Obligatory, Semester 6, ECTS: 4
Generic Competences: Ability to adapt to and act in new situations and cope under pressure, Ability to make reasoned decisions, Ability to work autonomously, Ability to work in a team, Ability to work in an interdisciplinary environment, Capacity to generate new ideas (creativity), Ability to promote free, creative and inductive thinking.
Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis
A course introducing students to the notions of cyberspace and helping them comprehend Virtual Reality. The aim of the course is to address the issues of synthetic/virtual/digital spatial design and familiarisation with interactive spatial constructs.
Lectures cover the following topics: Cyberspace analysis, properties, application, historical expression in art and cinema. Focus on Virtual Reality, properties, analysis of contemporary examples. Introduction and analysis of VR design issues. Involvement and contributing factors of VR and Virtual Environment (VE) design in architecture and urban planning. Designing for Interactivity. Advanced synthetic space design tools and new developments.
Course is structured around a series of lectures and the presentation of relevant VR material of varying typology, orientation and analytical depth. After the third week, students start working on team projects (max 4 persons) that are discussed and evaluated during each lecture. Student evaluation is through the team project submitted at the end of the semester.
synthetic space, Virtual Reality, Cyberspace, Interaction