The starting point of my field of research was to examine the alterations in the contemporary way of living, due to the use of New Media and Technology by the individuals, that move and act inside the urban, public network. Always in sync with their virtual identities, the subjects create paths, while receiving and sharing information, using applications of different kinds and with various characteristics, sharing data/aspects of themselves that are no longer considered as “private”, and are continuously perceived and criticized by other “connected” users, through their own, subjective perspectives.
This aforementioned hectic reality, is frequently “interrupted” or intruded by artworks in the form of performances/ambiences/installations that are placed inside the urban environment. Art in the public space offers “spots of decompressions” to the subjects that, for a little while, get to experience an alteration of rhythm caused by imagery, lights, sound, creating a parallel, possibly calmer reality.
I set up an audiovisual installation/performance (Fuga A Tre Voci), inside Studio 59, in Neukölln, Berlin. I composed a sound piece, based on the form of the exposition of a fugue that was later on synchronized with light effects adding color and pulse to my ambience that was also enhanced by a vocal improvisation that I performed during the event.
The second part of the project, was to design the alterations of my atmosphere, in order for it to be placed in two different spots inside the city of Berlin. The first one was an underground corridor, part of a former brewery, in Neukölln, that would offer the opportunity for the project to be once more presented in a similar scale with the one in the studio, but with significant variations, always preserving elements that I thought were successful in my first live attempt. The second space that I chose to use as a setting for Fuga, was the main entrance hall of Tempeh of Airport (no longer in use), in a scale much larger, that would force the project to “expand” in a way to become suitable for the very large interior space.