The implementation of an architectural study consists of various,important,andinterrelatedstages,themainofwhichis construction.Theintroductionofrobotsasmeansofconstructionin the production process meant both the replacement of much of human labor and the possibility of individual design andconstruction.Roboticarms,asgeneralpurposemachines, combinedwithspeciallyadaptedtoolsanddigitalrepresentations, haveinrecentyearsbecomethemeansofcreativeexploration in architecture, arts and design (Brell-Cokcan and Braumann, 2013).Thisisduetotheirexcellentadaptability,their"smart" behavior and high accuracy, features that enable them for a range of applications and practices in many different scales.
This research paper examines the contribution of robotics in architectureandtheroleoftheroboticarminconstruction.Inthe contextoftheindividualobjectives,therelationofthecraftsman to the tool and the importance of digital tools in the field of architecture are described. More specifically, it explores how, throughtheevolutionandshiftoftheoriesandpractices,inthe lightofdigitalarchitecture,theroleofthearchitectisinfluenced and its relationship with construction is redefined. Then, the concept of robot is analyzed and a brief historical review of robotic systems in production processes is made. The waythe craftsman works is contrasted with that of the robot, while, at the same time, the production stages and the construction methods are presented, accompanied by the respective examples.Finally,theconclusionsoftheresearcharepresented.