Vassilis Bourdakis was born in Athens and studied architecture at the National Technical University of Athens (1987). He completed his PhD at the University of Bath, UK (1994) in the subject of building evaluation and performance. He researched and taught at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture (CASA) at the University of Bath until 1998. Since 1999, he is working at the University of Thessaly where he is a professor.
He has written a large number of articles and research papers dealing with subjects of 3d modelling and applications in large scale digital city models, use of computers in Architectural design, virtual reality focusing in communication of ideas / designs, development of interactive virtual environments and their use as a visualisation tool for urban planning and policy making and lately is also working in the field of Intelligent Environments and their implications/application in real life studies. His research has been sited extensively; currently over 300 international citations.
While in CASA, he was the prime investigator and developer of the first, worldwide, large scale digital architectural oriented model of the Georgian city of Bath as well as the London’s Map of the Future. Over the last decade in Greece he has participated in a series of research projects dealing with urban scale visualisations (Ag. Varvara Athens as part of the EU funded project Planning Inclusion of Clients through e-Training, Volos old town in cooperation with the Municipal Centre for Historical Research and Documentation, virtual museum applications and conceptual visualisations related to teaching at primary school level).
He has participated in international architectural and art competitions and his work has been awarded prizes. He is also practicing architecture on small scale developments. He is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, Institute of the Greek Architects and member of the administrative council for Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) Organisation.
2014 - 2018: Vice Rector for Financial Planning and Development, University of Thessaly
2012 - 2015: Director of Laboratory of Environmental Communication and Audiovisual Documentation
2023 - : Director of Laboratory of Environmental Communication and Audiovisual Documentation
1987, Architect, National Technical University of Athens
1994, PhD, University of Bath, UK
+30 24210 74421
2024 - 2025, Innovation Centres in the 13 Regional Directorates of Education
Position: Primary Investigator
Funding Body: Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus"
2020 - 2023, Escape to Culture. Development of a state-of-the-art digital escape game infrastructure, with the aim to promote Greek cultural heritage, for Greek and English speakers.
Position: Researcher
Funding Body: Single RTDI State Aid Action "RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE"
2020 - 2023, Colour & Travel: Design and development of digital travel applications with entertaining and playful features. Work Unit 1: Gamification Framework
Position: Researcher
Funding Body: Single RTDI State Aid Action "RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE"
2018 - 2021, Documenting and Communicating Memory in Thessaly
Position: partner
Funding Body: ESPA
2013 - 2015, OIKONET, A global multidisciplinary network on housing research and learning
Position: scientific responsible for UTH
Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus Networks
2011 - 2015, "DeMuCiV, Designing the Museum of the City of Volos; historical research and development of innovative interactive environments for the dissemination of knowledge"
Position: Co-ordinator for the Department of Architecture
Funding Body: Programme Thales, GR and EU. ESPA
2011 - 2015, "Development of an intelligent CCD based system for the the optimisation of artificial lighting in offices through energy conservation due to natural lighting"
Position: researcher
Funding Body: THALES, ESPA
2004 - 2008, "Technology, Maths and Gender"
Position: Partner
Funding Body: PYTHAGORAS Programme, EPEAEK II, Greek Ministry of Education & European Union
2002 - 2006, “PICT, Planning Inclusion of Clients through e-Training”
Position: Principle Investigator
Funding Body: EU, Leonardo da Vinci
2002 - 2007, The Virtual Kitsos Makris Folklore Museum", as part of the enhancement of IT services of the University of Thessaly Library
Position: Partner
Funding Body: European Union and Ministry of Education
2000 - 2004, The ARGO Network, DAC170
Position: Principle Partner
Funding Body: European Union, Greek National Tourism Organisation
1999 - 2001, IRIS – The Art of Mathematics and the Mathematics of Art
Position: Partner
Funding Body: European Union and Ministry of Education
1997 - 1998, Restoration and re-use of the floating building in Lavrio
Position: Special Advisor
Funding Body: European Union and National Technical University of Athens
1996 - 1998, VR model of the city of Bath
Position: Principle Investigator
Funding Body: EPSRC, University of Bath
1996, 3D model of the city centre of London (West End)
Position: Principle Investigator
Funding Body: University of Bath, UK, British Telecom (BT)
2019 - 2020, Design of small two storey vacation house in Koutali, Limnos
2010 - 2011, Two storey family house in Agios Georgios, Volos (design)
2009 - 2010, Factory, offices and exhibition space for a synthetics company, B' Industrial Park of Volos (design)
2008, Workshop, theatre and hostel in Agios Vlasios, Pelion (design)
2001 - 2005, Family house in Palaia Volos (design and construction)
2019, "Whispers" or "Farewell", interactive soundscape, Thessaloniki Concert Hall.
