Ktisis,initsmostancientdefinition, was “clearing, preparation of the land, sowing, planting”, while later the meanings of “establishment”, “construction” and “habitation” were added. The course reintroduces spaces of culture –in both versions: that of civilization and that of agriculture- to contemporary architectural practices.
Throughout the spring semester, the students cultivate the seeds of an indigenous variety of
an one-year fruiting plant of their choice. At the same time, they are asked to design and construct a portable system of feeding their plant, after they have studied its nature and needs during the whole period until its full growth. The objective is to grow a healthy plant which will bear fruit and then collect the seeds that will be used for sowing by the students participating in the course in the following academic year.
Cauvin, JacquesΓέννηση των θεοτήτων. Γέννηση της Γεωργίας. Η Επανάσταση των Συμβόλων στη Νεολιθική Εποχή, Ηράκλειο, Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 1997.
Μανέτας, Γιάννης Τι θα έβλεπε η Αλίκη στην χώρα των φυτών, Ηράκλειο, Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 2010.
Μαργκούλις, Λυν Ο Συμβιωτικός Πλανήτης, Αθήνα, Κάτοπτρον, 2001
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PELITIS http://www.peliti.gr