Three hotels with sea view in Sounio, have been abandoned for more than twenty years. Despite their privileged location on one of the country's most cosmopolitan beaches, these three hotels have not stood the test of time. Belvedere Park was founded in 1960 and ceased operations in 1992. Few meters away, the Triton Hotel operated from 1956 to 1994, and a few kilometers below, in Legrena, is the Amphitrite Hotel, which was founded in 1965 but closed in 1993. A review is made of the history of these hotels from their inception to the end of their operation, and the factors and events that influenced their operation are sought. At the same time, the development programs of the Greek National Tourism Organization for the Athenian Riviera and the program of construction of state hotels are presented. References are also made to the legal framework of the time, but also to policies implemented in the field of private investment in tourism.
Some of the questions that this paper is asked to answer are:
- Did the state support the private initiative in the field of tourism from the interwar period until the '90s?
- Apart from the construction of the seaside avenue, and the creation of a kiosk at the archeological site of the Temple of Poseidon, were any other state actions taken for the tourist development of the area of Sounio?
- By what means did Greek National Tourism Organization attempt to control and guide individuals in the work field of tourism?
- Which projects of the National Greek National Tourism Organization are considered cornerstones for the tourism infrastructure in Greece?