Three-dimensional (3D) printing has drawn attention as one of the main topics of the fourth industrial revolution defined as Industry 4.0. During the last years, the use of 3D printing has significantly increased across various industrial sectors. While in some areas of the manufacturing industry this technology, based on a layer-by-layer process, is already mature, in the field of architecture the examples are still limited. The aim of this research thesis is to analyze and describe 3d printing’s technological state and relevance to attempt to answer: “What is the current state of 3d printing technology usage within the field of architecture”. The first part of the paper creates a contextual background in analyzing 3D printing technology advancements with focus on large scale construction methods. The second part contains key aspects that make this technology stands out from traditional designing and building methods regarding the architectural geometry, materiality and attempts a critique based on the potential advantages of 3D printing and limitations in relation to building construction. The final part consists of a critical classification and study of certain constructions based on the scale and their use to evaluate them and draw useful conclusions. By reviewing the available bibliography, the paper aims to open a discussion along with challenges and future prospects for 3D printing technologies in terms of digital fabrications and seeks to provide answers to the research questions that were posed.