Detour, Athens by Art (interactive installation) Team: E.Gavrilou, V.Bourdakis, Coti K., D.Charitos, A.Tsangrasoulis, D.Skoufis, A.Andreou.
Architectural Design III-V F: Dynamic Facades
Computer Aided Design I
Computer Aided Design II
Introduction to the use of Computers in Architecture
Picture - Sound - Multimedia
Virtual Reality: Designing Synthetic Space
DIVE2010, Erasmus Intensive program, Ljubljana Slovenia
2008, Workshop during the SARMASTE conference, Lesotho, SA (with A.Chronaki)
2007, 6th CAM summer workshop, Chania, Crete (August 2007)
2005, 4th CAM summer workshop, Chania, Crete (August 2005)
J.C.Augusto, V.Bourdakis, D.Braga, S.Egerton, K.Fujinami, G.Hunter, F.Kawsar, A.Lotfi, D.Preuveeneurs, A.Wahab bin Abdul Rahman, V.Zamudio (eds) (2013), "The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments" Proceedings, Athens, CPS
J. Duarte and V. Bourdakis (eds) (2007), International Journal of Architectural Computing, guest editors Vol5.Νο1
Bourdakis, V., and Charitos D. (2006) "Communicating Space(s)", eCAADe Publications, pp.928
Deffner A. and Bourdakis V. (2010) 'Can Urban Planning, Participation and ICT Co‐exist? Developing a Curriculum and an Interactive Virtual Reality Tool for Agia Varvara, Athens, Greece' In C. Silva (ed.) Handbook of Research on E‐Planning; ICTs for Urban Development and Monitoring, IGI Global, New York, pp. 268-285.
Deffner, A. and Bourdakis, V. (2008) "The Interrelationship of Planning, Participation and ICT: The Case of Developing a Curriculum in Agia Varvara, Athens, Greece" In 'The context, dynamics and planning of urban development: a collection of papers', Y.Psycharis and P. Skayannis (eds), University Thessaly Press, pp.85-98.
Bourdakis V. (2000) 'Utilising Synthetic Urban Environments' In Seventeen Texts on Planning, the Cities and Development, University of Thessaly Press, Volos, pp. 447-462. [in greek]
Bourdakis V. (1997) 'Virtual Reality: A Communication Tool for Urban Planning' In A. Asanowicz and A. Jakimowitz (eds) CAAD-Towards New Design Conventions, Technical University of Bialystok, pp. 45-59.
Clapsopoulos I., Laliotou I., Doropoulos S., Fanakis A., Bourdakis V., Stoyannidis Y., Pentazou I., Kalaouzis G. and Selitsaniotis T., , 2022, “Managing digital archival collections by integrating Archivematica, AtoM and VuFind software: the University of Thessaly Historical Archive case”, Journal of Integrated Information Management 7:1 (2022), 7-18
Papasarantou, C. and Bourdakis, V. (2012) "Represent-ing presence", In V!rus Journal,RE:PRE:SENT, Issue 8, Dec.2012.
