1981, Post-graduate degree in Architectural History, Conservation of Monuments., Centre des Etudes Supérieures d’Histoire et de Conservation des Monuments Anciens, Paris, France.
1980, DEA in Art History., Université PARIS I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France.
1979, Architect’s degree., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Polytechnic School, Greece
1979-1980, Mouseology Courses, ICOM of UNESCO, Paris.
1988-1991, Ph.d in Architectural History, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Polytechnic School, Greece
2009 - 2014, European Architecture beyond Europe: Sharing Research and Knowledge on Dissemination Processes, Historical Data and Material Legacy (19th-20th centuries)
Position: Scientific co-ordinator for Greece
Funding Body: EU, COST (code IS0904), (Action 904) , Brussel
2008 - 2011, Architectural Heritage of the Suez Canal cities.
Position: Scientific co-ordinator for Greece
Funding Body: Centre National des recherches Scientifiques (CNRS), Paris, France & Institut Francais d’ Archeologie Orientale, Cairo, Egypt
2007 - 2009, Greek communities in the Sea of Azof
Position: Scientific co-ordinator
Funding Body: National Institute of Research, Athens & Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov, Russia
2004 - 2005, The Greek contribution to the building of Odessa
Position: Scientific co-ordinator
Funding Body: National Institute of Research, Athens, Greece & Institute for the Greek Culture, Odessa, Ukrania
2001 - 2005, Architectural heritage in Mediterranean (19th-20th centuries)
Position: Scientific co-ordinator of the European Program “Patrimoines Partagés”, Euromed heritage II
Funding Body: (Greek partner: Institut for Mediterranean studies, Rethymnon, Greece), Brussel
1995 - 1998, Greek architects & architectural heritage in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean (Istanbul, Smyrne, Cairo, Alexandria)
Position: Scientific co-ordinator
Funding Body: Greek Ministry of Research and Technology, Athens & Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
1994, Architectural Heritage of the Wider-Region of Thessaloniki
Funding Body: Development Agency of Thessaloniki’s Wider-Region, Greece
1992 - 1993, Conservation and Upgrading of the Architectural Heritage of the Upper Town of Xanthi
Position: Scientific co-ordinator
Funding Body: Prefecture of Xanthi (West. Thrace), Section of Urban Planning, Greece
1987 - 1989, Industrial development and architecture in Thessaloniki (1870-1940)
Position: Scientific co-ordinator
Funding Body: Hellenic Bank for the Industrial Development, Greece
1982 - 1985, Documentary and historical research for the Henri Labrouste' s archive
Position: Research associate
Funding Body: Académie d' Architecture, Paris, France
2008 - 2017, Professor, Departmenet of Architecture, Polytechnic School, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece.
2003 - 2007,
Associate Professor at the department of Architecture, University of Thessaly.
2000 - 2006, Associate Professor (Upon contract according to the law 407/1985), at the graduate program, department of Art History & Archeology, School of Philosophy, University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece.
2000 - 2002, Associate Professor (Upon contract according to the law 407/1985), department of Architecture, University of Thessaly.
The Army Share Fund Building, Banc of Piraeus, Athens 2007 (in Greek)
Greek architects in the Ottoman Empire (19th-20th centuries), OLKOS, Athens 2005 (160 pp.)
Italian architecturein the Dodecanese islands (1912-1940), Olkos, Athens 2002, (in Greek and English) (208 pp.)
Architectural Inheritage in Thessaloniki's wider region (19th-20th centuries), Development Agency of Thessaloniki's Prefecture, Thessaloniki 1996 (in Greek)
The architect Vitaliano Poselli. His career and works, Thessaloniki 19th century. Paratiritis, Thessaloniki,1980, (in Greek, co author)
"Casa Bianca, l’histoire d’ une réhnabilitatio", Patrimoines Partagés en Méditerannée. Eléments clés de la réhabilitation, Euromed Heritage II, Alexandria preservation Trust, 2006, pp. 76-85 (with A.Vitopoulou)
"Italian Architecture in the Dodecanese", The dispersed Urbanity of the Aegean Archipelago, La Biennale di Venezia, 10th Mostra di Architettura, Venice 2006, pp. 312-321
"Habitation traditionnelle et architecture européenne: echanges stylistiques dans les maisons bourgeoises de la Grèce du Nord à la fin du 19ème siècle", Afife Batur’a ermagan, Literatur, Istanbul 2005, pp. 247-253
"Grèce, Réflexion et Hypothèses de recherches historiographiques, 1830-1960", Histoires d’ architectures en méditerannée (19e-20e s.), (dir. J. B. Minnaert), Εditions de la Villette, Paris 2005, σσ. 193-220
"L’ enjeux et outils de la protection du patrimoine récent en Grèce: de la conservation a la recnversion”, Reconnaitre et protéger l’ architecture récénte en méditerannée, Maisonneuve et Larose, Paris 2005, pp. 91-128 (co-author)
"Housing and the Architectural Expression of the Greeks of Asia Minor before and after the Exchange of Populations", Crossing the Aegean, An appraisal of the 1923 compulsory exchange of populations between Greece and Turkey, (R. Hirschon ed.) Bergham books, Oxford - N. York 2003, pp. 163-178
"Greek architecture from 1922 to 1940", Greece in the 20th century, vol.2. (editor Ch. Hadjiiossif), Athens 2003, pp. 460-539 (in Greek)
"Grèce: un carrefour d’ influences", Le régionalisme, architecture et identité, Direction du Patrimoine, Paris 2001, pp. 220-231
"Architectes et architectures Grecs en Egypte (1850-1950)", Le Caire - Alexandrie, Architectures européennes (1850-1950)", Institut Français d' Archéologie Orientale, Cairo 2000, σσ. 77-87.
