Dr Ioanna Symeonidou is an architect engineer specializing in digital media for design and manufacturing. She is Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly, in the thematic area of "Architectural Design with Digital Media". She has more than 15 years of professional experience in architectural design and construction in Greece, Spain, Germany and Austria and has worked as Lead Designer and Site Architect for residential, commercial and large scale constructions, including a Velodrome, two Metro Stations, a SPA complex and museums. She has collaborated with several award-winning architecture studios and construction companies like Anamorphosis Architects (Athens), Schwarzenbacher Architekten (Graz), HENN (Berlin) και FCC SA (Spain).
She has graduated from the Architecture Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with Honours, and she has completed her postgraduate studies at the Architectural Association in London in the thematic area of Emergent Technologies and Design. Her doctoral dissertation at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki focuses on digital design and construction methods.
Dr. Symeonidou teaches architectural design studios and seminars of digital design at the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly. In the past she held teaching and research positions at the Architecture School of Graz University of Technology in Austria, at the Department of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and has been visiting professor at the postgraduate courses of the International Hellenic University of Greece, and the Hellenic Open University.
She is the author of numerous papers, published in scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, and has participated in research projects in Greece and abroad. She has lectured in Europe and Asia, and for her work she has been awarded International Awards for Research and Innovation.
Architectural design with digital media, Sustainable Architecture, Algorithmic design, Digital Fabrication, Robotic construction in architecture, Architecture and music, 3D printing, Mathematics, Geometry, Biomimetics, Lighting Design, Small-scale Art Installations
2005, Architecture Diploma, Department of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2009, Master of Science (MSc), Architectural Association (AA) School of Architecture, London
2016, PhD, Department of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2022 - 2026, FOstering Large-scale ImplementAtion of energy GEostructure
Position: Researcher
Funding Body: COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
2019, Morphological investigations through algorithms for geometry optimization of models produced via 3D printing (3D printing)
Position: Scientific coordinator
Funding Body: Special Account for Research Grants (S.A.R.G.) University of Thessaly
2018 - 2021, Explorations into spatial design and architecture incorporating art contribution and air participation. Creative form production and environmental integration.
Position: Researcher
Funding Body: ELIDEK - Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation
2018, Digital Media in Architectural Education
Position: Scientific coordinator
Funding Body: Special Account for Research Grants (S.A.R.G.) University of Thessaly
2016 - 2018, European Research Project «ΜΑΚΕ ΙΤ REAL» Addressing underachievement in STEAM education through real product design and making practices
Position: Main researcher, responsible for Task 2: CAD systems research
Funding Body: Erasmus +
2014, «Augmented Parametrics - Simulation and Expert Knowledge in Parametric Design»
Position: Research Assistant (short term contract) - Responsible for visualizations of the simulation and graphical representation of the results (GAM)
Funding Body: Austrian Science Fund FWF
2014, «UNAB - Sustainable Design process & Integrated Facades» Phase 2.2.5 – «Analysis Metal Facade Systems – A geometric exploration»
Position: Researcher of Phase 2.2.5 on metal facade systems and geometry
Funding Body: Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung, Abteilung Wissenschaft und Gesundheit, Geschäftsstelle des Zukunftsfonds, A8 (Österreich)
2021, Centre for Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) in Thessaloniki (Preliminary design)
2020, Private medical practice for Neurosurgery in Thessaloniki (Design - Construction)
2018, Offices of the Association of Pensioner Traders in Thessaloniki (Renovation - Lighting Study - Construction)
2017 - 2018, Confectionery shop and sweets factory in Kalamaria, Thessaloniki (Design and Construction)
2016, Renovation of an apartment on Antigonidon Street (Valaoritou) in Thessaloniki. Architectural design and construction
2016, Design and construction of a tensile structure in Warehouse C at the Port of Thessaloniki in collaboration with the architect G. Dimopoulos
2013, Architectural Design for the competition for the multi-story building at Rathausstraße in Vienna, in collaboration with W. Schwarzenbacher and B. Bocsor
2013, Architectural competition for the design of a treatment unit at Nussdorf in Austria, in collaboration with W. Schwarzenbacher and B. Bocsor
2013, Three-dimensional design of the entire settlement and 3D printing of SPA Loipersdorf in Austria
2013, Detailed Design of Clinic Pirawarth in Austria, in collaboration with W. Schwarzenbacher and B. Bocsor
2013, Participation in the architectural design of the Hyundai Design Center in Korea in collaboration with the ΗΕΝΝ architecture office
2012, Architectural Design of MARS Rehabilitation Center in Austria, in collaboration with W. Schwarzenbacher and B. Bocsor
2012, Architectural design for the new building of the SPA Loipersdorf in Austria, in collaboration with W. Schwarzenbacher and B. Bocsor
2012, Architectural design for the covered wave pool of the SPA Loipersdorf in Austria, in collaboration with W. Schwarzenbacher and B. Bocsor
2011, Preliminary design of the OTE building in Athens, in collaboration with ANOMORFOSIS architects in Athens
2011, Final architectural design of Housing for the elderly in Desfina, Fokida, in collaboration with ANAMORFOSIS architects in Athens
2011, Participation in the elaboration team of the general final design for the Hellenic World Cultural Center of the Foundation of the Hellenic World in Athens, in collaboration with ANOMORFOSIS architects
2011, Detailed design of a residential complex in Voula, in collaboration with ANOMORFOSIS architects in Athens
2010, Multi-storey residential building in Olympiados street in Thessaloniki. Architectural design and construction in collaboration with I. Symeonidis
2010, Architectural design (building permit) and construction of a detached house in Souroti, Thessaloniki
2010, Architectural design and supervision of apartment interior design in Vouliagmeni - Special wooden interior and exterior constructions, in collaboration with ANOMORFOSIS architects in Athens
2010, Architectural design for the Ethnography Museum in Azerbaijan, Masterplan, buildings and landscape design, in collaboration with ANAMORFOSIS architects in Athens
2009, Parametric Shelf Wall, design and construction in collaboration with J. Ameijde and K.Crolla. Design team: S. Chaltiel, K. Chen, X. Su, U. Gupta, I. Symeonidou, M. Choudhary, V.Lytra, S. Feng, E. Matsis, M.Kloihofer, C.White, S.Kothapuram, J. Ropero
2009, Dragonfly Pavilion at the cof Jena, Germany. Design and construction of inflatable structure for BAUHAUS festival, in collaboration with M. Makki, K. Karatzas, M. Mingallon, P. Schizas, organized by T. Lorenz, T. Siems
2009, EmTech Wave Canopy στονυπάιθριοχώροτηςArchitectural Association στοΛονδίνο. Μελέτη, project-management καικατασκευή: S.Bayer, S.Chaltiel, K.Chen, S.Feng, I. Frank, U. Gupta, K. Karatzas, M. Khabazi, T. Lavrovskaya, M. Makki, M. Mingallón, M.Moukarzel, S. Ramaswamy, J. Ropero, S. Pezeshk, R. Satria, K.chertzing, P. Schizas, I. Symeonidou, X. Su
2009, Private residence in Kerasia (Municipality of Thermaikos). Architectural design and construction
2008, Audiolounge Interactive Furniture Piece at the Architectural Association in London. Design, construction and sound installation in collaboration with J. Ameijde, U.Ricci, S.Bahk, M. Choudhary, V. Lytra, F. Mattillana, S.Shaikh, Y. Wong
2008, Renovation of apartment in Navarinou Square Thessaloniki. Architectural design and construction
2008, Architectural design (building permit) of private residence in Epanomi, Thessaloniki
2007 - 2008, Construction and supervision of Peristeri and Anthoupoli Metro Stations in Athens. Head of production in the FCC and J&P AVAX Joint Venture. Responsible for Architectural finishes and panellings. Supervision of construction, meetings with scholars of all specialties, drafts of details, coordination of building works, material orders and team coordination, project management and quality control. Documentation AS BUILT plans
2006 - 2008, Architectural design and construction of three-storey residence in Upper City of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with I. Symeonidis
2006 - 2007, Construction and supervision of the Palma Arena in Spain. Ηead of the on-site technical office of the UTE VELODROMO Joint Venture of the FCC and Melchor Mascaró, throughout the project from excavation to completion and inauguration of the project. Construction supervision, detail designs, measurements, orders and quality control. Documentation AS BUILΤ plans
2018, Porifera- Suspended Topologies by Giannopoulou, Baquero and Symeonidou in the framework of the Helexpo TIF Technology Art Festival – HELEXPO, with works by Greek and foreign artists using technology as design media, virtual reality, video games, performances, interactive facilities, co-organized with the Municipality of Thessaloniki and in collaboration with SXSW (USA), Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki, ZKM (Germany), AUTh, and the University of Bournemouth. 8-16 / 09 / 2018 at the TIF.
