Many architects, composers and speculators have been actively involved in interactive architecture of production sounds. Through various structures, they try to analyze how the interaction of sounds within a public urban environment affects both in psychology of region, of people and as well as its notion too.
The ultimate intention is to create various living cores within public urban region which will interact with people and will have either information, either recreational but and stimulating nature.
The objective of work is to identify these irritations, which may arise within a public urban environment and are able to affect the mentality and perception of people. These irritations may be either acoustic or optical that have the abillity to raise people’s percepts.
With the term interactive sound facilities we mean construction that producing sound waves through the interaction of user and observer in real time. These particular installations operate using innovative technologies (sensors acceleration, microphones etc) for interaction with the user.
The design of the facilities is such that it presupposes the physical activity and used to encourage non-verbal contact and improvement of mental health. This Improvement has as a result a change of the behavior of people with the building, the urban environment and society in general.
In this research work will be studied sound interactive structures which consist sound reactions in public urban regions in order to ascertain how they behave both to the urban environment, to the building and people. The interactive architecture is a means of movement and communication.