The main purpose of this course is to enrich architectural thinking with the theories and methods of social anthropology, and to familiarize students with the use of social research. Social Anthropology offers special tools for approaching and understanding thecultural features of social groups, expressed through architecture and spatial organization.
Kinship and the system of transmission, religious practices and magical thinking, marital strategies and social structures are some of the factors that affect the dwelling system. On the other hand, the built environment imposes and reproduces patterns and behaviours, fuelling social structures with symbols, reflectinghistory and being a vector of collective memory, while maintaining its own inertia to changes and developments.The course has a theoretical and a practical section. In the theoretical section the theories of Anthropology of Space are presented. The object of the empirical section is theimprinting of a traditional building, the documentation and interpretation of its use through time, in relation to social and cultural factors.
Hall Ed. La dimension cachée , Points Seuil, 1971
Lefebvre Henry La production de l’espace, 1974 Anthropos
Paul – Levy F., Segaud M. Anthropologie de l’ espace, Colin 2007
Αμος Ράποπορτ, Ανώνυμη Αρχιτεκτονική και πολιτισμικοί παράγοντες, επιμ. Δ. Φιλιππίδης, Μέλισσα 2010