2018 - 2019, Design of the costumes and 3D printed accessories for the interactive dance performance "Trayectory of an Idea" by Die Wolke Art Group. The trailer of the show is available at the link: https://vimeo.com/333675885
2015, Algorithmic Portraits, Design and construction of a series of projects, using digital fabrication methods, employing an original algorithm specifically designed for this project.
Architectural Design III-V ΙD: Floating architectures
Architecture Design Studio II
Computer Aided Design I
Computer Aided Design II
Introduction to the use of Computers in Architecture
2022, Teaching of the seminar BIOMIMETIC DESIGN AND PROTOTYPING: A digital toolkit for designers, in collaboration with A. Efstathiadis, as part of the Workshop Series of Sigradi 2022 Conference
2021, Teaching of the seminar DIGITAL BIOMIMICRY: An algorithmic design strategy based on biomimetic principles in collaboration with A. Efstathiadis, as part of the Workshop Series of Sigradi 2021
2020 - 2023, Supervision of the PhD Thesis titled "BIOMIMICRY AND CONTEMPORARY DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR ANALYSIS, DESIGN AND FABRICATION" by Alexandros Efstathiadis
2019, Teaching at the post-graduate program Cultural Management Academy by Goethe-Institut in the city of Thessaloniki. Lecturing in the thematic area of Digital synergies: Art, Technology and Interdisciplinarity.
2017, Teaching at the seminar Digital Fashion Tools: Digital Textile Design – 3Dscanning – 3Dprinting at the International Hellenic University, course content: digital modelling and 3D printing
2017 - 2023, Teaching the course "Architectural lighting design and simulation applications" in the Postgraduate Program LIGHTING DESIGN of the Hellenic Open University
2016 - 2017, Teaching (ΠΔ 407) at the Department of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 1st year design studio.
2016, Intensive Workshop (7 days + presentation): Parametric Design Workshop Quixotic, in collaboration with teachers Α. Erioli, D. Gourdouki, G. Papakosta, S. Vergopoulos, M. Voyatzakis at the Architecture School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2016, Teaching the seminar Furniture Design with Digital Media: From Design To Production, at the International Hellenic University. Seminar content: 3D modeling and parametric design, CNC milling, 1:1 Construction
2015 - 2021, Teaching at the postgraduate programme Advanced Design: Innovation and Transdisciplinarity in Architectural Design of the Department of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Workshops and lectures: Computational Geometry και εισαγωγή στο Rhino 3D (October 2015) epi-dermis - Parametric Design Workshop (November-December 2015) Pavilion stands for Peripteron* - Digital Fabrication Workshop (Spring 2016) FORM-D-FORM: Digital Design and Prototyping with Vacuum Forming (2018) Member of Jury: Final Review of Inter/Act workshop with Spyros Vosinakis (2/12/2017) Final Review //Workshop "Flowing Structuralism. From design to fabrication" with Efilena Baseta - Lenia Mascha (21/12/2018)
2015, Masterclass for researchers and design professors during IASS2015 Flexible Matter: Experiments with analogue and digital form-finding of membranes, Analogue and Digital Form-finding Simulation of Tensile Structures using Grasshopperμε τη χρήση του Kangaroo Physics Engine
2014 - 2017,
Τeaching - External Collaborator (during PhD) at the Department of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki:
Nature and Space Structures
Spatial Investigations
Graduate Studio lab _42 Utopia_eutopia_dystopia
2013 - 2023, Visiting Professor of the Postgraduate Course ΜSc in Strategic Product Design at the International Hellenic University. Courses: 3D Computer Aided Design-Rhino (6 ECTS) Graphic Design and Digital Fabrication (6 ECTS) Creative Digital Media (6 ECTS) Supervision of postgraduate dissertation projects.
2011 - 2015,
Teaching at the Architecture School of Technische Universität Graz (ΤU Graz) in Austria
Digital methods of representation
Digital Design Methods
Designing the Negative - Πτυχιακό Εργαστήριο
Intensive Workshops - Digital and Analogue Form-finding
2009, Teaching at the Intesive Workshop: SKG ΙΝ_FLUX: An urban process plan, in collaboration with the teachers E. Athanasios, S. Vergopoulos, M. Vogiatzakis, N. Kalogirou, A. Kalfopoulos, D. Kontaxaki, A. Papka, S. Papadimitriou, V. Papadiamantopoulo, A. Papadopoulou, G. Papakosta, K. Spyridonidis, A. Christopoulos, P. Paia, A. Papayannakis, D. Kaimari, N. Karanikola, G. Posoukidou, P. Tarani, F. Vassilaki, G. Giokala, D. Gourdouki , M. Pantazi, K. Trifonidou, P. Chatzitsakyri at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Invited Jury of the Workshop: Patrick Schumacher – ΖΑΗΑ HADID ARCHITECTS Reiner Zettl – Die Angewandte Vienna
Antoniou, D., Dimopoulos, G., Kontaxakis, D., Symeonidou, I. (2020) LIGHTWEIGHT CONSTRUCTIONS: Biomimetic - Ephemeral - Digital, University Studio Press (in Greek). ISBN: 978-960-12-2493-0
Symeonidou I., Gupta U. (2012) Bending Curvature: Design Research and Experimentation: Analogue and digital experiments, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-3659162671
Eloy, S., Kreutzberg, A., Symeonidou, I. (2021) Virtual Aesthetics in Architecture: Designing in Mixed Realities, published by Routledge, New York, USA
Guest editing of the 12th Issue of ArchiDOCT Journal titled Geometry, Vol. 6 (2) - February 2019. ISSN 2309-0103
Τranslation of the book Translucent Materials: Glass, Plastics, Metals, published by Birkhäuser Architecture and edited by Frank Kaltenbach for publishers Editorial Gustavo Gili, SL (from English to Spanish) Kaltenbach F., (ed) (2008). Materiales traslúcidos: Vidrio, plástico, metal (DETAIL Praxis). Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, SL. ISBN-13: 978-8425221842
Symeonidou I., Kalaouzis G., Efstathiadis A. (2023) Massing and skin: A pedagogical experiment with physical and digital design media, in the book Formal Methods in Architecture, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (6FMA), A Coruña 2022, edited by Plácido Lizancos, David Leite Viana, Franklim Morais and Jorge Vieira Vaz, published by Springer
Symeonidou I.(2023) Educating the reflective digital practitioner, in Architecture and design for Industry 4.0: theory and practice, edited by Maurizio Barberio, Micaela Colella, Angelo Figliola, Alessandra Battisti, published by Springer
Symeonidou I. (2021) Design Rationalization, in Yılmaz B, Abbas GM, Koç M (eds) Glossary of MATERIART "Art and Science of Materiality in Architectural Design Education" – Online peer-reviewed glossary of terms funded by the Erasmus+ Program, TOBB University of Economics and Technology. ISSN 2717-9060
Symeonidou I. (2021) Blending Realities: From Digital to Physical and Back to Digital, in Virtual Aesthetics in Architecture, edited by Eloy, Kreutzberg, Symeonidou, published by Routledge, New York, USA
Baquero P., Giannopoulou E., Symeonidou I., Pereira da Silva N.(2021) Porifera Suspended Topologies, in Virtual Aesthetics in Architecture, edited by Eloy, Kreutzberg, Symeonidou, published by Routledge, New York, USA
Symeonidou I. (2018) Digital Creativity: Embracing new technologies for architectural innovation, in Handbook of Research on Form and Morphogenesis in Modern Architectural Contexts, edited by Domenico D'Uva, IGI Global Publications, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA
Symeonidou I. (2014) Use the force: An design approach where natural forces become agents of architectural morphogenesis, in Agile Design: Advanced Architectural Cultures, edited by A. Tellios, CND Publications, Thessaloniki, ISBN 978 960 88610 9 1
Efstathiadis A., Symeonidou I., Tzimtzimis E.K., Avtzis D., Tsongas K.,Tzetzis D. (2025) Parametric Design and Mechanical Characterization of a Selective Laser Sintering Additively Manufactured Biomimetic Ribbed Dome Inspired by the Chorion of Lepidopteran Eggs. Biomimetics 2025, 10(1), 1
Mitsimponas, D. & Symeonidou, I. (2023) Identifying Trends and Typologies of Modular Constructions in Architecture, in Nexus Network Journal, Volume 25, Issue 3. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00004-023-00752-x
Efstathiadis A., Symeonidou I., Tsongas K., Tzimtzimis E.K., Tzetzis D. (2023) 3D Printed Voronoi Structures Inspired by Paracentrotus lividus Shells. Designs. 2023; 7(5):113.
