Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
  Gavrilou Evelyn / Associate Professor


b. 1976, Athens. Diploma of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, 2001. Master in 'Architectural Design|Space|Culture', NTUA 2002. PhD c. NTUA. Lecturer, Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, since 2003.

She is working as an architect since 2001 in Greece and has participated and received prizes and distinctions in several national and international architectural competitions. She has also participated in international conferences.

Her research focuses on interdisciplinary approaches of design and more specifically on the tracking and formulation of specific design intentions through diagrammatical and representational strategies.

Her architectural work has been published in international group exhibitions and publications.


Courses in current academic year

Architectural Design III-V D: in-between
Architecture Design Studio II
Exal(l)a: Redefining the Urban Datum

Other Teaching

2013 - 2014, Teaching at the Postgraduate Program of Architectural Design [Instead], Department of Architecture, School of Engineering, University of Thessaly in collaboration with Costis Paniyiris

2013, ORNAMENTISM X|Atelier Winter Workshop Benaki_Lead Instructors: Prof. Erick Carcamo & Nefeli Chatzimina Workshop Assistants:  Thanassis Farangas, Nikos Papavasileiou, Eleni Papadimitriou, Alexander Kallioras, Ismini Christakopoulou

2011, Changing Landscapes, Mediterranean Sensitive Areas Design, International Erasmus Intensive Program(I.P. Erasmus)

2010, Inward-robe, Department of Architecture, School of Engineering, University of Thessaly (workshop in collaboration with Iris Lykourioti)

2009, TRASHCITECTURE: DOING MORE WITH LESS in collaboration with Costis Paniyiris

2009 - 2014, Lecturer, Department of Architecture, School of Engineering, University of Thessaly.

2009 - 2013, Teaching at the Post Graduate Course of Studies in Architectural Design, Department of Architecture, School of Engineering, University of Thessaly.

2007, 3rd Digital Design Workshop, Time and Motion in Architecture, AUTH Organization / Coordination: Stavros Vergopoulos

2004, ‘Architectural Games: Spatial Construction of Meaning and Architectural Design’, International Meeting and Design Workshop at Alli Meria, Volos (Stamos Stournas Student Hostel), 28-29-30 May, (in collaboration with Vaso Trova, Giorgos Papakontstantinou and Iris Lykourioti). Organization: Department of Architecture, School of Engineering, University of Thessaly, SADAS-PEA.

2003, “meeting points of architecture + dance” Workshop planning: Manolis Iliakis, Architect-Spatial Designer Art Direction: Penelope Iliaskou
Movement instruction: Betty Dramissioti, dancer, dance teacher
Theory assistant: Evelyn Gavrilou, architect

2003 - 2009, Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, Volos

2002 - 2003, Invited Tutor at the Elective Design Studio 'Space Syntax', NTUA.

2002 - 2003, Invited Tutor at the Inter-Departmental Postgraduate Program: “Architectural Design: Design - Space - Culture”, NTUA.


Chapters in edited volumes [3]

Charitos D., Bourdakis V. and Gavrilou E. [2006] ‘Embedding an audiovisual iinteractive installation environment in urban space for enhancing social interaction’ The 2nd ΙΕΕ International Conference on Intelligent Environments, pp. 93-99 ISBN 0-86341-663-2

Gavrilou Evelyn, Vassilis Bourdakis, Dimitris Charitos [2005] ‘Documenting the Spatial Design of an Interactive Multisensory Urban Installation’ In: Digital Design: the Quest for new paradigms, eCAADe2005 Proceedings eCAADe, pp.771- 778, ISBN 0 9541183 3 2

Charitos, D., Gavrilou, E. and Bourdakis, V. [2005] ‘Instigating interpersonal mediated communication within the context of an interactive installation in urban space’ in R.Ascott (ed) Altered States: Transformations of perception, place, and performance, The Planetary Collegium, Univ. of Plymouth (proceedings published in DVD format)

Articles in scientific journals [2]

Tsagrasoulis A., Gavrilou E., Bourdakis V. [2004]
'Genetically Modified Buildings?' in Metalocus 15 / 5 - 04, pp. 70-77

Peponis J., Knoespel K., Abrioux Y., Kanekar A., Lycourioti I., Touloumis T., Michalopoulou K., Spanou I., Gavrilou E., 2002. La Construction Spatiale du Sens en Architecture: Un projet Transdisciplinaire. In: Duplay M., Ertel E.,eds., Nouveaux Passages Transatlantiques, Theories - Littérature - Enseignemant, 20 (Automne 2002), pp.139-158.