Tsangrassoulis Α., Geros V., Bourdakis V. and Santamouris M. (2006) 'A genetic algorithm solution for the design of slat-type blinds', Renewable Energy, (31):pp. 2321-2328
Bourdakis V. and Gavrilou E. (2005) 'DETOUR: Communicating Senses and Actions', Architects, (52):pp. 77-79. [in greek]
Bourdakis V. (2005) 'Virtual City Modelling and Urban Applications', IMEROS, (5) [in greek]
Tsangrassoulis Α., Gavrilou E. and Bourdakis V. (2004) 'Genetically Modified Buildings?', Metalocus, (15):pp. 70-77.
Gavrilou E. and Bourdakis V. (2003) 'The Reconstruction of Spatial Meaning: The Redefinition of the "Architectural Elements" and Primary Structures of "Embodied Experience', AEICHOROS, 1(2), pp. 130-145. [in greek]
Tsangrassoulis Α. and Bourdakis V. (2003) 'Comparison of radiosity and raytracing techniques with a practical design procedure for the prediction of daylight levels in atria', Renewable Energy, 13(28):pp. 2157-2162.
Bourdakis V. (1998) 'Navigation in Large VR Urban Models', VirtualWorlds, pp.345-356.
Bourdakis V. and Fellows R. F. (1997) 'Appraising the performance of long span sportshalls and swimming pools in Greece', Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 2(2), pp.39-58.
Chronaki A. and Bourdakis V. (1996) 'The Internet: Reality or Myth for Researchers?', European Education Research Association (EERA) Journal, 2(2):pp. 12-16.
Day A. K., Bourdakis V. and Robson J. M. (1996) 'Living with a virtual city', Architectural Research Quarterly, (2), pp. 84-91.
Papadopoulos S., Bourdakis V., Mantzari E., Vagelatos A., Galani A., Loukakis G. (2022), "Designing VR and AR gamifications for cultural heritage educational escape games". 43rd International Conference of Representation Disciplines for teachers: Dialogues Visions and Visuality, Genoa, Italy. pp. 1789-1796, ISBN: 9788835141938
Papadopoulos S., Zavitsanou A., Mantzari E., Bourdakis V., Vagelatos A. (2022), "Escape Through Culture, Gamified Cultural Experiences", ICDCH 2022: XVI. International Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 36-40, online issn: 1307-6892.
G. Loukakis, S. Papadopoulos, V. Bourdakis (2020), “Olympus VR. Sediments of information and interaction”, 4th International Congress on Ambiances. Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds. (in print).
Bourdakis V. and Tsangrassoulis Α. (2019) "Dynamic Facade Design Studio: From Sketches to microcontrollers" Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 2, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 725-730
G. Loukakis, S. Papadopoulos, V. Bourdakis(2018), «Design and Implementation of the physical environment using open source data, software and game engines», 5th National Conference of Planning and Regional Development, Thessaly University Press, Volos, Greece (pp. 1349-1360). ISBN 978-960-99226-6-1.
Papasarantou, C. and Bourdakis, V. (2016) “The notion of mixed embodied presence as an alternative method of approaching and manipulating “phygital” environments “, in proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Ambiances, September, Volos, Greece, Vol. 1, p. 503-508
Papasarantou, C., Kalaouzis, G. and Bourdakis, V. (2015) “Spatio-temporal 3d structures: visualizing the historic dataset”, in proceedings of “Museums in Motion” conference, University of Thessaly Press Volos, Greece, 3-4 July, p. 157-161
Papasarantou, C.; Kalaouzis, G., Pentazou, I. and Bourdakis, V. (2015) A Spatio-Temporal 3D Representation of a Historic Dataset, Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 701-708
Papasarantou, C., Rizopoulos, C., Bourdakis, V. and Charitos, D. (2014) Mixed embodied presence through the lens of embodiment and social presence. In A.Felnhofer & O.Kothgassner (eds) "Challenging Presence" 15th International Conference on Presence, Facultas.wuv, Vienna.