Symeonidou I., Weissenböck, R., Efstathiadis, A. (2022) AUGMENTED BRIDGES: Investigating the potential of augmented reality for the design of configurable bridges, in International Journal of Architectural Computing – IJAC, published by SAGE
Givvisis, P., Sergiadis, G., Vyzantiadis, T.A., Antonopoulos, C., Symeonidou, I., Doukas, A., Kourounis, D., Rabias, I. (2022) Design and Analysis of a Protecting Breathing Device (VITER) disinfecting air with an integrated UVC Radiation mechanism, in International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, IOS Press, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Efstathiadis A., Symeonidou I., Tsongas K., Tzimtzimis E., Tzetzis D. (2022) Parametric Design and Mechanical Characterization of 3D-Printed PLA Composite Biomimetic Voronoi Lattices Inspired by the Stereom of Sea Urchins, in Journal of Composites Science, published (open-access) by MDPI.
Tsinikas N., Antoniou D., Dimopoulos G., Kontaxakis D., Symeonidou I. (2019) Educational Objectives from An Architectural Studio on Nature & Space Structures, in SMC MAGAZINE SPECIAL ISSUE N. THREE/2019, MEMBRANE MATERIALS FOR SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE, Publisher Luciano Editore, Napoli. ISBN: 978-88-6026-261-5
Symeonidou I. (2019) Geometry (Editorial), in ArchiDOCT Journal, Issue 6-2 | February 2019, pp 6–11
Symeonidou I. (2018) Epidermis: Algorithmic Design Based on Biomimetic Morphology, in NEXUS Nexus Network Journal - Architecture and Mathematics, Springer International Publishing, pp 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00004-018-0412-x
Symeonidou I. (2016) Flexible Matter: A Real-Time Shape Exploration Employing Analogue and Digital Form-Finding of Tensile Structures, in International Journal of Architectural Computing – IJAC, published by SAGE
Symeonidou I. (2016) Anamorphic Experiences in 3D Space: Shadows, Projections and Other Optical Illusions, in NEXUS Nexus Network Journal - Architecture and Mathematics, Volume 18, Issue 3, published by Springer International Publishing, pp 779–797
Alexandridis G., Symeonidou I., Tzetzis D. and Kyratsis P. (2016) An Integrated Workflow Of Biomimetic Design, Material Selection And Computer Aided Engineering, in Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, 4th issue 2016
Symeonidou I. (2010) Fragmented knowledge of bioclimatic systems [in Greek], Building Green Magazine (Vol 14), page 27, published by Kormos Technical Editions, Athens, Greece
Symeonidou I. (2009) Inflatable Structure for Jena Theaterhaus in Germany, in Greek Architects online magazine, edited by Vasilis Mistriotis, Athens, Greece
Agkathidis, A., Song, Υ., Symeonidou, I. (2024) AI-Assisted Design: Utilising artificial intelligence as a generative form-finding tool in architectural design studio teaching, in Kontovourkis, O, Phocas, MC and Wurzer, G (eds.), Data-Driven Intelligence - Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2024), Nicosia, 11-13 September 2024, Volume 2, pp. 619–628
Christodoulou, A., Symeonidou, I. (2023) Generative Sustainable Performance Design Exploration Applied to Greek Urban Typologies, in the Proceedings of SBE23 Thessaloniki: Sustainable built environments: Paving the way for achieving the targets of 2030 and beyond, that took place at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Tsori, D., Koureas, C., Tsoukala, E., Efstathiadis, A., Symeonidou, I. (2023) Prototyping Architecture: A flat-pack timber plate structure from design to production, in the Proceedings of 41st eCAADe Conference, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Efstathiadis, A., Symeonidou, I. (2023) Developing Strategies for the Analysis and Implementation of Biomimetic Design Solutions, in the Proceedings of 41st eCAADe Conference, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Symeonidou, I., Efstathiadis, A. (2023) Digital Biomimicry: Developing an algorithmic design curriculum, in the Proceedings of 41st eCAADe Conference, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Symeonidou, I. (2023) Educating the architect of the future, in the proceedings of the conference ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION AND PRACTICE, at the Mediterranean Architecture Center, in Chania, organized by the Technical University of Crete
Givvisis, P., Sergiadis, G., Vyzantiadis, T.A., Antonopoulos, C., Doukas, A., Kourounis, D., Rabias, I., Symeonidou, I. (2022) Design and Analysis of a Protecting Breathing Device with an integrated UVC Radiation mechanism deactivating Microorganisms and Viruses, at the Book of Short Papers of the 20th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM) 2022, pp. 125-126
Petrocheilou, A., Symeonidou, I. (2022) Neon signs and the visual identity of the city, in the Proceedings of 5th International Conference on "Changing Cities"- Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage and Socio-Economic dimensions, organized by the Lab of Urban Morphology and Design, Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly
Symeonidou, I. (2022) Form D-Form: A design studio on digital fabrication and thermoforming, in the Proceedings of 40th International Conference eCAADe, KU LEUVEN University in Ghent, Belgium
Stavridou A., Chatzidimitriou A., Syrakoy A. C., Kalogirou N., Prinos P., Ioannidis K., Kallipoliti L., Symeonidou I. (2021) Investigation of microclimate and thermal comfort around an art – driven and air penetrable architectural structure, in the Proceedings of the 15th ROOMVENT Conference: Energy Efficient Ventilation for Healthy Future Buildings, organized by Politecnico di Torino (February 15 th – 17 th 2021), ISBN 9788894612301, pp 574-577
Symeonidou, I. (2021) Augmented Bodies: Interactive wearables for local-global synergies, in the Proceedings of 39th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021, pp. 213-222
Fatourou-Sipsi, A., Symeonidou, I. (2021) Designing [for] the future: Managing architectural parts through the principles of circular economy, in the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Design, ICED2021, 23-24 October 2021, organized by the Laboratory of Technology and Policy of Energy and Environment, Hellenic Open University
Symeonidou, I., Papapanagiotou, P. (2021) From (flat) drawings to the (ultra) real: A taxonomy of architectural visualizations, in the Proceedings of SIGraDi 2021 Designing Possibilities, Ubiquitous Conference, XXV International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics
Symeonidou I. (2021) The contribution of digital media to architectural research, (in Greek) in the proceedings of the Symposium "Architectural Creation and Research", organized by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Efstathiadis, A., Symeonidou I. (2020) High performance biological structures, in the proceedings of BIODIG 2020 4th International Conference for Biodigital Architecture, at the ΙNSTITUTE FOR BIODIGITAL ARCHITECTURE & GENETICS, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Spain
Dimopoulos,G., Kontaxakis,D., Symeonidou,I., Tsinikas, N. (2020) From Analog to Digital: Double Curved Lightweight Structures in Architectural Design Education, in the Proceedings of 38th eCAADe Conference, hosted by Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Kalama, M.A., Tzoni, D., Symeonidou, I. (2020) Kerf Bending: A Genealogy of Cutting Patterns for Single And Double Curvature, in the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics MONGEOMETRIJA 2020, published by the Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG) and the Faculty of MechanicalEngineering in Belgrade, Serbia.