Conference proceedings [2]

Papasarandou C., Gavrilou E. [2014], 'Representational approaches of the notion of co-presence in mixed environments' in 8th Audiovisual Arts Festival and Scientific Symposium, May 14-18, Corfu

Gavrilou E. [2003] 'Inscribing structures of Dance into Architecture'
In 'Space Syntax 4th International Symposium'  Vol. 1, London 2003, no 32.1-32.16 ISBN 0-9535456-2-8, University College London

Exhibition catalogues [2]

Bourdakis V., Gavrilou E., Lykourioti I., Paniyiris K., 2009. University of Thessaly, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture. In: Brizzi M. and Giaconia P., eds., 2009. Visions, 9th edition of Beyond Media, International Festival of Architecture and Media. Florence: Image Publications, pp 158-161. [Presentation of the courses of the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly that involve digital technologies]

Gavrilou E., Charitos D. Bourdakis V, Spanou I. [2004] 'Bodily Awareness Engines' In Cultural Olympiad 2001 - 2004.
International  Architectural Competition > Ephemeral Structures in the City of Athens, The Athens D.O.E.S. Series, p. 287, ISBN 960-7980-49-2


2014'Representational approaches of the notion of co-presence in mixed environments' in 8th Audiovisual Arts Festival and Scientific Symposium, May 14-18, Corfu | in collaboration with C. Papasarandou

2013'Criminal Skins' in ORNAMENTISM X|Atelier Winter Workshop Benaki 2013   Lead Instructors: Prof. Erick Carcamo & Nefeli Chatzimina Workshop Assistants:  Thanassis Farangas, Nikos Papavasileiou, Eleni Papadimitriou, Alexander Kallioras, Ismini Christakopoulou

2009'TRASHCITECTURE: DOING MORE WITH LESS' in collaboration with Costis Paniyiris

2007'Out of Balance' in 3rd Digital Design Workshop, Time and Motion in Architecture, ΑUTH. Organization / Coordination: Stavros Vergopoulos

Academic lectures

2009Clothes and Space: I need you so to see more’, presentation on the methodology of incorporating the study of clothes and kinetic performative patterns in Architectural Design (in collaboration with Iris Lykourioti). NTUA, Undergraduate Program, Course in Architectural Design, 7th semester of studies. Staff: Andreas Kourkoulas, Kostas Moraitis, Ariadne Vozani.


2012, 7th Biennale of Greek Young Architects | 'INCUBATOR' Organization: Hellenic Institute of Architects. Athens

2011, 'INCUBATOR' CURATORS: Evelyn Gavrilou, Iris Lykourioti, Costis Paniyiris, Lois Papadopoulos, Spyros Papadopoulos in 'ARCHITECTURE AND THE CITY IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE’ 1st Architecture Biennale of Thessaloniki. Organized by The School of Architecture of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with Goethe Institute in Thessaloniki, Goethe Institutes in South East Europe and the ‘Five Museums Association’ led by the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art

2010, 6th Biennale of Greek Young Architects 'Oblique House' Organization: Hellenic Institute of Architects. Athens

2009, Spot on Schools, International Architecture Schools' Exhibition, Team: V.Bourdakis, Ε. Gavrilou, Ι.Lykourioti and Κ. Panigiris, Florence, July

2009, Visions, 9th edition of Beyond Media, International Festival of Architecture and Media. Installation: MYTUBE, Presentation of courses of the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly, that incorporate digital technologies in design. (in collaboration with Bourdakis V., Lykourioti I., Paniyiris K.). Florence, Italy, July

2008, Undress Code, Inhabited Clothes. Presentation of courses (Department of architecture of the University of Thessaly), in which clothes have been used as a methodological tool in design. (in collaboration with Iris Lykourioti and Yorgos Tzirtzilakis). Athens, October, Technopolis, Gazi.

2007, Χ_posed Chambers in 1st Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art |
in collaboration with Xenia Themeli, Nefeli Chantzimina, Christos Strinopoulos

2006, ALUBREEZE | Week of Technology, Zappeion, in collaboration with A. Tsangrasoulis, V. Bourdakis

2004, 'DETOUR'_Interactive Multisensory Urban Installation in Athens by Art | Team: A. Andreou, Coti K., Coti K., V. Bourdakis, D. Charitos, E.Gavrilou, D. Skoufis


2006,  (until today) Reviewer for the eCAADe conference

2006,  Organised eCAADe06 conference in Volos, (Education and Research in Computer Aided Design in Europe) with V. Bourdakis, D. Charitos and G. Papaconstantinou

2004Organizer for the International Meeting and Workshop on Architectural Design: ‘Architectural Games, Spatial Contstruction of Meaning and Architectural Design’. University of Thessaly, Department of Architecture, (in collaboration with Trova V., Papakontsantinou G., Lykourioti I.)

2003, Distinction at the International Architectural Competition ‘Mediterranean Architectural Competition - Sustainable Mediterranean Architecture with Aluminium Facades’ -  ELVAL-ΕΤΕΜ-UIA (with V.Bourdakis and A. Tsangrassoulis)