Papasarantou, C., Kalaouzis, G, and Bourdakis, V, (2013) Info - Data Constructions, Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 185-192
Bourdakis, V., Pentazou, I. (2012) Real City Museum/Virtual City Model: Real Datasets/Virtual Interactions, In H.Achten, J.Pavlicek, J.Hulin and D.Matejdan (eds.), Digital Physicality - Proceedings of the 30th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2 / ISBN 978-9-4912070-3-7, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Architecture (Czech Republic) 12-14 September, pp. 337-341.
Chronaki, A., Bourdakis, V. and Stoikos G. (2012) Designing a VR naration as a learning game, In C. Karagianidis, P. Politis & E. Karasavidis (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Greek Conference with International Participation «ICT in Education», University of Thessaly, Volos, 28-30 Sept 2012. [in greek]
Chatziandreou. D, Kostopoulou, M.A. and Bourdakis, V. (2012) " Object design and information management for lifelong spatial reconfiguration in buildings" In Austalasian Conference on Innovative Technologies in Construction 'From Building Information Modelling to Beyond', Wuhan, China.
Bourdakis, V. (2011) Interactive Spatial Design course analysis: 10 years, 150 projects, In RESPECTING FRAGILE PLACES [29th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3], University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (Slovenia) 21-24 September 2011, pp.647-652
Bourdakis, V. (2010) Designing Interactions: A step forward from time based media and synthetic space design in architectural education, FUTURE CITIES [28th eCAADe Conference Proceedings] ETH Zurich, pp.151-156
Bourdakis, V. and Chronaki, A. (2010) Control technology as a means for designing virtual interactive space: what could be learned from blender use in architectural education? in E. Menegatti (ed) 2nd International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR) Proceedings, Darmstadt, pp.606-623
Bourdakis, V. (2009) "Designing habitable interactive spaces: a smart home case study in Greece" In Intelligent Environments 2009, Proceedings of the 5th International Converence on Intelligent Environments, V.Callaghan, A.Kameas, A.Reyes, D.Royo and M.Weber (ed.) IOS Press, pp.355-361
Bourdakis, V. (2008) 'Low Tech Approach to 3D Urban Modeling', In Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-7-2] Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September 2008, pp. 959-964
Βourdakis, V. and Charitos, D. (2006) "Communicating Space(s)" In Communicating Space(s) eCAADe06 Proceedings, V.Bourdakis, D.Charitos (eds.) eCAADe, pp.7-8
Tsangrassoulis, A. Geros, V. and Bourdakis, V. (2006) "Energy conscious automated design of building facades using genetic algorithms", In Communicating Space(s) eCAADe06 Proceedings, V.Bourdakis, D.Charitos (ed.) eCAADe, pp.898-903.
Charitos, D., Bourdakis, V. & Gavrilou, E. (2006) "Embedding an Audiovisual Interactive Installation Environment in Urban Space for Enhancing Social Interaction", In 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Organising Professional Network: Robotics and Mechatronics, NTUA, Athens, pp.93-99.
Bourdakis V. and Chronaki A. (2005) 'Social and Gender issues emerging on utilizing a VR planning tool for public participation', In Vision and Visualisation, IX Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphic Proceedings, SiGRaDi, Peru. vol. 2, pp.529-534
Gavrilou E., Bourdakis V. and Charitos D. (2005) 'Documenting the Spatial Design of an Interactive Multisensory Urban Installation' In: Digital Design the Quest for new paradigms, eCAADe2005 Proceedings eCAADe, pp.771-778, ISBN 0 9541183 3 2
Charitos, D. Gavrilou, E. and Bourdakis, V. (2005) "Instigating Interpersonal Mediated Communication within the Context of an Interactive Installation in Urban Space" In Altered States: Transformation of perception, place and performance, Plymouth, UK [DVD-ROM proceedings]
Bourdakis V. (2004) 'Developing VR Tools for an Urban Planning Public Participation ICT Curriculum; The PICT Approach'. In B. Rudiger, B. Tournay and H. Orbaek (eds) Architecture in the Network Society: eCAADe2004 Proceedings:eCAADe Publications, pp. 601-607.