Tamkatzoglou, A., Symeonidou, I. (2020) Kinetic Facades for the exploitation of daylighting, in the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Lighting, Interactivity, heritaGe, Health, Technology and Sustainability 2020 (LIGHTS 2020)
Symeonidou, I. (2020) Learning from Bauhaus: Revisiting Experiential Learning In The Age Of Digital Fabrication, in the Proceedings of the 8th International STRAND Conference ON ARCHITECTURE 2020 at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Gallery of Science and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia
Symeonidou I. (2019) The Magnified Pixel: Digitally Fabricated Prototypes at the Intersection of Art, Mathematics and Architecture. in Bridges 2019 Conference Proceedings, Tessellations Publishing, pp. 383–386.
Weissenböck, R. and Symeonidou, I. (2019) Anatomy of a Building - Introducing interactive RGB lenses for architectural data visualization, in Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 1, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 739-748
Symeonidou I., Efstathiadis, A. (2019) Biomimetic Principles for Energy Efficiency in Buildings, in the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Energy in Buildings 2019, pages 33-42, edited co-organized by ASHRAE and the Techical Chamber of Greece, September 2019, Athens, σελ.33-42
Symeonidou I. (2019) Blending realities: From digital to physical and back to digital, in the Book of Absracts of the International Symposium Artificial Realities: Virtual as an Aesthetic Medium for Architectural Ideation, an associated project of Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2019
Symeonidou I. (2019) Hybrid bridges as landmarks in the public space of the city, in the Conference Proceedings PUBLIC SPACE +, Technical Chamber of Greece, Thessaloniki
Symeonidou I. (2019) Learning through making in architectural education: From Bauhaus to the current era of digital fabrication in Fab Labs, in the Conference Proceedings of the International Conference BAUHAUS AND GREECE: THE NEW IDEA OF SYNTHESIS IN ART AND ARCHITECTURE, organized by the Athens School of Fine Arts and the State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart, 30 May - 1 June 2019
Symeonidou I. (2018) The habitable bridge: Exploring an architectural paradigm that combines connectivity with habitation, in A. Krstić-Furundžić, M.Vukmirović, E. Lazarević, A. Đukić (eds) PLACES AND TECHNOLOGIES 2018 - Proceedings of the 5th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, published by the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN: 978-86-7924-199-3
Symeonidou I. (2018) Revisiting ancient Greek technology with digital media, in O, Kontovourkis (ed), SUSTAINABLE COMPUTATIONAL WORKFLOWS - Computational Design and Fabrication towards Sustainable Products and Processes, Proceedings of the 6th eCAADe Regional International Symposium, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 24th – 25th May 2018. ISBN: 9789491207143
Symeonidou I. (2018) Furniture Design with Digital Media - A participative educational experiment of digital craftsmanship, in Kepczynska-Walczak, A, Bialkowski, S (eds.), Computing for a better tomorrow - Proceedings of the 36th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 19-21 September 2018, pp. 417-426
Symeonidou I., Tsongas K., Tzimtzimis E., Mansour M., Tzetzis D., Achillas C., Mansour G. (2018) Computer aided design and 3D printing for STEAM education: a technical reference guide for teachers, in the Proceedings Volume 10808, Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2018, Wilga, Poland; 1080854, https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2504296
Symeonidou I. (2017) Reinventing Design-Build projects with the use of digital media for design and construction - A survey of 120 educational pavilions, in Fioravanti, A, Cursi, S, Elahmar, S, Gargaro, S, Loffreda, G, Novembri, G, Trento, A (eds.), ShoCK! - Sharing Computational Knowledge! - Proceedings of the 35th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 20-22 September 2017, pp. 231-240
Giannelis A., Symeonidou I., Tzetzis D., Kaisarlis G. and Kyratsis P. (2017) Laser Scanning and CAD Conversion Accuracy Correction of a Highly Curved Engineering Component using a Precision Tactile Measuring System, in the Proceedings of the 21th edition of Innovative Manufacturing Engineering & Energy International Conference IManEE 2017, Iasi, Romania – BEST PAPER AWARD
Symeonidou I. and Angelidou M. (2017) The role of educational pavilions in place making: Establishing a dialogue between the university and the city, στα πρακτικά του 2ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου για το Marketing & Branding Τόπου, σε συνδιοργάνωση του Τμήματος Μηχανικών Χωροταξίας, Πολεοδομίας και Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας και του Δήμου Λαρισαίων
Angelidou M. and Symeonidou I. (2017) Marketing the smart city, στα πρακτικά του 2ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου για το Marketing & Branding Τόπου, σε συνδιοργάνωση του Τμήματος Μηχανικών Χωροταξίας, Πολεοδομίας και Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας και του Δήμου Λαρισαίων
Symeonidou I. and Weissenböck R. (2016) Design-research by making: An educational hands-on approach to design-research through manual/robotic processes, aae2016 International Peer-reviewed Conference on ‘Research Based Education’ hosted by The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, UCL, UK, 7-9 April 2016, p. 150-161
Symeonidou I. (2015) Flexible Matter: A Real-Time Shape Exploration Employing Analogue and Digital Form-Finding of Tensile Structures, Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (επιμ.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADeConference - Volume 1, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015
Symeonidou I. (2015) Analogue and digital form-finding of bending rod structures, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam Future Visions 17 - 20 August 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tzetzis D. and Symeonidou I. (2015) Material and Design Selection of Wine Packaging using a CAD-based Approach for Green Logistics, 1st International Conference on Agrifood Supply Chain Management & Green Logistics - Life Cycle Analysis
Symeonidou I. (2014) Flexible Matter, poster presentation at Advances in Architectural Geometry 2014, hosted by The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, UCL, UK, 18-21 September 2014
Symeonidou I. (2014) Digital fabrication of 1:1 experimental constructions within an educational context, What's the Matter: Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation, ENHSA-EAAE International Conference, COAC, ETSAB, ETSAV, Barcelona, September 4-5-6, 2014, p.835-845
Symeonidou I., Hirschberg U., and Kaftan M. (2013) Designing the Negative: An exploration of robotic fabrication for customized concrete formworks, in Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADeConference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013
Symeonidou I., Kollias Ph. A. (2013) Syn-Thesis: An insight into the correlations in architectural and musical algorithmic composition, Proceedings of the conference ‘Knowing (by) Designing’ at LUCA, Sint-Lucas School of Architecture Brussels, 22-23 May 2013, p.183-191
Symeonidou I. and Tzaka A. (2012) Surface (eco)logics: A Geometric and Performative Exploration of ‘Deep Surface’ Envelopes, ENHSA-EAAE International Conference Scaleless-Seamless: Performing a less fragmented architectural education and practice, Münster School of Architecture, 15-17 November 2012, p. 363-370
Ζαβολέας Γ., Ζησιμόπουλος Δ., Παππάς Β., Στρουμπάκος Β., Συμεωνίδου Ι. (2012) Καταχρήσεις του Κώδικα στην Αρχιτεκτονική: Τοπολογικοί Πειραματισμοί μέσω Υπολογιστικών Μεθόδων, Επιστημονικο συνεδριο – Γεωμετρία : Από την Επιστήμη στην Εφαρμογή, Αθηνα 1-2 Ιουνιου 2012
Symeonidou I. and Gupta U. (2012) Bending Curvature – A design tool for interactive complexity, T. Fischer, K. De Biswas, J.J. Ham, R. Naka, W.X. Huang, Beyond Codes and Pixels: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), School of Architecture, Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science, Chennai, India, 25-28 April 2012, p. 547–556
Symeonidou I. (2011) Algorithmic Morphogenesis of Hybrid Lightweight Structures, ALGODE TOKYO 2011, International Symposium on Algorithmic Design for Architecture and Urban Design, 13-14 November 2011
Symeonidou I. (2011) Ανάδειξη των ποιοτήτων του δημοσίου χώρου με ψηφιακά εργαλεία σχεδιασμού και κατασκευής, Πρακτικά συνεδρίου ‘Δημόσιος Χώρος Αναζητείται’ Ολύμπιον, Θεσσαλονίλη, 20-22 Οκτωβρίου 2011. Εκδόσεις Cannot Not Design Publications
Symeonidou I., Hirschberg U. (2011) Developing a 'next generation' collaborative design platform, ENHSA-EAAE International Conference 2011 Rethinking the Human in Technology-Driven Architecture, KAM Chania Greece 29-31 August, p. 513-526
