One of the problems that cities face nowadays is the noise pollution. The last few years noise pollution has increased in cities and it is necessary to face it in order to protect citizens. It’s one reason we choose this theme as a research theme.
In the first chapter, we present the sources of noises that we can face in our cities : the public transports, the industries and the leisure facilities noises.
Under the Article 12 of the national code of construction, it states that it is important the acoustic design has to be applied and provided in every building. In each building the sound comfort is important, as it is needed to protect every inhabitant from annoying noises. To implement sound comfort measures, architectural study has be ended and sometimes it’s late in the design process. If building can be designed as soon as possible with acoustic constraints, better will be the final result.
My main subject of my research is to study several buildings, where the theory became reality.
22 buildings have been studied and analyzed regarding their acoustic potentiels. : houses, blocks of flats, offices, lobbies which that has be found all over the world (Europe, America, South America and Asia). For each building, we highlight the architectural solutions that the architects have found to solve acoustic problems. All these building, choosen because of their qualities can be described in 3 different categories : “noise barriers”, “underground buildings”, “reinforce masonry”.
These categories serve to classify the existing buildings and also aim to help architects in the design process of.