Chronaki A. and Bourdakis V. (2003) 'Cyberspace.Open Education and Learning Forums. Essential Educational Principles of Planning'. In A. Lionarakis (ed.) 2nd National Conference on Open and Distance Education :pp. 91-101. [in greek]
Bourdakis V. and Charitos D. (2002) 'Teaching Virtual Environment Design'. In S. Wrona (ed.)Connecting the Real and the Virtual- design e-education: eCAADe2002 Proceedings:eCAADe Publications, pp. 42-49
Bourdakis V. (2001) 'On Developing Standards for the Creation of VR City Models'. In H. Penttila (ed.)Architectural Information Management: eCAADe2001 Proceedings:eCAADe Publications, pp. 404-409.
Charitos D., Pehlivanidou Liakata A., Bourdakis V. and Kavouras M. (2001) 'Time Based Media as a Means to Enhance Spatial Representations'. In H. Penttila (ed.)Information Management: eCAADe2001 Proceedings:eCAADe Publications, pp. 233-238.
Charitos D. and Bourdakis V. (2000) 'Designing for the spatial context of 3D online communities'. In D. Donath (ed.)Promise and Reality: eCAADe2000 Proceedings:eCAADe Publications, pp. 165-170.
Bourdakis V. and Charitos D. (1999) Virtual Environment Design - Defining a new direction for architectural education. In eCAADe99 Proceedings: eCAADe Publications, pp. 400-410
Bourdakis V. (1998) 'Utilising Urban Virtual Environments'. In C.Branki and K Zreik (eds.) EuropIA98 Proceedings, pp.417-426
Bourdakis V. (1997) 'The Future of VRML on Large Urban Models'. In R. Bowden (ed.) UKVRSig'97, pp.32-40.
Bourdakis V. (1997) 'Making Sense of the City'. In R. Junge (ed.) CAAD futures 1997, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.663-678.
Bourdakis V. and Day A. K. (1997) 'A VRML model of Bath'. In R. Coyne, M. Ramscar, J. Lee and K. Zreik (eds) Design and the Net:europIA Productions, pp. 13-22.
Bourdakis V. (1996) 'From CAAD to VR; Building a VRML model of London's West End'. In The Third UK Virtual Reality Special Interest Group Conference; Full Paper Proceedings, pp. 5-13.
Bourdakis V. and Fellows R. F. (1996) 'Appraising the Performance of Long Span Sportshalls and Swimming Pools in Greece'. In Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Engineering in Asian Cities in the 21st Century:pp. 463-468.
Bourdakis V. (1995) 'Virtual Reality in Teaching Architecture'. In The Potential of Virtual Reality for UK Higher Education Workshop.
Bourdakis V. and Fellows R. F. (1993) 'A Model Appraising the Performance of Structural Systems Used in Sportshall and Swimming Pool Buildings in Greece'. In H. Timmermans (ed.)Design Decision and Support Systems:Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 239-248
Bourdakis V., Gavrilou E., Lykourioti I., Paniyiris K., (2009). University of Thessaly, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture. In: Brizzi M. and Giaconia P., eds., Visions, 9th edition of Beyond Media, International Festival of Architecture and Media. Florence: Image Publications, pp 158-161. [Presentation of the courses of the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly that involve digital technologies]
Gavrilou E., Charitos D. Bourdakis V, Spanou I. [2004] 'Bodily Awareness Engines' In Cultural Olympiad 2001 - 2004. International Architectural Competition > Ephemeral Structures in the City of Athens, The Athens D.O.E.S. Series, p. 287, ISBN 960-7980-49-2
Bourdakis V. (2003) 'Virtual Reality: Designing Digital Environments', University of Thessaly Press, Volos. [lecture notes in greek]
2024, Shared Incounters, Ocean Literacy Observatory, NOVA University, Lisbon [Anna Chronaki, Vassilis Bourdakis]
2022, Designing VR and AR gamifications for cultural heritage educational escape games. 43rd International Conference of Representation Disciplines for teachers: Dialogues Visions and Visuality, Genoa, Italy. [Papadopoulos S., Bourdakis V., Mantzari E., Vagelatos A., Galani A., Loukakis G.]
