Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά

Team [Κ]-onstruction is a working group investigating the material and structural characteristics of the architectural artifact. Workshops are organized towards the custom-design and full-scale construction of small-scale architectural structures, focusing on the continuum and the complexities of the design process. Experimentation in applied research is nurtured through the merging of professional practice within an academic perspective, in practice-based modules fostering teamwork and multi-disciplinarity.

ACADEMIC COORDINATOR: Maria Vrontissi, Lecturer Dep.Arch.

ADDRESS: Room 20, Dep. of Architecture, Univ. of Thessaly, Pedion Areos, VOLOS 38334, GREECE
Tel. +30.24210.74333


The Centre of New Media and Feminist Public Practices is dedicated to the production, postproduction, distribution and support of women's’ practice and development of feminist theory. The cent is an innovative initiative which by definition involves application of information and technology, imagination and diverse methods in deriving new and different values and ethos in new media, feminist practice and public space. Ideas and processes will be conveyed to cultural products which will enhance women's’* advancement, productivity and assimilation to the professional field. The center organizes an on-going relational archive of relevant practices. Through workshops, seminars, tutorials and lectures, it provides the theoretical and technical expertise for starting projects combined with media, public space, labor and intellectual work in order to produce (symbolic) capital. Diverse and innovative methodologies are introduced in order for the local potential to succeed in the ever changing and increasing competitive global environment. The connection of technology and feminism is crucial at the time of globalized technology, post-digital condition, expanded capitalism, and the crisis of institutions where patriarchal structures and traditional powers are resiling, and they confirm that feminist claims are no more than a finished affair.

The Media Lab is situated in the central building of Department of Architecture of Thessaly University. It offers the infrastructure for the production of audiovisual works and provides technical and theoretical support, focusing on media, gender studies and public space. It opens by appointment.