Our project concerns the design of a bathing building at the location called “Baths of Aphrodite” in the city of Paphos in Cyprus. The aim of the project is the intervention to the landscape in a way that renders the natural - mythical bath a practice possible to be experienced in a more practical and literal way by the visitors of the area. As an inspiration source for the design have been the myths concerning the area and the Aphrodite, from her birth to her relationship with Adonis. Thus, the route formed by the individual rooms constitutes a kind of narration of those myths, in chronological order. The initial design approach was the determination of a main axis on which all the individual bathing and experience rooms would be attached. The building is being placed in the natural ravine of the landscape, as a funnel or a pipe that receives the water coming from the natural baths and lets it flow into the sea. A primary concern was for the building to touch the ground, to penetrate into it and to be lifted of it at different points. Also, a main characteristic of the design is the use of the water both in the building and the surrounding landscape in many ways so that it accompanies the visitor throughout his stay and movement in the building. Utility rooms and public spaces that concern not only the bathers but also the broader public complement the building program. Nevertheless one of the main aims is the creation of a place that satisfies the user’s senses and brings rest and psychosomatic wellness. Thus, the arrangement of the building spaces, the lighting conditions and the particular atmosphere of each bath complex aim to enable the user’s senses.