The research topic is developed in six chapters:
Having always in mind the concerns of the association and the interaction of the sound with the architectural space, in other words how necessary is the existence of the obstructions for the sound in order to create space, is the base to start writing this research. In the beginning, some basic definitions are outnumbered and written, such as the real concept of the architectural space, but mainly many technical definitions of the sound and how is developed, are mentioned in this part. Afterwards, some known definitions of the acoustic are written and how they affect within each architectural space, in order to think what sound-space really means.
In the second chapter of this research, relevant bibliography is selected in order to find out whether we can create space by the means of the sounds or not. Having read the books, we put ourselves in the position to analyze separately the way that each author arrives to indicate the definition and the conclusions of the specific topic of sound space.
The third chapter presents extensively the findings of our research while reading the already mentioned literature as well as with our personal views about the meaning of space sound. In the fourth chapter, we have the analysis of the methodology which followed on finding and classifying audio applications and installations presented in the next chapter.
In the fifth chapter of the research, practical examples of the implementation of the conclusions of the above passages are presented, making it more understandable to create spaces with the help of sound with or without the presence of visual obstacles, while in the sixth and final chapter, we present the general findings of the above research.