Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
Elective at semester(s) 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ECTS: 2



Students are expected to:

  • Gain initial work experience in work environments related to their field of study
  • Develop professional awareness by working in real work conditions
  • Facilitate their transition and integration into the rapidly evolving job market
  • Practice the application of academic knowledge they have acquired in practice


The Paid Internship is an approved activity for students associated with the Study Program and constitutes autonomous supervised work in collaborating bodies.

The ECTS credits received (2 ECTS) are stated in the Diploma Supplement in the specific field provided for this purpose.

The prerequisite for student participation in the Paid Internship is to have completed the 2nd year of studies (from the 5th semester onwards) or to have accumulated at least 60 ECTS credits.

The applications of students are evaluated based on clearly defined objective criteria set by the Department Assemblies (scoring criterion), while social and other criteria are taken into account in the selection process, as well as in the equal treatment among students.

Its duration is 2 months and takes place from July to September. It is mainly conducted in private companies and businesses, as well as in public ones. The uniqueness of the Department of Architecture allows for the dispersion of students not only in architectural offices (which are the main employment destination for students) but also in offices related to architectural fields (graphic design, artists' studios, video, etc.). Direct beneficiaries are the students who are familiar with the specificity of the spaces where they can work and the employers who will collaborate with the university. Selection of students is made based on specific criteria to cover the positions offered. The subject of the Internship is related to the subject of study, and its main purpose is to familiarize students with the work environment.

The Internship is paid through co-financed NSRF Programs.