The present research studies of the stage-designing of the ancient Drama’ s performances in the 20th century.
Main interest is given in the years 1955-1975, during the first 20 years of the Epidaurus Festival and the rest Greek festivals of Ancient Theatre.
However, we study the stage-designs which were formed in the beginning of the century and actually set grounds for the performances not only artistically but also theoretically and mentally.
So the first part of the research studies the stage-designs of the performances in the years of 1900s up to the Second World War. It is about the gradual transition from the “inter” theatre to the “open” theatre, showing most interest in the attempt that Sikelianos couple made in the Festivals of Delphi.
In the second part of the research we have decided to show you the work of twelve great scene painters during 1955-1975. Most of them like Yiannis Tsarouchis, George Vakalo, Yiannis Moralis and others were painters of a great presence in the artistic and the cultural life of Greece. Those were who through their stage-designing work managed to reform the “look” of the modern performances in ancient Drama, leading our country in the world-wide distinctions like the award of the Theatre of the Nations which was awarded in 1962 for Charles Coun, Yiannis Tsarouchis and Manos Xatsidaki’s performance “Ornithes”.
In the third part of the research, four modern scene-painters talk about the past and the present of stage-designing in ancient Drama.
All the above performances are examined through the social module of their times. They are examined not only for their contemporary artistic trend but for their architectural trend too.