The current diploma project is dealing with the term of comfort, in the context of terminology and morphology, it the transient environment of the train. As case study is chosen a regional train that unites the cities Volos and Larisa, while centering the focus of the proposal on the interior development and the train travel conditions.
Through experiment and based on the collected data, the project is developed in three steps. Initially, a personal research takes place inside the train to analyze the environment in which the train is moving and to assess its current condition. The train’s history, its construction materials and the scenery around, inspire the development of the concept idea.
Furthermore, the passenger-user is being described by the use of a questionnaire, while physical data are collected to describe the terms of thermal, visual and acoustic comfort. The use of special equipment for measurements together with calculating software are proven of great help for a liable simulation of the space according to the existing environmental conditions. By following the above mentioned evidence as design data, the basic axis of the concept can be organized and the overall challenges can be defined.
The project is being studied from a technological view, as the sector of the rail industry keeps advancing, while keeping the human being in the center of the design and trying to reinvent the idea of a pleasant journey with the train.
According to that idea, the science of anthropometry, the study of the personal travel needs and the nostalgic approach of such a transport means, act together to produce a mixture of technology and tradition with the aim of reconnecting the passenger with the train and the outer world. Finally, the fact that the train houses a great amount of people for a limited time, underlines the importance of its public and transient character.