Nowadays, the word school maybe creates in the mind of students and not only very specific images and memories. Maybe most people connect school place with a strict, boring and original atmosphere.
However, if we have a look to the schools of the world maybe doesn’t exist everywhere the same opinion.
This research project examines different examples of school atmospheres in many schools environments of Greece and the whole world. We focus in examples that have some specialties and are out of the ordinary as a result the atmosphere to be considered as an extreme one.
Beginning with a questionnaire in a school of Athens we hear about the opinion of students about where they would prefer to take lessons if they didn’t do it in school. We continue with a flashback in some school of Athens that they are considered as special for some reasons, focusing on the special Grava school and the historical 8th school of Athens.
In a second step, we examine different school of the world and we see that children choices are from colleges to caves and school on the water surface. We observe differences between schools depending on the geographical place, living standards and the quality of life of people.
All these schools that we will know suggest that the meaning of school varies a lot as it comes to the atmosphere that creates the architecture of school, the identity of students, the place of ‘classroom’ and the curriculum with a common goal that is the best cover of their student’s needs.
The research finishes not with an answer but with some questions:
-Which atmosphere is suitable for students? The ordinary school atmosphere or some atmospheres that are considered as more extreme?
-When an atmosphere is considered as an extreme but safe for human and when is this become dangerous?