"Thessalonique, object de prédilection des photographs", Thessalonique 1913-1919, les autochomes du musée Albert Kahn, Olkos, Athens 1999, pp. 155-183 (in Greek and French)
"Greek architecture from 1900 to 1922", Greece in the 20th century, vol.1 (editor Ch. Hadjiiossif), Athens 1998, pp. 254-307 (in Greek)
"Un Urbanisme cosmopolite: les transformations architecturales", Salonique 1850-1918, La ville des Juifs et le réveil des Balkans , in Autrement, Paris 1992, pp. 167-176
Catalogue des collections de l'Académie d'Architecture, 1750-1900, Paris 1987, (coauthor)
“Architecture in Greece (1940-1952)”, The German Occupation and the Civil War in Art, ESTIA, vol. 169, no 1845, June 2011, Athens, pp. 1257-1271 (in Greek)
"Architectural Expression of the Greeks in the Nineteenth-Century Cities of the Azov Sea Region: The Case of Taganrog", International Journal of Maritime History, XXII, no.1, June 2010, pp. 269-278.
"Salonique dans la photographie au XXe siècle", (St. Sawas dir.) Visages de Salonique au XXe siecle, MESOGEIOS 34 (2008), Herodotos, Paris 2008, pp. 147-159
"City Space in Cavafy's poetry ", Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium "Constantinos Cavafis" , Caïro-Alexandria 1991, Entefktirio, n. 36, Thessaloniki 1996, pp. 70-80 (in Greek) , Metalocus 20, Madrid May 2007, σσ.138-145 (in English and Spanish)
“The Pallas Movie Theatre in the Army Share Fund Buildinh in Athens (1932-1901)”, Metalocus 016, Madrid, June 2005, pp.144-151 (spanish-englishκά)
"Academic styles in the architecture of Mount Athos", Monument & Environment, vol. 6, Thessaloniki 2000, pp. 99-111 (in Greek , abstract in English)
Guest editor of a special issue of the monthly publication of the Chambre of Architects of Izmir Egemimarlik, on Modern Greek Architecture, Izmir, January 1998. Editorial (p.20): “Greek contemporary architecture in Thessaloniki 1912-1990” (pp. 39-43) “The re-use of the ottoman monuments of Thessaloniki” (pp. 34-35), (in Turkish)
"Eclecticism as a choice of the modernizing agents in Thessaloniki at the end of the19th century", Architecture in Greece 24/1990, pp. 72-77 (in Greek, abstract in English)
"Vitaliano POSELLI (1838-1918). An Italian architect in Thessaloniki at the end of the 19th century", Environmental Design, Carucci, Rome 1990, pp. 162-171 (in English)
«L’expression architecturale des Grecs de Roumanie (19e-20e siècles)», International Conference Proceedings Greeks in Romania in the 19th century, Alpha Bank Historical Archives, Boucarest, 3-4 October 2008
«Architectural forms and National/Religious Identity in Early 20th c. Ottoman Cities: The case of Exohes (les Campagnes) Suburb in Thessaloniki (1885-1912)», International Conference proceedings «Rival Pursuits, Common Experiences:: Social Transformation and Mass Mobilization in the Balkan& Eastern Mediterranean cities (1900-1923, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Rethymno 22-34 October 2009,
“ L’ architecte grec Patroclos Campanakis et son projet pour le musée du Caire”.In Le concurs international de 1894 pour le musée des antiquités égyptiennes du Caire, Institut Français d’ Archéοlogie Orientale, Κάϊρο Νοέμβριος 2007 (with Lila Theodoridou)
“L’ art - Déco en Grèce”, Proceedings of the International Symposium “L’ architecture Art-Déco en Méditerannée”, University of Malaga, Melilla Municipality, Bellaterra ed., Melilla 2008, pp.195-220 (in French and Spanish)
“S. Poselli et L. Gennari, 2 architectes Italiens à Thessaloniki pendant la reconstruction après l’ incendie de 1917”, International Conference Proceedings Τhe Presence of Ιtalian Αrchitects in Mediterrannean countries, GDRI, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Universities of Milano, Bologna, Firenze, Genova, Napoli, Palermo, Reggio di Calabria, Treste και Udine, Alexandria Nov. 2007, M&M Firenze 2008, pp. 32-327
“Architecture of the Reconstruction and local Tradition”, Proceedings of the International Symposium, ”Mediterranean Cities, after Earthquakes”, University of Thessaly, Municipality of Volos, Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, 2007, pp. 170-179 (in Greek)
“L’ architecture réligieuse en Grèce au 19ème siècle. La Cathédrale d' Athènes et la naissance du style "grecobyzantin", In “L' architecture réligieuse au XIX siècle”, Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) U.E.R. d’ Art et d’ Archéologie (Bruno Foucart & Françoise Hamon dir.) PUPS, Paris 2006, pp. 69-81
“Looking for Post-War Modernism in Contemporary Greek Architecture”, Proceedings of the Symposium “Where is Modernity?”, DOCOMOMO, NTUA 2006, Futura Athens, 2006, pp. 89-92 (in Greek)
