The purpose of this research project was to achieve a bettet understanding of the different ways , with which one can measure and analyse the acoustical properties of interior spaces, as well as the various means available to do it. The first part of the research is theoretical and sees Acoustics as a field of study, analyses sound as a physical phainomenon and tries to understand the way it works and the terms used to describe its properties. The second part is using proffessional equipment to measure the acoustic properties of the university's department of Planning auditorium and then using the correct software to produce the results of these measurements, before analysing them. After that a 3d digital model of the same space is created Using the correct available software the same acpustical.propwrties are being studied and the results are again analysed and compared to the ones the previous method produced. Finally the two different ways of doing a study of the acoustics of a closed interior are evaluated towards their reliability and an opinion is formed on how each method is better used in different situations.