Symeonidou Ι. (2011) «Contemporary Architectural Technology: Digital Design and Digital Fabrication, New Media and Perspectives», in 11th Panhellenic Architecture Conference 17-20 May 2011
Symeonidou I. (2010) Design and fabrication strategies for differentiated lightweight structures, poster presentation at Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010, hosted by Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 18-21 September 2010
Tzaka A., Papakostas G., Kalogirou N., Symeonidou I. (2010) SKG in Flux – An urban process plan, in Future Cities: eCAADe 2010 Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Education p.107-114
Symeonidou I. (2010) Surface Nets: Digital - Material Behaviour of a Hybrid Structure, 5th EAAE/ENHSA Theory Subgroup 2010, SURFACE: Digital Materiality and the New Relation between Depth and Surface as a Challenge for Architectural Education, Technical University of Crete, Department of Architecture, Chania 1-3 September 2010
Symeonidou I. (2010) Embedding performance criteria in architectural morphogenesis, 10th International Conference on Design & Decision Support Systems 2010 – Netherlands July 19 - 22, 2010 Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Edited by Harry Timmermans & Bauke de Vries ISBN: 978-90-6814-181-8
Symeonidou I. (2009) Design and Fabrication of EmTech Canopy, ENHSA-EAAE International Symposium 2009: File to factory - The design and fabrication of innovative forms in a continuum, KAM Chania, Greece, 3-4 September 2009, p. 297-308
Symeonidou I. (2008) Floating Architecture: From Traditional boathouses to contemporary floating buildings, 4th International Sinan Symposium: Water and Architecture 2008, Trakya University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Turkey, 10-13 April, p.79-84
Symeonidou I. (2008) Humanitarian Architecture: Researching the resources, networks and good practice, 23rd UIA World Congress of Architecture 2008, Centro Congressi Lingotto, Torino, 29 June -3 July 2008
2024, AI-Assisted Design: Utilising artificial intelligence as a generative form-finding tool in architectural design studio teaching, in collaboration with A Agkathidis and Y. Song, at the 42nd Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) Conference that took place at the University of Cyprus in Nicosia (12/9/2024)
2023, Architectural Workflows in the Age of Disruptive AI Technology, in collaboration with A. Christodoulou, at FILARCH 2023 symposium "ARCHITECTURE IN THE AGE OF DIGITAL MEDIA", at the Department of Architecture of the University of Patras (27/5/2023)
2023, Developing Strategies for the Analysis and Implementation of Biomimetic Design Solutions, in collaboration with A. Efstathiadis, at the 40th Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) Conference that took place at Graz University of Technology στην Αυστρία (20/9/2023)
2023, Digital Biomimicry: Developing an algorithmic design curriculum, in collaboration with A. Efstathiadis, at the 40th Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) Conference that took place at Graz University of Technology στην Αυστρία (20/9/2023)
2023, Educating the architect of the future, at the conference ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION AND PRACTICE, at CAM Arsenali, in Chania (12/11/2023)
2023, Generative Sustainable Performance Design Exploration Applied to Greek Urban Typologies, in collaboration with A. Christodoulou, at SBE23 Conference, Sustainable Built Environments: Paving the way for achieving the targets of 2030 and beyond, at the Aritstotle University of Thessaloniki (24/3/2023)
2023, Prototyping Architecture: A flat-pack timber plate structure from design to production, in collaboration with D. Tsori, C. Koureas, E. Tsoukala, A. Efstathiadis at the 40th Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) Conference that took place at Graz University of Technology in Austria (20/9/2023)
2023, Recent Developments in Architectural Representation: From Digital to Immersive, at FILARCH 2023 symposium "ARCHITECTURE IN THE AGE OF DIGITAL MEDIA", at the Department of Architecture of the University of Patras (26/5/2023)
2022, Biomimetic Inspiration, in collaboration with A. Efstathiadis as part of the seminar BIOMIMETIC DESIGN AND PROTOTYPING: A digital toolkit for designers, during International Sigradi Conference 2022 (7/11/2022)
2022, Blended Learning in Design Studies: Examining the Limitations and Opportunities, lecture at the Sixteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices organized by University of Newcastle, Australia and Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (20/1/2022)
2022, Design and Analysis of a Protecting Breathing Device with an integrated UVC Radiation mechanism deactivating Microorganisms and Viruses, at 20th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM) 2022 (7/6/2022)
2022, Form D-Form: A design studio on digital fabrication and thermoforming, at the 40th Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) Conference which took place at KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent (15/9/2022)
2022, Introduction to Biomimicry(ΚΕΥΝΟΤΕLECTURE) at the Symposium SUSTAINABILITY ON MATERIALS IN CONTEMPORARY ART BY THE APPROACH OF BIOMIMICRY, 3-6 June 2022, organised by On Materials and NISYRIO, under the auspices of International Alumni Center Berlin (3/6/2022)
2022, Massing and skin: A pedagogical experiment with physical and digital design media, lecture at the 6th International Symposium Formal Methods in Architecture organized by ESAP-Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Portugal and ETSAC- Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidade da Coruña, Spain (26/5/2022)
2022, Neon signs and the visual identity of the city, at the 5th International Conference on "Changing Cities"- Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage and Socio-Economic dimensions, organized by the Lab of Urban Morphology and Design, Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly (24/6/2022)
2021, Augmented Bodies: Interactive wearables for local-global synergies, lecture at the 39th eCAADe Conference, at the University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia (9/9/2021) BEST PRESENTATION AWARD
2021, Designing [for] the future: Managing architectural parts through the principles of circular economy, lecture at the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Design, ICED2021, 23-24 October 2021, in collaboration with A. Fatourou-Sipsi (23/10/2021)
2021, From (flat) drawings to the (ultra) real: A taxonomy of architectural visualizations, lecture at SIGraDi 2021 Designing Possibilities, Ubiquitous Conference, XXV International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics (11/11/2021)
2021, Introduction to Biomimicry, lecture in collaboration with A. Efstathiadis as part of the workshop DIGITAL BIOMIMICRY: An algorithmic design strategy based on biomimetic principles during Sigradi 2021 (8/11/2021)
2021, The contribution of digital media to architectural research, lecture at the Symposium "Architectural Creation and Research", Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (26/9/2021)
2021, Round Table Coordination at the eCAADe 2021 conference on the topic of "Configurable Design: Architecture Between Digital and Physical Worlds" with the participation of Đorđe Stojanović from the University of Melbourne, Nebojša Zaklan from Case-3D, Jelena Brkić from 3Lateral (10/9/2021)
2020, Estructuras Ligeras Diseño Computacional Analógico y Digital, lecture (in Spanish) as part of the workshop Segmentación Laminar en Estructuras usando Machine Learning invited by Pablo Baquero + Ariel Valenzuela / Faberarium, Archimata, UIC, during Digital FUTURES WORLD : ARCHITECTS UNITE (29/6/2020)
2020, From Analog to Digital: Double Curved Lightweight Structures in Architectural Design Education, lecture at the 38th International Conference eCAADe, organized by the Technische Universität Berlin, in Germany (16/9/2020)
2020, High performance biological structures, lecture at BIODIG 2020 4th International Conference for Biodigital Architecture, στο ΙNSTITUTE FOR BIODIGITAL ARCHITECTURE & GENETICS, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, in Spain (4/6/2020)
2020, Kerf Bending: A Genealogy of Cutting Patterns for Single And Double Curvature, lecture during the 7th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics MONGEOMETRIJA 2020, organised by the Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, Serbia (21/9/2020)
2020, Kinetic Facades for the exploitation of daylighting, lecture during the 1st International Conference Lighting, Interactivity, heritaGe, Health, Technology and Sustainability 2020 (10/10/2020)
