All people are different. We face and deal with the reality of life in different ways. We have a different way of understanding our reality eventhough we try to follow the common rules of society. If we are able to understand that, we will also be able to understand the way people with special needs have a difference in understanding the world.
It is our duty and debt to respect their differences and not to isolate them from the rest of the society.
In order to do that we ( architects) have to provide them with spaces designed exclusively for them so they can live in healthy environments. We are said to create vessels of life but the real challenge is to design for everyone including people with autism and special needs. We have to consider the way they want to live and all the designing guidelines that will make them feel secure and safe.
Architects around the world are starting to take that seriously and with the help of other scientists they try to make safe environments for people with autism. Unfortunately in Greece that kind of design is a little behind in progress. The purpose of this paper is to gather as much information as possible to help Greek architects design spaces for people with autism hoping to make us better people and better architects.