The traditional perceptions that want women connected immediately with the space of the house, and the social conditions of the previous centuries, stood as an obstacle for the participation of women in the designing of internal spaces and architecture. However, in the end of the 19th century and in the beginnings of the 20th, this territorial scene begins to change. With liberalism and independence as main characteristics, women penetrate into the installed limits of domestic sphere and claim participation, initially in the public sphere of the city and then in the job market. However, the difficulties that they will face are many and, the domestic space that till then was stereotypically an extension of their feminine nature, will become their way of escape. Their journey to the world of architecture will begin from here. Using their empirical knowledge, women begin to participate actively in the designing process of the house, either via the simple redevelopment of the domestic environment and the modernization of the household sphere, or through their contribution as clients, guiding the work of distinguished architects depending on their requirements. At the same time, the maturation of the social conditions and the achievements of the feminist movement, lead women, from the 1870 and afterwards, to architecture schools. The degrading confrontation by their men colleagues functions as a stopper, although their determination and their talent serve as their ally. Obtaining inspiration from the upcoming modernism, remarkable women arrive on the scene. The demands for social inversion in the modern movement often go with the flow with the subversive views of women designers and architects. Women creators as Charlotte Perriand and Eileen Gray are considered as design pioneers nowadays. Either next to a powerful mentor as Lilly Reich, with political conscience as Margarete Schütte - Lihotzky or working alone, women representatives of modernism make their own history. The history of architecture, however, did not recognize the importance of their work until recently, decreasing or even hushing up their role. Today, some of these women have gained the recognition that they deserve and they are a source of inspiration for a new generation of women that claim equality in the world of architecture and for a generation of creators that seek for the alterity in the approach of spacial design.