2020, Learning from Bauhaus: Revisiting Experiential Learning in The Age of Digital Fabrication, lecture at the 8th International STRAND Conference ON ARCHITECTURE 2020 at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Gallery of Science and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia (5/12/2020)
2019, Anatomy of a Building - Introducing interactive RGB lenses for architectural data visualization, lecture in collaboration with Renate Weissenböck at the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference which took place at University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, in 11-13 September 2019 (11/9/2019)
2019, Holocaust Memories in the City of Thessaloniki, lecture in collaboration with Dr. Eleni Mavragani at the 1st Interdisciplinary Meeting on: Memory and Oblivion in the Public Space which took place at Alexandros Lefkada, in August 23-26, 2019, organized by the urban non-profit company Cities in Balance (CiBA) (24/8/2019)
2019, Trajectory of an Idea: Synergies of art and technology in contemporary dance, lecture at the scientific symposium «And yet it moves 2019: Consumable Bodies» on 6th till the 7th of November 2019, at the Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, Volos, organized by the Laboratory of Environmental Communication and Audiovisual Documentation (LECAD) of the Department of Architecture and the inter-university MArt programme “Information and Communication Technologies in Education” (7/11/2019)
2019, Learning through making in architectural education: From Bauhaus to the current era of digital fabrication in Fab Labs, lecture at the International Conference BAUHAUS AND GREECE: THE NEW IDEA OF SYNTHESIS IN ART AND ARCHITECTURE, organized by the Athens School of Fine Arts and the State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart, held at Benaki Museum in Athens (31/6/2019)
2019, Biomimetic Principles for Energy Efficiency in Buildings, lecture at the International Conference Energy in Buildings 2019 in Athens on the 28 September 2019, co-organized by ASHRAE and the Techical Chamber of Greece (28/9/2019)
2019, Blending realities: From digital to physical and back to digital, lecture at the International Symposium Artificial Realities: Virtual as an Aesthetic Medium for Architectural Ideation, an associated project of Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2019 in Lisbon (14/10/2019)
2019, Hybrid bridges as landmarks in the public space of the city, lecture at the Conference PUBLIC SPACE +,held in Warehouse D, PROBLITA A, ThPA, in Thessaloniki (30/3/2019)
2019, The Magnified Pixel: Digitally Fabricated Prototypes at the Intersection of Art, Mathematics and Architecture, lecture at the Bridges 2019 Conference, hosted by Johannes Kepler University and Ars Electronica, in Linz, Austria (18/7/2019)
2018, Revisiting ancient Greek technology with digital media, lecture at the 6th eCAADe Regional International Symposium 2018, that took place at the Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus (25/5/2018)
2018, Furniture Design with Digital Media: A participative educational experiment of digital craftsmanship, lecture at the 36th International Conference eCAADe - Computing for a better tomorrow at Lodz University of Technology, Łódź, Poland (20/09/2018)
2018, The Digital Tinkerer: Mediating reciprocities across design, manufacturing and circular economy, lecture at Ecocity Forum 2018: Circular Economy in Smart Cities, under the Auspices of H.E the President of the Hellenic Republic Mr. Prokopios Pavlopoulos and it is organized with the cooperation of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, the Ministry of Tourinsm, the Ministy of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy and the Hellenic Tourism Organisation, at Thessaloniki Concert Hall (4/9/2018)
2018, Digital design media and their contribution to the creation of spatial conditions of non-standard geometry, lecture in the framework of the workshop "And yet it moves: ANIMATION - EDUCATION - NEW TECHNOLOGIES" at the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly (18/05/2018)
2018, Digital media for Design and Construction in the Design Studio: The Bridge and the Pavilion, lecture at the "Digital Media in Architectural Education", held at the Amphitheater of the Department of Architecture at the University of Thessaly, Volos (13/12/2018)
2018, Epidermis - Αn introduction to algorithmic design based on biomimetic morphological references, lecture at the 6th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics MONGEOMETRIJA 2018, which took place at the Architecture School of the University of Novi Sad in Serbia (7/6/2018)
2018, The habitable bridge: Exploring an architectural paradigm that combines connectivity with habitation, lecture at the 5th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade in Serbia (28/04/2018)
2017, Marketing the smart city brand: An empirical investigation, lecture at the 2nd Panhellenic Conference on Marketing & Branding, organized by the Department of Spatial Planning, Urban Planning and Regional Development of the University of Thessaly and the Municipality of Larissa (1/4/2017)
2017, Reinventing Design-Build projects with the use of digital media for design and construction - A survey of 120 educational pavilions, lecture at the 35th eCAADe International Conference at Sapienza University of Rome (21/9/2017)
2017, The role of educational pavilions in place making: Establishing a dialogue between the university and the city, lecture at the 2nd Panhellenic Conference on Marketing & Branding, organized by the Department of Spatial Planning, Urban Planning and Regional Development of the University of Thessaly and the Municipality of Larissa (1/4/2017)
2017, Lecture during the Meeting of the project MakeITreal in the thematic area of the use of 3Dprinting in schools, at the University of Twente, Nederlands (28/8/2017)
2016, Design-research by making: An educational hands-on approach to design-research through manual/robotic processes, διάλεξη στο συνέδριο aae2016 International Peer-reviewed Conference on ‘Research Based Education’ στο UCL στο Λονδίνο (8/4/2016)
2016, Digital Media for Design Innovation, lecture as part of Ecothess Workshop 2016 organized by ecocity and the Technical Chamber of Greece in Thessaloniki (18/5/2016)
2016, Digital media for design studies and culture at the International Conference Designing Creative Synergies (22/3/2016)
2015, Analogue and digital form-finding of bending rod structures, lecture at the International Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) in Amstrerdam (18/8/2015)
2015, Flexible Matter: A Real-Time Shape Exploration Employing Analogue and Digital Form-Finding of Tensile Structures, lecture at the International Conference eCAADe in Vienna (14/09/2015)
2015, Material and Design Selection of Wine Packaging using a CAD-based Approach for Green Logistics, lecture at the 1st International Conference on Agrifood Supply Chain Management & Green Logistics (29/5/2015)
2014, Digital fabrication of 1:1 experimental constructions within an educational context, lecture at the International Conference of ENHSA-EAAE in Barcelona (5/9/2014)
2013, Designing the Negative: An exploration of robotic fabrication for customized concrete, lecture at eCAADe International Conference 2013 at Delft University of Technology (19/9/2013)
2013, Syn-Thesis: An insight into the correlations in architectural and musical algorithmic composition, lecture at the International Conference ‘Knowing (by) Designing’ at LUCA Sint-Lucas School of Architecture in Brussels (23/5/2013)
2013, Lecture and presentation of AB-USE design workshop results at the University of Porto in collaboration with Yannis Zaleveas as part of the Future Traditions conference (5/4/2013)
2012, Bending Curvature – A design tool for interactive complexity, lecture at the 17th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) in Chennai, India (26/4/2012) – Recieving the YOUNG CAADRIA AWARD
2012, Digital Media for Design and Fabrication, lecture at Faberarium: Fabrication Technologies for Architecture as part of Workshop2012 beta (22/11/2012)
2012, Surface (eco)logics: A Geometric and Performative Exploration of ‘Deep Surface’ Envelopes, lecture at ENHSA-EAAE International Conference Scaleless-Seamless: Performing a less fragmented architectural education and practice at Münster School of Architecture (16/11/2012)
2012, Academic lecture open to the public on the Use of code in Architecture and presentation of the results of the AB-use Computation in Architecture workshop at the Amphitheater of the Architecture School of the University of Patras with selected guest jury members (24/2/2012)
2011, Algorithmic Morphogenesis of Hybrid Lightweight Structures, lecture at ALGODE TOKYO 2011, International Symposium on Algorithmic Design for Architecture and Urban Design (13/11/2011) The lecture took place through telefonference.
