In this research project we try to capture the relationship that the students have with their architectural environment of their school yard. The meaning of atmosphere is a very important part of our research.
In the introduction part we try to capture the meaning of atmosphere through philosophical and theoretical approaches that we found in different books. In our effort to study about the school yard we divide “atmosphere” in three parts. The first part is the school building; the second part is the aesthetics of the school yard and the third part are the people that go there. We also studied the school atmosphere through an historical recursion in schools of Greece.
The second part focuses more in the definition of school yard and the characteristics that it has. We consider the way that the different function are best distributed in the yard to help children develop their activities and enjoy the most their break time. Furthermore, we examine in which way architectural design has an influence in the children’s play.
In our last part of the research we visited a school in Kallithea, which is a municipality of Athens and distributed a questionnaire to high school students to answer as about their school yard. Afterwards, by analyzing the data, we ended up to gather very interesting results that we present in different tables.
To conclude, the purpose of this research want to understood the importance of the architectural design that the school yard has for the students and have into consideration the need of more detailed project of the yards when we make the raft of a school.