Living in the era when human agency on the planet is a geological force that changes it at a rate and intensity greater than any other factor, the Anthropocene Era, we are facing changes and destabilization of the Earth and Life Systems with their effects on a global scale. Our world is framed through interactions and connections through symbiotic networks and socioecological systems. The current condition makes it urgent to realize that humans, are not exceptional beings, but participants along with other life forms and abiotic factors in the becoming of the Earth's systems. Based on the above, the term Environment, defined as something that "surrounds" man, does not convey the systemic, networked livingness of the planet.
The Earth’s systems, including the biotic and abiotic actors of our world, that is, the living organisms, but also the soil, the atmosphere, the waters, everything that assembles life, are that we describe until today as “Environment”.
In order to rethink our actions as a human species, knowledge about ecology, symbiosis, the interactions of other life forms in the habitats we share, and the importance of abiotic factors and natural resources more broadly in life cycles is necessary.
Furthermore,the exponential growth of human population, the majority of which on the planet is urbanized and vulnerable, reveals the importance of urban systems as active elements in shaping the Earth's systems is enormous. We have to think and redesign cities as resilient and sustainable active networks of co-becoming.
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