"The contribution of the Jewish Community to the modernization of Thessaloniki and the change of its image at the turn of the 19th century", Proceedings of the XVI International Symposium Jewish Communities in Turkey and the Balkans 1808-1945, Diaspora Research Institute, Tel Aviv University (1995), Tel Aviv 2002, pp. 165-172
«Le regionalisme en Grèce (1840-1940), GENIUS LOCI (Proceedings of the international Congress «National and regional styles in architecture», 1999), Union of Romanian Architects, Bucarest, 2002, pp. 106-111 (in French) «La reconstruction de Thessalonique après l' incendie de 1917. De l' éclectisme au modernisme, du néo-byzantin aux arabisances, le plan Hébrard trace une nouvelle morphologie pour la ville», GENIUS LOCI (Proceedings of the international Congress Regionalism and modernism in european architecture, 2000), Union of Romanian Architects, Bucarest 2002, pp. 150-155 (in French)
"Architectural expression of the Hellenism in Alexandria (18501950)", Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of History on Modern Greek City, Mediterranean and Balkan aspects, Society of Historians of modern Hellenism, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Athens 2000, pp. 125-140 (in Greek)
"Production of public and private space by the non-muslim communities in the urban centres of the ottoman empire. A case study; Greek architectes and commanding agents in Istanbul at the turn of the 19th century", Proceedings of the international Congress « 7 centuries of ottoman architecture, a supra-national heritage», Chamber of Architects of Türkey, Istanbul, November 2000, pp. 404-411 (in English and Turkish)
"Versions de l' éclectisme dans l' architecture residentielle de Thessalonique (1885-1912)", Proceedings of the VII International Symposium L' abitazione europea nei paesi ilamici, Environmental Design, 1-2/ 1994-95, The AghaKhan Programme for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University and the MIT, Carucci, Rome 1998,p. 74-83 (in French)
"Vitaliano Poselli (1838-1918) et Pierro Arrigoni (1856-1940), deux architectes italiens à Thessalonique à la fin du 19ème siècle", Proceedings of the International Symposium Architecture et architectes Italiens à Istanbul au tournant du siècle, Institut Français des Etudes Anatoliennes - Observatoire Urbain d' Istanbul, Istanbul 1995, pp. 71-78
"Foreign communities and Architecture in Thessaloniki at the end of the 19th century". Proceedings of the Symposium “L' esprit communautaire à Macédoine de l' antiquité à nos jours”, Centre of Historical Studies, Thessaloniki 1991, pp. 325-352 (in Greek, abstract in French)
"L'éclectisme, style officiel ottoman à Salonique à la fin du 19ème siècle", Proceedings of the 9th International congress of Turkish Art, Ministry of culture of the Republic of Turkey-Faculty of Letters of the Istanbul University, Istanbul 1991, pp. 489-501 (in French)
"The reconstruction of Thessaloniki, and the Archive of the Alliance Israélite Universelle and the Town Planning Office of Thessaloniki", Proceedings of the 1st Symposium of History Jews in Greece: Issues of History in the long durée Society for the study of the Greek Judaism, Thessaloniki 1991, pp. 231-254 (in Greek, coauthor)
"Architecture and ideology in Thessaloniki at the end of the19th century. The buildings of the Greek Community ", Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium of History on Modern Greek City, Ottoman Heritage and Greek State, Society of Historians of modern Hellenism, Athens 1985 (in Greek, abstract in French)
"Thessaloniki (1912-1992): Eight Decades of modern Greek Architecture", Thessaloniki, "Uncunny" City, TEYXOS, No 12-13, Athens 1993, pp. 56-67 (in Greek and English)
Thessaloniki 1912-1940, The industrial City, Hellenic Bank for the Industrial Development, Thessaloniki, 1989, (in Greek with extended summary in English, coauthor)
2006, “Alexander Onassis” Foundation Fellowship, Program of 12 lectureshosted by the Universities of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and Chicago), Mac Gill University (Montreal), Brown University (Ρrovidence), San Fransisco State University (San Fransisco), Topics presented: (1)Thessaloniki in the Westernization Era, (2) Italian Architecture in the Dodecanese Islands, (3 )Greek Architects in Istanbul, (4) The Urban Space in the Work of Cavafy
1999, I was awarded the title of the Chevalier of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic for my work on 19th century Italian architects in the Ottoman Empire.