2022, Escape Through Culture, Gamified Cultural Experiences, ICDCH 2022: XVI. International Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage, Tokyo, Japan. [Papadopoulos S., Zavitsanou A., Mantzari E., Bourdakis V., Vagelatos A.]
2022, Fostering Greek cultural landscape: From literary texts to the design of digital escape games, 4th International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges, Corfu, Greece. [Mantzari Ε., Papadopoulos S., Bourdakis V., Galani A., Gavrielidou M., Fountana M.]
2022, Sound design and gamified experiences in digital escape games exploring Greek cultural landscape, Interanational Congress: Landscape and Sustainability. Listening to multiplicity, UAM, Madrid. [Τ. Ward, S. Papadopoulos, V. Bourdakis, E. Mantzari, A. Vagelatos]
2021, Developing an advanced innovative digital escape games designbase for the dissemination of cultural heritage, 2nd Thessaloniki Design Week
2020, Olympus VR. Sediments of information and interaction, 4th International Congress on Ambiances. Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds. International Ambiances Network, E-Conference [Loukakis G., Papadopoulos S., Bourdakis V.]
2019, Interactive edutainment: designing digital environments at LECAD, UTH at the International Symposium for Art, Science and Technology titled: "Rubrics of Transformation", Athens [with Spiros Papadopoulos and Giorgos Papakonstantinou]
2019, University of Thessaly Historical Archive as a cultural and creative Industry asset, with Ι. Laliotou, I. Klapsopoulos, I. Pentazou and Y. Stogyannidi, March 2019. 4th Conference Cultural and Creative Industries: trends and developments in research and policies, Thessaloniki.
2018, "Design and implementation of natural environment using open data, free software and game engines" with G. Loukakis, S. Papadopoulos, at the 5th Panhellenic Planning and Regional Development Conference, Department of Planning and Regional Development, School of Engineering, University of Thessaly, Volos.
2018, "Moving with/out the Body with/in Virtual Space Abstractions: Im/pure Geometries in-between affects, codes and interface." with A. Chronaki, Affects, Interfaces, Events Conference, Godsbanen Aarhus, Denmark, 29 August
2018, «15 Years of Teaching Interactive Spatial Design at the Dept of Architecture, University of Thessaly», in «VR@GR: Virtual Reality – Research and Applications in Greece today» at Onassis Cultural Centre in cooperation with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, 24 November.
2016, "The notion of mixed embodied presence as an alternative method of approaching and manipulating “phygital” environments" with C. Papasarantou, in the 3rd International Congress on Ambiances, September, Volos, Greece.
2016, Roundtable with G. Papakonstantinou, D. Tragaki and D. Charitos, Gamification: Education-Space-Culture, 10th June, Volos.
