Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
Elective at semester(s) 5, 7, 9, ECTS: 3
Cognitive Fields (2005/36/EU): Architectural Design, History and Theories.
Generic Competences: Ability to search for, process and analyse information from a variety of sources using the necessary technologies, Ability to adapt to and act in new situations and cope under pressure, Ability to make reasoned decisions, Ability to work autonomously, Ability to work in a team, Ability to work in an interdisciplinary environment, Capacity to generate new ideas (creativity), Ability to design and manage projects, Ability to interact constructively with others regardless of background and culture and respecting diversity, Ability to demonstrate social, professional and ethical responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues, Ability to be critical and self-critical , Ability to promote free, creative and inductive thinking.



, Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis, Synthesis

· Emphasis on a global approach to the representation of urban space.

· Visual perception and audiovisual documentation of historic, social and architectural data in an urban or landscape environment.

· Building an elementary Greek contemporary architecture audiovisual data base.


The evolution of the representation of the city from the early cinema to present day video and interactive installations.

Course structure

  • Documentary film basic characteristics.
  • Space in the cinema and the audiovisual arts in general.
  • Iconographic space, architectural space, narrative space.
  • Scenariosandnarrationstructures.
  • Urban soundscape
  • Audiovisual production organization.
  • Camera and Editing principles and techniques.
  • City symphonies of the mid-war period
  • Neo-realism, free cinema, nouvelle vague and the city
  • Experimental cinema and the city
  • Video-art and the city
  • Contemporary trends in representing urban space


The students are asked to create an audiovisual project on a specific building or an urban space.


  1. Visions urbaines: villes d'Europe a l'ecran, Centre George Pompidou, c1994.
  2. Shiel Mark Fitzmaurice Tony, Cinema and the city: film and urban societies in a global context, Blackwell, 2001.
  3. Abel Richard, The cine goes to town: french cinema 1896 – 1914, University of California Press, 1994
  4. Le cinema dans la cite, Kiron, 2001
  5. Krause Linda Petro Patrice, Global cities: cinema, architecture, and urbanism in a digital age, Rutgers University Press, 2003.
  6. Barber Stephen, Projected cities: cinema and urban space, Reaktion Books, 2002.
  7. Visions urbaines: villes d'Europe a l'ecran/
    Paris : Centre George Pompidou, 1994.
  8. Sorlin Pierre, Mass Media, European Cinemas, European Societies: 1939-1990, Taylor & Francis 2007.
  9. Albrecht Donald, Designing dreams: modern architecture in the movies, Hennessey + Ingalls, 2000.