Nicolas REMY is a graduate physics, DEA (Diplôme d'études approfondies) and Ph.D. from the Polytechnic School of Nantes with application to architecture, and he realises free lance studies in acoustics and lighting design. He was Maitre de Conference of the Higher Education Schools of Architecture in France and he has taught in Grenoble (2003-2017) and Marseilles (2006-2008). From October 2008, he's teaching at the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly in Volos. He specializes in roomacoustics in environmental acoustics, building acoustics and soundscape studies.
Nicolas REMY is a also member of the Research Centre on Sonic Space and the Urban Environment (CRESSON, CNRS, ENS School of Architecture at Grenoble, France) and deals with the concept of ambience as a a tool and as a method for architectural design. More specifically, his work on the relationship between physics, perception theories and architecture. He has presented his work in several International conferences (France, Greece, England, Italy, Sweden, Portugal, Chine. In 2016 he co-organized the 4th International Conference on Atmospheres and since 2018 she is Co-Director of the Ambiances International Network (1000+ members, 33+ research teams)
2020 - 2023: Scientific responsible of the CRESSON team for the European B-AIR research project
2018 - 2021: Co-chair of the International Ambiances Network
2013 - 2015: Scientific responsible of the CRESSON team for the European research project EUROPEAN ACOUSTIC HERITAGE
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2020 - 2023, Cultural Program of European Union EACEA
Position: Scientific Coordinator
Funding Body: Cultural Program of European Union EACEA
2013 - 2015, ESQUISSONS ! Design tools for sustainable sound environments
Position: Scientific Coordinator
Funding Body: CRESSON
2011 - 2013, European Acoustic Heritage
Position: Coordinator
Funding Body: Cultural Program of the European Union
Position: Scientific coordinator
Funding Body: Research Comity, Thessaly University
General Chair of the 3rd International Congress on Ambiances, Volos.
2012, Acoustic Study for elementary school of Nea Ionia, Magnesia
2012, Acoustic study for the Musical College of Volos, Magnesia
2012, Acoustic Study for the new building of the Department Computer and telecommunications networks, Thessaly University
2012 - 2012, Participation in the implementation of strategic noise maps and the drafting of relevant action plans for the cities of VOLOS and LARISSA, CORFU, AGRINIO and THESSALONIKI
Acoustic Design
Ambiances and Architecture
Sound atmospheres and (closed spaces)
Contemporary materialities of architecture
Nicolas Remy, Hengameh Amini, Jean-Luc Bardyn, Grégoire Chelkoff, Noha Gamal Saïd, et al.. Esquis’sons ! Outils d’aide à la conception d’environnements sonores durables. [Rapport de recherche] 88, Cresson; ADEME, Direction Villes et territoires durables; ENSAG. 2016.
Meri Kytö, Nicolas Remy & Heikki Uimonen (2012), European Acoustic Heritage, Publication realised in the frame of the European funded program of Culure, Publishers: Tampere: Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) & Grenoble: CRESSON 2012.
Konstantinos Vogiatzis, Nicolas Rémy. Environmental Noise Mapping as a Smart Urban Tool Development. Smart Urban Development [Working Title], IntechOpen, 2019
Nicolas REMY, Οι φωνές της πόλης in Παναγιώτη Πανόνπουλο και Ελπίδα Πικου - Φωνές / Fonés, Τέχνες – Νήσος : Αθηνα, 2016, σελ 278=284
K. Vogiatzis, N. Remy, “Soundscape design guidelines through noise mapping methodologies: An application to medium urban agglomerations”, NOISE-D-16-00005, De Gruyter Editions / Noise Mapping Journal: Special issue on Recent Advances on Soundscape Research, 2017;4:1-19 Dec 2016
Nicolas Rémy, Grégoire Chelkoff, Théo Marchal, Jean-Luc Bardyn, Noha Gamal Saïd, et al.. Esquis’Sons ! Outils d’aide à la conception d’environnements sonores durables. Nicolas Rémy (dir.) ; Nicolas Tixier (dir.). Ambiances, tomorrow. Proceedings of 3rd International Congress on Ambiances. Septembre 2016, Volos, Greece, Sep 2016, Volos, Grèce. International Network Ambiances ; University of Thessaly, vol. 1, p. 529 - 534, 2016.
K. Vogiatzis, N. Remy, Research Article: “Strategic Noise Mapping of Herakleion: The Aircraft Noise Impact as a factor of the Int. Airport relocation, Noise Mapping, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (Sept 2014), p. 15-31, De Gruyter Open
K. E. Vogiatzis, N. Remy “From Environmental noise abatement to soundscape creation through strategic noise mapping in medium urban agglomeration in South Europe”, Accepted 25 Jul 2013, Science of Total Environment (STOTEN), 482-483 (2014), pp 420-431
Théo Marchal, Nicolas Rémy. Esquissons! Sketching architecture by listening. 14th European Architecture Envisioning Conference (EAEA14 2019), Sep 2019, Nantes, France. pp.01006,
Georgia Gerolymatou, Nicolas Rémy, Konstantinos Vogiatzis, Vassiliki Zafiropoulou. Assessing Health Effects and Soundscape Analysis as New Mitigation Actions Concerning the Aircraft Noise Impact in Small- and Middle-Size Urban Areas in Greece. Interactive Learning Environments, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2019, 6 (1), pp.4
N. Remy, K. Vogiatzis, Towards sustainable urban sound environment: several case studies in Greece, EURONOISE 2018, Heraklion, Crete Greece, 27-31 May 2018.
Remy et alii , Esquis’Sons ! Sketching soundscapes by using parametric tools: application to the design of balconies, loggias, terraces and corridors of building facades, EURONOISE 2018, Heraklion, Crete Greece, 27-31 May 2018.
Nicolas Rémy & Nicolas Tixier (dir.), Ambiances, demain | Ambiances, tomorrow | Ατμόσφαιρες, Αύριο, proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Ambiances, Volos, Greece, co-edition by the International Ambiances Network & University of Thessaly, Department of architecture, Sept. 2016, 1 016 pages, 2 volumes.
2012, Remy, N. (2012), Listening paths and architectural design, Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, at the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE), Corfu : Greece, 3-7 october 2011.
2012, Remy Nicolas (2012), invited talk in the two days of discussions and experiments around the topic of the voices, Friday, the 9th and Saturday the 10th of March, 2012, Voices, Theatre Embros in Athens.
Remy, N. (2011), Changing Soundscapes, conference during the European Workshop «Changing Landscape », Volos, 2-16th of June 2011.