2015, "A Spatio-Temporal 3D Representation of a Historic Dataset" with C. Papasarantou, G. Kalaouzis and I. Pentazou, in Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015
2015, “Spatio-temporal 3d structures: visualizing the historic dataset” with C. Papasarantou and G. Kalaouzis, in “Museums in Motion” conference, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, 3-4 July
2014, "Large Scale VR Models and their Applications", in EMDL International Symposium on Artistic Creation in Immersive Environments using Large-Scale Display Technologies, EMDL, Athens, April 15
2014, "Mixed embodied presence through the lens of embodiment and social presence", with C. Papasarantou, C. Rizopoulos and D. Charitos, in Challenging Presence, 15th International Conference on Presence, Facultas.wuv, Vienna
2013, "Info - Data Constructions", with C. Papasarantou and G. Kalaouzis, Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
2012, "De.Mu.Ci.V. Designing the Museum of the City of Volos: historic research and development of innovative interactive applications" with I.Pentazou and G.Papakonstantinou at the 1st Hellenic Conference of Marketing & Place Branding, Volos, 30 March-1 Apr [in greek]
2012, Real City Museum/Virtual City Model: Real Datasets/Virtual Interactions, with I. Pentazou, in Digital Physicality/Physical Digitality, 30th eCAADe Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 12-14 September
"'London's Map of the Future', google and e-democracy; thoughts on designing data meta-spaces" talk in the "Hybrid City" symposium, Athens 4-5 May
2011, Synthetic Space Design Course Analysis; 10years 150projects, at Respecting Fragile Spaces, 29th eCAADe Conference, Ljubjiana, Slovenia, September
2010, Designing Interactions: A step forward from time based media and synthetic space design in architectural education, in FUTURE CITIES, 28th eCAADe Conference, ETH Zurich
2010, Control technology as a means for designing virtual interactive space: what could be learned from blender use in architectural education? with Α.Chronaki in 2nd International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), Darmstadt
2009, "Designing habitable interactive spaces: a smart home case study in Greece" In the 5th International Converence on Intelligent Environments, Barcelona
2008, "3D Modelling - Virtual Form" talk during the international workshop organised during e-mobiLART (2-6 June)
2008, "E-democracy through 3D urban planning", talk in the LOCUNET symposium, May, Athens
'Low Tech Approach to 3D Urban Modeling', in Architecture in Computro [26th eCAADe Conference], Antwerpen (Belgium) 17-20 September
2007, "VR technology supporting architectural design" with D.Charitos, Intuition conference, Athens (February 2007)
"Embedding an Audiovisual Interactive Installation Environment in Urban Space for Enhancing Social Interaction", In 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Organising Professional Network: Robotics and Mechatronics, NTUA, Athens (with D.Charitos and E.Gavrilou)
"Energy conscious automated design of building facades using genetic algorithms" presentation at Communicating Space(s) eCAADe06 Conference, with Tsangrassouli A. & Geros, V.
2005, "Instigating Interpersonal Mediated Communication within the Context of an Interactive Installation in Urban Space" In Altered States: Transformation of perception, place and performance Conference, Plymouth, UK (with E.Gavrilou and D.Charitos)
'Documenting the Spatial Design of an Interactive Multisensory Urban Installation' Στο: Digital Design the Quest for new paradigms, eCAADe2005 Conference (with D. Charitos and E. Gavrilou)
'Social and Gender issues emerging on utilizing a VR planning tool for public participation', In Vision and Visualisation, IX Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphic Proceedings, SiGRaDi, Peru (with A.Chronaki)
"From Pen to Bit" presented a paper on the 2nd International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication in Thessaloniki, June 2004
2009, Spot on Schools, International Architecture Schools' Exhibition, Team: V.Bourdakis, Ε. Gavrilou, Ι.Lycourioti and Κ. Panigiris, Florence, July
2013, Invited lecture titled "Alternative Carrier opportunities for architects - the Dept of Architecture, University of Thessaly experience" in Hellenic Open University organised event "Carriers in Applied Arts" 15th of June 2013
Organised eCAADe06 conference in Volos, (Education and Research in Computer Aided Design in Europe)
with D. Charitos, E. Gavrilou and G. Papaconstantinou
2019, Winner of the «Enclosures|Pass-throughs» competition for the interactive sound installation Farewell / Whispers. European Music Day, Thessaloniki Concert Hall. (in collaboration with EscapeLab team)
2003, International Architectural Competition ‘Mediterranean Architectural Competition - Sustainable Mediterranean Architecture with Aluminium Facades’ - ELVAL-ΕΤΕΜ-UIA Honorary Mention (with Gavrilou E., Tsangrasoulis A.)
1998, National Architectural Competition for the Design of Freedom Square (Koumoundourou), Athens, Fourth place (with N.Marda & B. Apergis).
1998, European Architectural Competition for the design of the Preschool and Primary Education Department of the University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis. Fourth place (with T. Fotiou and N. Marda)
1995, National Architectural Competition for the design of "Chalikaki" area, Hlioupolis, Athens, Second Mention (with M. Papavassiliou and K. Karvountzi)