This project attempts to present a historic neighborhood in the medieval city of Rhodes, which has a very unique value and has been still extending hospitality to the people of Israel, since the time of Roman Empire. This neighborhood is called “Ovriaki”.
It’s a neighborhood that has been endured a lot of kneading and changes through the passing of the centuries, not only because of the wars in the Dodecanese islands, but also because of the politicians who ruled according to the Hebrew element. The character and the articulation of this neighborhood have given her a special architectural and city planning interest.
However, there are some factors such as : the position of the new city center which is far away from the port and the neighborhood, the present reality, which have put the historic neighborhood in the margin and the whole area has been abandoned. It’s a negligible part of the town that has the need to be reformed, showed and at the same time to be enrolled in the contemporary life. It’s an area of studying and reviving the medieval web and a basis of investigation for its preservation and restoration.
The investigation analyzes, through a historic review, those factors that contributed to its formation through the political, social and city planning conditions of that particular period. Also, this investigation is focused on the present condition of that area ( properties, usages and land values) and attempts a brief, standard, constructive and morphological analysis of its significant buildings. From the analysis of that settling there are new facts that arise and give much information, which facilitate the determination of goals of a new intervention and the selection of activities and usages.