archeological findings.
In the frame, thus, of the above exploration, there is a short report especially on the cultural inheritance of Greece, the major actions, not only in Greece but also internationally, for the protection and distinction of the archeological findings together with the conditions and the possibilities of co-existence of old and new, are examined. There is a short reference to the legal frame, the procedures and methods of excavations and also the criteria for the characterization of the findings. Moreover, some additional elements and different motives or interests between the involved parts are examined, since they affect the architectural solutions. We choose to process representative cases of co-existence of archeological findings and new constructions from areas of three cities (Athens, Piraeus, Elefsina) with many archeological findings, so that we examine the way archeological findings and architecture generally combine, keeping in mind the constructive solutions that have been given. These cases were put in categories using as criteria the natural access, the optical perception and the symbolism. A description of the archeological-historical part of the findings has been done, characteristic architectural elements have been noticed. The architectural interventions that took place have been examined and for every case separately there are photos taken, ground plans and elevations have been drawn working as diagrams of movements and various comments have been made.
The conclusions that have come up, cover the subject to a large extent and concern, among others, repsentative sample materials, specifically the contentment arising from the designing solutions that have been applied, the protection and distinction of the findings, their connection with the usage of the building, the specifications of some technical characteristics of the solutions that have been applied, and the circumstances under which the findings are discovered. Furthermore, they concern the improvement of the procedures and the most effective participation of the officials in the whole course of works, from the revelation of the findings to the completion of the architectural interventions. Finally, the conclusions refer also to suggestions, in relation to a range of facts that must be taken into account while designing the architectural solutions, such as the transfer of the information of the findings to the new building and the way to their incorporation to it, the synthesis of construction, the materials, the colors, the lighting, the ventilation, the environmental conditions and the need of gardening configuration of space in cases where possible.