2011, Contemporary Architectural Technology: Digital Design and Digital Construction, New Media and Perspectives, lecture at the 11th Panhellenic Architecture Conference (18/5/2011)
2011, Contemporary architectural technology: Digital Fabrication and Digital Design, (lecture based on doctoral dissertation) under the eCAADe 2011 Ljubliana - PhD workshop. Award for eCAADe grant for young researchers 2011 (20/9/2011)
2011, Developing a 'next generation' collaborative design platform, lecture at ENHSA-EAAE International Conference 2011 Rethinking the Human in Technology-Driven Architecture, at KAM in Chania, Crete (30/8/2011)
2010, Embedding performance criteria in architectural morphogenesis, lecture at the 10th International Conference on Design & Decision Support Systems 2010 in Eindhoven (19/7/2010)
2010, SKG in Flux – An urban process plan, lecture at eCAADe 2010 International Conference in Zurich (15/9/2010)
2010, Surface Nets: Digital - Material Behaviour of a Hybrid Structure, lecture at the 5th EAAE/ENHSA Theory Subgroup 2010, SURFACE: Digital Materiality and the New Relation between Depth and Surface as a Challenge for Architectural Education at ΚΑΜ in Chania, Crete (2/9/2010)
2009, Surface Nets, academic lecture as part of the postgraduate program Emergent Technologies and Design, at the Architectural Association in London. Invitation by Michael Weinstock (15/10/2009)
2009, Design and Fabrication of EmTech Canopy, lecture at ENHSA-EAAE International Symposium 2009: File to factory - The design and fabrication of innovative forms in a continuum in Chania, Crete (3/9/2009)
2008, Floating Architecture: From Traditional boathouses to contemporary floating buildings, lecture at the 4th International Sinan Symposium: Water and Architecture 2008, Trakya University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (10/4/2008)
2008, Humanitarian Architecture: Researching the resources, networks and good practice, lecture at the XXIII UIA WORLD ARCHITECTURE CONGRESS Torino 2008 - International Call for Papers – Democracy, Centro Congressi Lingotto, Torino (1/7/2008)
2022, Biomimetic High-Rise Buildings, lecture at the Department of Architecture of Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (29/11/2022)
2021, Designing Bridges with Digital Media: An exploration of concept, form, use, context and technology, guest lecture at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, at the studio of Prof. Dr Renate Weissenböck (7/12/2021)
2021, Digital Fluxus: A travel across scales and disciplines, academic lecture at the postgraduate programme ADVANCED DESIGN: INNOVATION AND TRANS-DISCIPLINARITY IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (25/11/2021)
2020, Augmented Bodies: Interactive wearables for local-global synergies, academic lecture at the postgraduate programme ADVANCED DESIGN: INNOVATION AND TRANS-DISCIPLINARITY IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as part of super (local) sessions (5/6/2020)
2019, "The Stone Carver", academic lecture at the Architecture Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as part of the Studio 02EA10 - Introduction to Design 2 (18/2/2019)
2018, "The Point", academic lecture at the Architecture Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as part of the 1st Year of Architectural Design Studio, invited by the teaching team (26/2/2018)
2018, Digital Fabrication in Architecture, academic lecture at the postgraduate programme ADVANCED DESIGN: INNOVATION AND TRANS-DISCIPLINARITY IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as part of the Workshop Form-D-Form (20/2/2018)
2018, Lecture tittled "Digital Media in Education" at the International Hellenic University, as part of MAKE it REAL project (27/03/2018)
2016, Computational Design, academic Lecture at the Graduate Program of Design of Products and Systems, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design of TEI of Western Macedonia (23/6/2016)
2016, Digital Morphogenesis, academic lecture as part of the Spatial Investigations studio by T. Tellios at the Department of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (23/3/2016)
2016, Mind to Factory Continuum: Thinking - Designing - Constructing, academic Lecture at the Course 07TH11 Technology and Architecture Creation, invited by the teaching team S. Vergopoulos, M. Bogiatzakis and K.Spyridonidis at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (23/11/2016)
2016, Photorealistic representations in Maxwell, academic lecture as part of the course Modeling in Solidworks, taught by D. Tzetzis at the International University of Greece (18/4/2016)
2015, Computational form-finding, academic lecture as part of the Spatial Investigations studio by T. Tellios at the Department of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1/4/2015)
2014, Bend the rules: Designing experiments with analogue and digital form-finding of bent structures, academic lecture open to the public on bending - buckling and parametric bending simulation systems. The lecture was followed by the presentation of the results of the workshop with invited professors A. Taras, M. Stavric, M. Manahl, E. Hess (21/11/2014)
2014, Digital Fabrication, academic lecture as part of the course Hybrid Places of M. Vogiatzaki at the Architecture Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (5/12/2014)
2014, Form-Finding and Digital Media in Architecture, an academic lecture open to the public, the lecture was followed by the presentation of the results of the workshop "Flexible matter: Design experiments with analogue and digital form-finding of tensile structures" with invited professors A. Wiltsche, M. Stavric (16/05/2014)
2013, Digital Fabrication and Digital Design, academic lecture based on the PhD Thesis, at the 7th Annual Dresden International Doctoral Colloquium "Architectural Aesthetics, Building Composition & City Design". Participation in the Colloquium after selection based on CV and field of study (20-22 / 6/2013)
2013, Academic lecture open to the public on the use of Code in Architecture and presentation of the results of Code Abuse II at the Amphitheater of the Architecture School of the University of Patras (15/2/2013)
2021, Participation in the exhibition of the international architectural competition ArXellence at the Cisco Digital Transformation & Skills Center (former Municipal Slaughterhouses) in Thessaloniki (September 2021)
2021, Participation of the project "The Elevated Promenade" at the BALKAN ARCHITECTURAL BIENNALE 2021 in Belgrade (December 2021)
2020, Digital Tectonics Exhibition of student works from the course Architectural Design V-VII Η: Digital Tectonics: From design to construction that took place during the winter semester of the academic year 2019-2020.
Exhibition duration: 11/2/2020-6/3/2020
Exhibition Space of the Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, Volos
Opening: Tuesday 11 February 2020 | 17.00 Participating students: Katiana Mekka, Nikos Georgoulis, Aphrodite Tigga, Sophia Athanasaraki, Gabriella Avlogiari, Despina Chiali, Konstantinos Saflekos, Irene Goulaptsi, Ioanna Kostopoulou, Evangelia Pnevmatikou, Niki Vidali, AmaliaTsiompra, Alexia Chatzistamatiou, Vasiliki Kousteni, Sophia Drakota, Giorgos Fountos, Evianthi Kastani, Andriana Triantafyllou, Efi Basmatzidi, Maria Atalla, Vassilis Papadopoulos, Mirena Sapouna, Isavella Zoumbouli, Iason-Dimitrios Stavrou, Niki Lefaki Instructor: Ioanna Symeonidou, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture
2019, Participation with the work Porifera _ Suspended Topologies in collaboration with Effimia Giannopoulou and Pablo Baquero, in Thessaloniki Design Week, coorganized by the Municipality of Thessaloniki, General Secretariat for Youth, Philartia, MOMus, Labbatoir, Hellenic Design Center and +Design (May 2019)
2019, Participation based on selection of the project Re[in]spired textile by Douroudi, Voyatzaki, Symeonidou, Lantavou at the Textile Intersections Exhibition, 12-14 September 2019 held at the Loughborough University in London (September 2019)
2019, Participation in Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2019 with the project Porifera in Augmented Reality (AR) with Hololens, as part of the exhibition Artificial Realities: Virtual as an Aesthetic Medium for Architectural Ideation, in collaboration with Femi Giannopoulou, Pablo Baquero, Nuno Pereira da Silva (AR Development).
2019, Entrance installation of the Art Thessaloniki exhibition with the work Porifera I + III in collaboration with Efimia Giannopoulou and Pablo Baquero, at HELEXPO, Thessaloniki (November 2019)
2018, Participation in an artwork from the Algorithmic Portraits series at the "50/50 Artists & Designers in Dialogue" exhibition at the HELEXPO International Exhibition Center, organized by Lefteris Plakidas, Giorgos Georgakopoulos, Fotini Kapiri and curated by Fionis Dallas (October 2018)
2018 - 2019, The Pavilion
Exhibition of student works from the course Architectural Design ΙV-VI IA: Digital Fabrication in Architecture
Exhibition: 12/12/2018-1/2/2019
Exhibition Space of the Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, Volos
Opening: Wednesday 12 December 2018 | 20.00 Participating students: Elisavet Kyretsi, Dimitris Mitsimbonas, Zoe Papadopoulou, Anna Fatourou-Sipsi, Apostolos Vlachos, Sophia Barbisi, Persefoni Terzi, Angelos Terzopoulos, Evangelia Chatzibalasi, Mariza Argyrou, Melina Kalama, Danae Papoutsi, Danae Tzoni, Aris Karliotis, Kalliopi Lyviaki, Maria Tsilomitrou, Zografia-Anna Dimopoulou, Dorothea-Ariadne Koumendakou, Markos Pavloudakis, Sofia Agrafioti, Elena Kyriakou, Dimitra Peppa, Andreas Routsias, Nikoletta Diamantou, Yannis Drakakis, Stratis Lamproulis, Evangelia Fessa, Maria-Eleni Georgoula, Dimitris Molonis, Alexandros Papathanasiou, Nephele Fotiadis Georgia Politi, Georgia Sagmatopoulou Olga Stai-Antoniades, Sissy Tenzeri
Instructor: Ioanna Symeonidou, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture
2018, Light installation - Porifera- Suspended Topologies by Giannopoulou, Baquero and Symeonidou in the framework of the Helexpo TIF Technology Art Festival – HELEXPO, with works by Greek and foreign artists using technology as design media, virtual reality, video games, performances, interactive facilities, co-organized with the Municipality of Thessaloniki and in collaboration with SXSW (USA), Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki, ZKM (Germany), AUTh, and the University of Bournemouth. 8-16 / 09 / 2018 at the TIF.
2019, Computational Design, lecture as part of the Month of Culture at Anatolia College, invited by professor M. Chatzikefala. The lecture took place at BISSEL Library, 17 Sevenidi St., Thessaloniki, Greece (18/2/2019)
2018, Contemporary applications of 3D printing, talk-interview to the journalist E. Kabakis on the ERT3 i-LAB broadcast, which deals with innovation, new technologies, research and entrepreneurship. It was featured in the 7th episode of the ET3 broadcast i-LAB (10/11/2018)
2018, The Contribution of Digital Media for the Design and Construction of Non-Standard Architecture, lecture in the framework of the open event "Nature & Spatial Constructions" organized by Prof. N. Tsinikas at the Technical Chamber of Greece TEE / TCM Amphitheater in Thessaloniki (19/10/2018)
2016, Lightweight structures and Form-finding, public lecture during the celebration of the 60 years of the Polytechnic School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki at Warehouse C at Thessaloniki Port (16/10/2016)
2016, Digital Media for Design Innovation, public lecture as part of 7 DAYS OF GENIUS coorganized by ECOWEEK , 92Y and Nanotypos, in Technopolis, Thessaloniki, Greece (7/3/2016)
2019, Member of the Scientific Committee of 37º eCAADe + XXIII SIGraDi Conference
2019, Member of the scientific committee of the 5th international symposium "Formal Methods in Architecture 2020"
2019, Member of the scientific committee of the exhibition and symposium titled ‘Artificial Realities: Virtual as an Aesthetic Medium for Architectural Ideation’, an associated project of Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2019, hosted and organized by ISTAR Information Sciences, Technology and Architecture Research Center, ISCTE-IUL in Lisbon.
2019, Member of the scientific committee of the international scientific journal ArchiDOCT for doctoral research in Architecture.
2018, Member of the Scientific Committee of rca X 2018: international conference on cross – disciplinary collaboration
2018, Member of the Scientific Committee of the Digital Protoyping Laboratory of the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly
2018, Member of the scientific reviewing committee of Nexus Network Journal - Architecture and Mathematics, published by Springer International Publishing
Participation in the examination committee of the Doctoral Thesis of George Tryfonos titled "An Integrated digital design and robotic fabrication process of tensile mesh structures" supervised by Dr. Odysseus Kontovourkis, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus.
The PhD viva took place in Nicosia on December 7, 2018. The examination committee of the Dissertation included:
Dr. Marios Phocas, Associate Professor (President) Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus, Dr Odysseas Kontovourkis, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus, Dr Natia Charalambous, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus, Dr Eftichios Christoforou, Special Scientist Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus, Dr Ioanna Symeonidou, Assistant Professor Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly
2023, 1st Prize in the design competition for the Logo of the European Programme COST Action 21156 FOLIAGE - Εuropean network for FOstering Large-scale ImplementAtion of energy GEostructure, organized by the University of Lille
2021, Best Presentation Award at the eCAADe 2021 Conference, with monetary prize sponsored by Bentley. Announced during the Annual General Meeting of at the University of Novisad in Serbia on 10th September 2021
2019, Proposal selected for The Triennale of Architecture 2019 in Lisbon. Artificial Realities. Virtual as an aesthetic medium in architecture ideation (EN) curated by: Sara Eloy and Nancy Diniz and with the participation of Sara Eloy, Augmented Architectures, Anette Kreutzberg, Ioanna Symeonidou, Ana Moural, Effimia Giannopoulou, Pablo Baquero, Miguel Sales Dias, Ricardo Resende, Nuno Pereira da Silva, Carla Lopes, Luísa Almeida, in partnership with the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL, ISTAR-IUL).
2018, Selection of the work Porifera- Suspended Topologies by Giannopoulou, Baquero and Symeonidou in the framework of the Helexpo TIF Technology Art Festival – HELEXPO, with works by Greek and foreign artists using technology as design media, virtual reality, video games, performances, interactive facilities, co-organized with the Municipality of Thessaloniki and in collaboration with SXSW (USA), Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki, ZKM (Germany), AUTh, and the University of Bournemouth. 8-16 / 09 / 2018 at the TIF. Selection Committee: Sotirios Bahtsetzis (curator, art theorist, ArtBOX.gr), Elli Chrysidou (artist, Vice-Mayor of Culture, Municipality of Thessaloniki), Vicky Dalkrani (Director, Institute of Exhibition Research - HELEXPO), Christos Savvidis (curator, ArtBOX.gr; Artistic Director, Artecitya by Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki)
2017, BEST PAPER AWARD for the conference paper Giannelis A., Symeonidou I., Tzetzis D., Kaisarlis G. and Kyratsis P. (2017) Laser Scanning and CAD Conversion Accuracy Correction of a Highly Curved Engineering Component using a Precision Tactile Measuring System, at the 21st Innovative Manufacturing Engineering & Energy International Conference IManEE 2017 at Iasi, Romania
2014, Full Scholarship by the University of the Aegean for participation in Summer School «Advanced technologies in Product Design, Engineering and Manufacturing»
2014, Scholarship (Based on Portfolio) for participation in the Masterclass by Pierre Labat at the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art as part of INSPIRE FESTIVAL- Funding by ΕSPA 2014
2012, Young CAADRIA Award 2012 from Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA)
2012, Scholarship of Excellence by the Research Committee of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for PhD studies
2011, 1st Honorable Mention in Architecture Competition of the Urban Sea Transport in Thessaloniki, by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks
2011, eCAADe grant for young researchers 2011 from Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe)
2010, Research Grant for Young Researchers from the το EU Seventh Framework Program [FP7/2007-2013] under grant agreement number 230520, project Architectural freeform structures from single-curved panels (short ARC) for participation in Advances in Architectural Geometry, in Vienna
2007, Shortlisted (First round selection) - 7th OISTAT Theatre Architecture Competition, Prague, Czech Republic
2005, 2nd Prize in Category Sustainability Award of the Youth Photography Competition organised by the Cultural Association of Cantabria
2005, Shortlisted for the International Contest [Humanity] Utmost Design 04/05 organised by Hunan University, China
2004, Full Scholarship by the Union of Mediterranean Architects for participation in the Summer School of Centre d'Étude pour la Ville et l'Architecture (CEVA) in Beaucaire, France
2003, Scholarship from Erasmus exchange programme for studies at the Architecture School of Czech Technical University of Prague
1996, National Award of Excellence from the Hellenic Mathematical Society. Finalist of all three phases of the national competition and member of the Greek National Team of Mathematics in 1996